Mythic Zodiac » Politics
Janet Kane is a professional astrological counselor, teacher and writer in the Washington, DC area who uses fairy tales, myths and archetypes in her work. Get to know about Political astrology at Mythic Zodiac.
Mythic Zodiac » Politics
2y ago
You will receive this newsletter, amid two eclipses. Read my eclipse report here.
This month we have the second of the eclipses and it’s a doozy, a Total Lunar Eclipse on the 8th at 14 Taurus/Scorpio. This is on the US midterm elections and will bring shocks and confusion. But this eclipse will not only affect the US. I’m sorry to have to reveal to you that the US is not the most important country in the world. Eclipses affect the entire globe.
Because I like puzzles, I am trying to guess what could shake up the whole world from this eclipse. I think what may cause an e ..read more
Mythic Zodiac » Politics
2y ago
When an important person enters the world stage, I try not to take a peek at the birth chart because I can get obsessed. Also, I have other things to do which include working on birth charts. But with King Charles I couldn’t resist, so here are some of my thoughts.
First a disclaimer: I don’t believe in looking at a birth chart without the person sitting in front of me to give feedback. I don’t know King Charles as we don’t really run in the same circles. As Robert Hand, a Master Astrologer said, “You don’t know how much consciousness was pumped into the chart.”
King Charles ..read more
Mythic Zodiac » Politics
4y ago
This is the worst month of the year, sorry! But after the end of January, we won’t see anything like the horrific aspects we have had in 2020 and this month. Last year we were dealing with Mars (aggression and anger) squaring Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. Mars went retrograde in Aries so he passed over these planets three times. Now in January, he moves into milder Taurus, BUT Jupiter and Saturn have moved into Aquarius, so we have the same squares again, which will start to break up late in the month. A square is an aspect that creates tension, obstacles, and challenges in ..read more
Mythic Zodiac » Politics
4y ago
Rumi – Why stay in prison when the doors are wide open.
This month is packed full of aspects. One is the Eclipse on the 14 thwhich will conjunct President Trump’s natal lunar eclipse. This is the same date as the Electoral College. This eclipse could just eclipse him out. See my eclipse report here .
Let’s look at what we are ..read more
Mythic Zodiac » Politics
4y ago
We are still climbing the mountain this month and the hardest trek is at the top. But we will get there, but not until next month. The good news this month is that the nasty trio of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto is starting to break up this month. Remember Saturn rules limits and restrictions and Pluto rules destruction and regeneration and Jupiter is escalating the energies of these planets. Jupiter turned direct last month and is slowly pulling away from the other two. Saturn also turned direct last month and is moving away from Pluto. Pluto turns direct this month, but moves ..read more
Mythic Zodiac » Politics
4y ago
Those pesky planets traveling through Capricorn just won’t leave you alone. Two of them; Jupiter and Saturn will stop in the sky this month to make sure you get whatever lessons they are trying to teach you. They are more intense when they stop like that. Pluto doesn’t need to stop to be intense; he’s a monster in his own right. So these are the degrees to look for in your birth chart; 20 to 24 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer, 23 to 27 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer, and 25 to 18 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer. Also, look at the house that contains Capricorn . This ..read more
Mythic Zodiac » Politics
4y ago
Kamala Harris was born on Oct 20, 1964 at 9:28 PM in Oakland, CA.
I analyze birth charts by looking at the archetypes, or in other words, daimon’s or gods and goddesses. As Hillman’s states in his book, The Soul’s Code, “The soul of each of us is given a unique daimon before we are born and it has selected an image or pattern that we live on earth….the daimon is the carrier of our destiny. Thus we are born with unconscious drives and motivations. The ancients Greeks called this energy the gods. Hillman called them daimons and Jung called them archetypes. Archetypes are ..read more
Mythic Zodiac » Politics
4y ago
I spent most of July doing updates to my client’s charts. I noticed how important the Progressed Sun and also the Progressed New Moon cycles were to my clients in understanding the long term phases that are happening in their life. Since I was on a roll I decided to do the progressions for President Trump and add in the eclipses since they are affecting him this year and the next. Here is the article from my blog
August will ..read more
Mythic Zodiac » Politics
4y ago
Archetypes are universal patterns that reside in the collective unconscious and actualize in behavior or images when they become conscious. Their nature is unclear until they emerge, but they can be considered somewhat equivalent to instinct. Examples are the Mother, the Trickster, the Old Man and the Self. The Crone is an interesting archetype because current western culture, for the most part, has not allowed its healthy expression.
In ancient societies, the Crone performed many important functions in these cultures. She was the midwife--the expert at delivering children and handling c ..read more
Mythic Zodiac » Politics
4y ago
The Sun will move into Gemini on May 20.
I’m just sick of hearing that Geminis are fickle and shallow; because while they are talking to you, their eyes are flitting around the room looking to see if there is someone more interesting to talk to or talk “at”. They are curious about who else is in the room. Curiosity is always getting them into trouble. For example, they think and sometimes act on such thoughts as, "I wonder what it would be like to be married to that person, to live in that country, to join a street gang, or to smoke some dope?"
Astrology can be considered th ..read more