Canon Forums
Canon Forums is a friendly community for passionate photographers shooting with Canon cameras. Here you can share photos and get help with your Canon cameras, talk about the photographic & video techniques, find tutorials & tips, and receive honest comments and suggestions for improvement from fellow photographers.
Canon Forums
6h ago
The keyhole for the winding key on our grandfather clock, made around 1760.
The visible extent of the image is 3".
Winder keyhole by John Liddle, on Flickr more
Canon Forums
6d ago
Terrible Weather outside and Dark so testing the Now -Working EOS 40D inside on Wife's Christmas gear -- i used a CANON EF 50mm f1.8 Car Boot Sale Bargain lens at FULL APERTURE and tried ISO 1000 and the Digital 'Noise' was not too bad !
View attachment 18093 more
Canon Forums
1w ago
Hi everyone, I just bought an old canon A400 powershot. Suddenly the lcd display screen started having these white artifacts as shown in the attached image, meaning it is very difficult to take and see pictures using the lcd screen.
If anyone knows what the problem is and the fixes needed I would greatly appreciate it more
Canon Forums
1w ago
My Powershot SX60-HS camera works great. Wanted to improve so I bought a YONGNUO SPEEDLITE YN600EX-RT flash unit.
I have read the instructions till I'm almost blind. I cannot get the flash to trigger with the camera.(I know these do not work in the wireless mode)
(The flash works just fine with the test button.)
Flash is set at ETTL
ISO is set to flash on the camera
The is a red flash icon on the camera display.
What am I doing wrong???
Have to have this working by Thursday or I'm sleeping...
SX60-HS won't trigger YN600EX-RT flash more
Canon Forums
1w ago
Couldn't wait to get some snaps taken with the EOS 40 D body a Camera Club Lady gave me as Not Working ( see 'Technical Troubleshooting Thread' ) So I tried a CANON Speedlite 540EZ on it and View attachment 18087 View attachment 18088 View attachment 18089 got bad OVER -Exposure and the TTL metering did not seem to work at all so I fitted the much OLDER CANON Speedlite 199A for FILM Canons and set 'Manual' shutter speed so set 1/250th on the EOS 40D and...
YO ! First TESTS with my NOW WORKING EOS 40D more
Canon Forums
1w ago
This month's photo topic is "Shopping" -- Holiday shopping can provide some interesting subject matter.
Happy shooting!
Again, the rules are simple:
Should be be using some canon gear , this is a canon forum after all.
Shot with the assignment in mind, go out and shoot something new don't dig up something from the archives.
and most importantly have fun more
Canon Forums
1w ago
I need some photography image file organizational suggestions/tips please - but for the love of all that's sacred, please, please, no Adobe Lightroom or 'keyword' suggestions! I'm certain to be one of the few humans around that seems to (or at least openly admits to) having a serious dislike for the Lightroom 'Catalog' and the use of 'Keywords' for organization. I used LR for years, keywords for much less, and have found myself going back to my original workflow method with Camera...
File Organization Methods more
Canon Forums
1w ago
I’ve posted a thread on the tech forum part but it seems its less frequented than here.
Is it possible with my canon 600d to use flash modes to mimic good natural light close-up to an object?
more info with pics of my issue on this thread: more