Cara Merawat Aki Motor Kering Agar Awet
by Ivelisse
2y ago
Pada review kali ini kita akan membahas Cara Merawat Aki Motor Kering Agar Awet. Dibandingkan dengan aki basah, aki kering saat ini merupakan aki yang lebih populer di kalangan pengguna sepeda motor. Ini karena sel kering membutuhkan perawatan yang lebih sedikit daripada baterai lainnya. Lalu bagaimana cara merawat aki motor kering agar bisa bertahan lama? Berikut akan mengulas caranya. Perhatikan terlebih dahulu bahwa aki pada sepeda motor digunakan sebagai sumber tenaga. Menyalakan mesin sepeda motor ini tergantung dari baterainya. Untuk itu diperlukan perawatan alat vital kendaraan yang bai more
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Spesifikasi dan Harga ROG Phone 5
by Ivelisse
2y ago
Spesifikasi dan Harga ROG Phone 5 – ROG Phone 5 memiliki tiga kamera belakang, kamera utama 64MP dengan lensa sudut lebar 13MP, dan makro 5MP. Dan kamera depan mampu mengambil selfie lebih sempurna pada 24MP. Yang jelas, ponsel ini diperuntukkan bagi para gamer yang juga menggemari dunia fotografi. Nah, seperti ROG sebelumnya, ponsel ini juga hadir dengan fitur lock screen atau X Mode yang mendorong performa chipset yang mereka gunakan di ponsel ini hingga batas maksimal. Spesifikasi dan Harga ROG Phone 5 ASUS ROG Phone 5 memiliki kapasitas baterai 6000mAh dengan pengisian cepat 65W. Ponsel in more
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Tesla Luncurkan Smartphone Dengan Fitur Tercanggih
by Ivelisse
2y ago
5amyogi – Tesla akan mengejutkan industri smartphone dengan meluncurkan model Pi dengan banyak fitur ultra-canggih. Rumor peluncuran smartphone tersebut mulai beredar di dunia maya. Ini bukan pertama kalinya Tesla meluncurkan produk di luar mobil listrik. Sebelumnya, perusahaan yang didirikan oleh Elon Musk ini membuat ATV bernama Cyber​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ dari dari pelengkap. Elon Musk berencana untuk memasangkan Tesla Model Pi dengan flagships seperti iPhone 13 atau Samsung Galaxy S21. Smartphone ini memiliki empat kamera d more
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Pakai Narkoba Demi Kepuasan, DJ Joice Chalista Ditangkap Polisi
by Ivelisse
2y ago
DJ Joice Chalista ditangkap polisi atas tuduhan narkoba. DJ Joicee ditangkap saat menghadiri pesta narkoba bersama tiga temannya. Dalam pemeriksaan polisi, DJ Joicee yang juga mantan model majalah itu mengaku menggunakan narkoba untuk gratifikasi. DJ Joice kini ditetapkan sebagai tersangka narkoba. AKP Billy Gustiano, Deputi Narkoba Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan, menjelaskan penangkapan DJ Joice berawal dari laporan terkait narkoba. Polisi kemudian menangkap DJ Joicece dan lainnya. Pakai Narkoba Demi Kepuasan, DJ Joice Chalista Ditangkap Polisi Polisi mengungkapkan, DJ Joicee ditangkap kemarin more
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Penyelundupan Manusia Paling Mematikan Dalam Sejarah AS
by Ivelisse
2y ago
Penyelundupan Manusia Paling Mematikan Dalam Sejarah AS. Sekitar pukul 18.00 waktu setempat, tim darurat tiba di lokasi ditemukannya puluhan jenazah migran. Sedikitnya 46 orang ditemukan tewas di dalam truk kontainer di pinggiran San Antonio pada Senin malam. Para korban diyakini sebagai imigran gelap. Selain korban tewas, sedikitnya 16 orang, termasuk empat anak, dibawa ke rumah sakit, kata seorang petugas pemadam kebakaran. Jenazah para penyintas berada dalam kondisi suhu tinggi. Mencurigai mereka dari sengatan panas dan kelelahan. San Antonio, 250 kilometer dari perbatasan AS-Meksiko, adala more
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How to Protect Your Children From the Dangers of Online Games
by camilla24am
3y ago
How to Protect Your Children From the Dangers of Online Games There are several ways to protect your children from the dangers of online games. You can monitor their activities to ensure that they are not doing anything illegal and to evaluate the risks of the games. Check out Common Sense Media’s section on video games, which reviews games for age appropriateness and content. Look for ESRB ratings. There are some things to keep in mind when choosing an online game. ESRB ratings are guidelines for the rating of the game and a game that has an “Everyone” rating is not appropriate for children more
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What Are the Advantages of Online Games?
by camilla24am
3y ago
Online games are a great way to connect with people from around the world. In the past, many students were caught up in a lockdown and ended up playing video games. These games helped them socialise, make friends, and play with others who had the same interests. These games are also highly addictive. However, the best advantage of playing these games is the fact that they are free! In addition, many of these games are free to play and are designed for all skill levels. Playing online games also helps people with social anxiety. Some of these games require a lot of planning and teamwork, which more
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Are Online Games Dangerous?
by camilla24am
3y ago
Are Online Games Dangerous? It is important to keep your children safe, but many parents have no idea how dangerous online games can be for them. Some of these dangers include addiction and child grooming. While the majority of children are harmless, it is important to make sure they know how to use the internet responsibly. It is also a good idea to play with your children, so that you can show them the dangers of playing these games. If you are concerned that your child might become addicted to these, it is important to take steps to prevent it. There are several types of online games, and more
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How Often Do You Play Online Games?
by camilla24am
3y ago
According to a new study, almost half of aspiring professionals and experts play video games more than twelve hours per week. In contrast, novices spend less than four hours playing each game a week. The survey also asked respondents to rate the number of hours they spend playing online games on a scale of 0 to 10. In addition, more than a third of those surveyed played for at least one hour a day, and a quarter spent over twenty hours per week. Regardless of the genre of video game you prefer, it’s important to choose the right settings to match your needs. For example, if you’re an avid sho more
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Where to Play Online Games Free Without Downloading
by camilla24am
3y ago
There are many places on the web where you can play online games free without downloading. Some of these websites will provide lists of popular games that you can play. Others will have links to downloadable games, such as Addicting Games. Regardless of what type of game you are looking for, you’ll be able to find it on a website like Addicting Games. In addition, many sites offer a variety of other options, such as music and chat rooms. Some of these sites have an account system that makes it easy to save your progress in your favorite games. For example, you can follow the progress of a favo more
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