How Can I Replace First Hyphen in a Folder's Name but Leave All Other Hyphens in it Unchanged?
Windows Forum » Programming and Scripting
by tatihulot
1M ago
Hello and Happy New Year. I’d like some advice and suggestions on how to perform a specific task involving batch renaming a large group of folders. I want to rename over 5,000 folders a certain way. I don’t have to rename them all at once. They are all in one central folder, at least for now. (That folder is C:\MUSIC2025.) I want to replace the first hyphen in each folder’s name with an equals sign (=). However, I do not want any other hyphens in the folder’s name replaced at all... Read more more
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Play mp3 onload body code
Windows Forum » Programming and Scripting
by Bobby2025b
2M ago
Im trying to play sound onload body //section 1 works only if i click button on click test1() my code works...but doesn't play the file once body onload fucntion call runs in , function test1 trying to play sound tried doesn't run onload body i placed my explanation inside my code below so you can see what I'm doing...I left out full source code including my php code to save time. The parts I've added explains each section what I'm trying to accomplish. I hope It's easy. I know... Read more more
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MAUI publish command for .net8
Windows Forum » Programming and Scripting
by Harsh Agarwal
3M ago
I am using the following command to publish a MAUI application. dotnet publish -f net7.0-windows10.0.19041.0 -p:RuntimeIdentifierOverride=win10-x64 -p:WindowsPackageType=None -p:WindowsAppSDKSelfContained=true -p:Version=${appVersion} --configuration ${environmentMap[env]} This is working fine for dotnet 7 but nor for dotnet 8. When i build with dotnet v8 then build is successfull but on the system where dotnet is not already installed. It is showing it needs dotnet that means the self... Read more more
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Active Directory Group Membership Query Counter
Windows Forum » Programming and Scripting
by ClearlyNotRightInTheHead
3M ago
I have a list of security groups defined in Microsoft AD and i want to be able to see the counters for how many times that has been queried. I don’t want to know how many are in the group, who they are or anything like that, I want to know the counters to verify the group is still actively being used or not. I have searching online, and no results have been found so far and surely, I can’t be the first to ask this question. Can anyone help as I can’t find this online anywhere more
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Scripting folder layouts
Windows Forum » Programming and Scripting
by julianbury
4M ago
Greetings I am new here and new to W7. I have recently moved from XP to W7. The installing of W7 was impressively slick and self-sufficient. I thought it was going to be bliss. Then I actually started to use it. I was shocked to find that the folders behave completely differently than in XP. W7 folders don't have useful memories. They are dead-headed. In XP, folders could be relied upon to pop up where you put them with contents formatted as they were when the folder was closed. If I... Read more more
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Quickly change sound
Windows Forum » Programming and Scripting
by Aamto24
7M ago
Is there a way for me to change my sound settings to a preset setting by just pressing a button. For example, I like to play music through my microphone, and I do this by listening to my microphone than disabling it. But to actually use my microphone I would have to disable these changes manually and it is rather time consuming. Is there anyway within windows to assign a button to change between the two settings, or is there any program which can do this more
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Dont run script IF
Windows Forum » Programming and Scripting
by Orinoco74
7M ago
I have an issue, i have just started a Windows 7 Migration Project and i was originally brought in to do GPO, now i have bene asked to do something else and i am a little stuck. Basically we still run Windows XP on most of our machines but will start migrating over to 7 soon. We run a batch script that is set up as part of the users profile in AD and runs in XP only. For Windows 7, icons and shortcuts are all done via GPO. What i want to do is run this batch script but ONLY if the pc... Read more more
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Validate certificate chain with powershell
Windows Forum » Programming and Scripting
by ievgen
7M ago
I'm trying to write a script which validates certificate chain in PowerShell (that all certificates in the chain are not expired) and finds the certificate which is closest to expiration. I'm using following script to find issuer certificate: Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path Cert: | Where-Object { $_.Subject -eq $Certificate.Issuer } For some reasons for some certificates I get more then one certificate with different Thumbprints, which have the same issuer name and I expected that should be... Read more more
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How to create a 'smart view' with symbolic links
Windows Forum » Programming and Scripting
by xen111
7M ago
I haven't done any programming for a long time, and virtually haven't done any Windows scripting since the days of MS-DOS. For my digital audio needs I am planning to separate my music collection into 3 folder trees: - lossless albums - lossy albums inclusive - lossy albums exclusive. The lossless (FLAC) albums and the lossy (MP3) inclusive albums will be combined into a single library for every kind of jukebox software I use, ie. currently Winamp and Squeezebox. These two collections are... Read more more
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Windows 7 equivalnet to "UpdatePerUserSystemParameters"
Windows Forum » Programming and Scripting
by TotallyAwesome
7M ago
Hello, I have a batch file that I am using to change the various items on my computer. I put the changes in the registry and then use the following command to implement the change %SystemRoot%\System32\RUNDLL32.EXE user32.dll, UpdatePerUserSystemParameters This approach worked great in WIndows XP Pro but does not work in Windows 7. Any ideas that the equivalent way is in windows 7 more
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