Stack Overflow Questions
Stack Overflow is the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their programming & technical knowledge, ask questions and build their careers. It is empowering the world to develop technology through collective knowledge.
Stack Overflow Questions
14h ago
We have a Rails API container and execute some short-running batch jobs using the following commands:
bundle exec rake execute[NotifyAction] RAILS_ENV=staging
bundle exec rails runner Emails::CheckingTask.execute RAILS_ENV=staging
Currently, we use the docker run command to execute these tasks on EC2, but now we want to run them in an AWS Lambda container.
I found that we need to use the AWS Lambda Ruby Runtime Interface Client (RIC) for this, but I am unsure how to run bundle exec rake execute and bundle exec rails runner inside the Lambda handler function.
Has anyone successfully implement ..read more
Stack Overflow Questions
14h ago
I work on gridview I can't create a row span for categories that include multiple
activities, each category cell should encompass several activity cells.
so I will group by Category that represent by column CAT_DESC to include multiple
Activities that represent by column ACT_DESC
Car bmw
Car mercedes
Car Fiat
After applying the merge cell row span, the expected result will be:
Car mercedes
In this format, the category is represented by one merged cell, while the acti ..read more
Stack Overflow Questions
14h ago
I want to add a menu item/action to the default contextual menu items that are shown when we tap on a selected item using the PenciKit lasso.
I tried overriding the touchesBegan to try to identify the selectionView and maybe override the menu there, but it does not seem to be the right way to do that.
class Canvas: PKCanvasView {
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
super.touchesBegan(touches, with: event)
touches.forEach { touch in
print("touch location \(touch.location(in: self))")
ScreenGra ..read more
Stack Overflow Questions
14h ago
Is it possible to change action on press "123" and "ABC" Buttons on keyboard? (To switch not between 2 presentations of .default keyboard but different styles)
textField.returnKeyType = .default // I have this
textField.123KeyType = { switch to .numberPad } // my expectation
textField.ABCKeyType = { switch to .default } // my expectation ..read more
Stack Overflow Questions
14h ago
Tiktok's API "signature" piece is a nightmare, and I can find absolutely no information from anywhere about it, other than their lame documentation linked below, where the example is written in "golang" - whatever the heck THAT is lol
I managed to put the encryption code together in two lines of PHP (see below), but the confusing part to me is Step 5 of these signing instructions where it talks about passing the body:
"If the request header content_type is not multipart/form-data, append body to the end"
Body? What body?? From the cUrl request I haven't even made yet??? I am so lost on this ..read more
Stack Overflow Questions
14h ago
Since C++11, we have had the ability to use scoped enumerations with either:
enum struct MyScopedEnum
True = 1,
False = 0
enum class MyScopedEnum
True = 1,
False = 0
However, unlike regular class and struct, where members are private by default for class and public by default for struct, scoped enums make their enumerators public regardless of whether we use enum class or enum struct.
This seems to break the established convention that class implies stricter access control than struct. Given that scoped enums don't allow explicit access specifiers (i.e., public ..read more
Stack Overflow Questions
14h ago
I have an iframe inside of a modal which opens a form onclick.
<iframe src="https://my.form.url" width="90%" height="500" type="text/html" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" ></iframe>
Using PHP, how can I change the iframe URL based on page id ..read more
Stack Overflow Questions
14h ago
i'm trying to pass to a parameter a variable declared in a variable group devops library:
name: $(BuildDefinitionName)$(SourceBranchName)$(date:yyyyMMdd)$(rev:.r)
- none
variables: # terraform variables
- group: 'IAC Terraform'
name: $(agentPoolName)
##################################################################### 1-resource_group
###################################################### NO PROD
- stage: noprod_validate_terraform_rg
displayName: 'RG - NO PROD Validate TF'
- template: plan-apply.yml
env: $(env-dv ..read more
Stack Overflow Questions
14h ago
I am being told this is new... How/Where can I check this ..read more
Stack Overflow Questions
14h ago
Motivation: I am a senior software engineer who is developing an Intro to CS and Programming Language Design course. Part of my curriculum is centered around a cleaned-up TinyBASIC interpreter originally written in C.
The problem: I probably want to teach the course in Python, alas, Python has no macros, and, philosophy aside, ++ and -- operators are both convenient, readable, and concise. (By comparison, porting the C code to Common Lisp as a stepping-stone was easy, because Lisp has an awesome macro "preprocessor.")
Question: Is there any elegant way to express pre-/post-increment, and pre ..read more