Our neighbour may have just stolen our cat....?
Pet Forums » Cat Chat
by BeBopTalulah
1d ago
Hi there, new to this forum, and really need advice. (I like to think I am a rational person, although this post may suggest otherwise!) We have two rescue cats, neutered, microchipped, vaccinated, wormed and very much loved. I think we are good, responsible owners. We live in a rural area and allow our cats free roam. They both always come home to bed with us, and we usually see them regularly throughout the day, coming and going. In an attempt to keep their teeth healthy, we limit the... Our neighbour may have just stolen our cat ..read more
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Cat chat competition 60
Pet Forums » Cat Chat
by ewelsh
1d ago
Here is Lottie…over to you all ..read more
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Cat food for Catkidney disease
Pet Forums » Cat Chat
by Anuska
1d ago
Dear readers. I hope this message finds you well. My cat was diagnosed Stage 2 kidney disease. I've tried homeopathy and natural drop which helps but I'd like to know if a good Cat food Brand that has good quality ingredients. At the moment I cook his meals but lack of nutrients like Taurine. And it's very tiring cooking for a fussy cat. Could someone recommend me a good quality brand. I used to give him Catz brand but it's high in phosphorus and offal. Many thanks ..read more
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Happy Birthday Mr Magnificent ....15 years Old Today
Pet Forums » Cat Chat
by buffie
1d ago
It seems just like yesterday he was just a little lad............. 14 years and 9 months later he is big elderly lad, how the years have flown past...... Happy Birthday Meeko xxx ..read more
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Pregnant cat water broke
Pet Forums » Cat Chat
by Toni Maria
1d ago
Hi there. My cat is currently around 60 days pregnant and yesterday at 2.30pm I went to check on her and she was lay on my iron board and stood up I then realised she was soaking wet at her back end and there was allot of liquid on the board, the liquid was clear with no odour so I assumed it was her water breaking, I was on watch all night but she just slept and was moving from spot to spot, she is still eating and drinking well. This is my first cat litter so I am just curious as to if I... Pregnant cat water broke ..read more
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Sad update
Pet Forums » Cat Chat
by Elaine b37
1d ago
Hello all I haven't posted here for a long time although since the summer I have started and deleted more than a few threads, then yesterday I received a lovely cheery 'come back we miss you' e mail from the forum. I think you have probably guessed what is coming next sadly, in July we lost Cody. He was unwell at the end of June, very lethargic and not eating very much at all for a couple of days so we took him along to the vet, our usual vet was on holiday so we saw a locum who examined... sad update ..read more
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FIC advice
Pet Forums » Cat Chat
by CubbyFox9
1d ago
Hi guys, So about 3 months ago my 1 year girl was starting to frequent her litter box alot more than usual. We were concerned that her bladder was blocked (I've had a cat in the past who had this issue) so we took her to the vets and they suspected FIC and gave her rhemocam. After the 7 days she was fine. However, she's since had another 2 flare ups. We have her brother also living with us. I've got 2 feliway plug-ins and about 2 weeks ago we started them both on cystease. She's very... FIC advice ..read more
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Queen Eva has some chin acne
Pet Forums » Cat Chat
by lorilu
1d ago
Queen Eva has developed some chin acne. I knew it was there because I could feel a little bump when she gets her quick chin skritch under the covers but yesterday I got a good look at it and it's bigger than I realized. She let me clean it this morning and I put a drop of coconut oil on it and rubbed it in, after which she promptly did a thorough face wash, so I don't know how much it will help, but I ordered some Vetericyn cat face care antiseptic that will be here next week. They had... Queen Eva has some chin acne ..read more
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'scammed by breeder thread deleted
Pet Forums » Cat Chat
by OrientalSlave
1d ago
I do hate when this happens. Presumably the OP didn't like our advice ..read more
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Cat snot help
Pet Forums » Cat Chat
by Catsohcats
1d ago
Hey guys I can’t afford to take my cat to the vet atm and recently she has caught a cold or allergies. BTW She is fully vaccinated. Right now she’s filled up with snot but it’s not coming out of her nose her nose isn’t runny but her eyes are watery also. But even when she sneezes and she making all those snotty sounds no snot is coming out I don’t understand it. Is there anything I can do to help her get rid of the mucus in the meantime before I take her to the vet in a couple of days. And... Cat snot help ..read more
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