GetForward (or Right) Vector confusion.
Unreal Engine Forums » Development
by 1xu7
46s ago
Hello! I have a question regarding to Forward or Right Vector I was wondering why when getting GetActorForwardVector returns a Vector (regardless the name of the function) if you know that X is the forward… So, according to what imagine… ActorForwardVector.X = 5 ActorForwardVector.Y = 5 should be marking the same coordinate as: ActorRightVector.X = 5 ActorRightVector.Y = -5 ? 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic more
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Unreal Engine Advanced Security Plugin
Unreal Engine Forums » Development
by TeamEW
47s ago
Hello, could you please check why my Unreal Engine plugin seems to not work? I made a perfect advanced security plugin for my games, but after enabling it in UE it seems to not do anything - there are no new blueprint nodes. Link: - Google Drive 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic more
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Rotate Skybox material around two axis
Unreal Engine Forums » Development
by ViaCognita
48s ago
Hi! I’m using Unreal 5.4.4. I have this material: Now, I can rotate around Z axis changing the value of CubemapRotation parameter, but I need to rotate around X axis. The value I need to rotate the Z axis will always be different from the value I need to rotate the X axis. How can I do it? Thanks a lot! 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic more
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"The following Data Tables are missing their row structure and will not be editable."
Unreal Engine Forums » Development
by Tarkin1230
49s ago
Hi! I made a simple c++ struct, and I wanted to make a Data Table out of EGridShape, when I first create data table, I can add edit rows, everything works, but when I close the editor and turn it back on, it’s says that : "The following Data Tables are missing their row structure and will not be editable. * NewDataTable (Row Structure: /Script/Tactica.GridShapeData) Do you want to open these data tables?" And it can’t be open anymore, what am i doing wrong? #pragma once #include "CoreMinimal.h" #include "Engine/DataTable.h" #include "GridStructs.generated.h" UENUM() enum class EGridShape more
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Cesuim crashing on 5.5.2(looking for an alternative)
Unreal Engine Forums » Development
by fansim
50s ago
Hey so cesium was working fine and this morning I made the mistake to update from 5.5.1 to 5.5.2 and ever since cesuim is crashing with this : Unhandled Exception: 0xe06d7363 KERNELBASE VCRUNTIME140 msvcp140 UnrealEditor_CesiumRuntime!std::basic_string_view<char,std::char_traits >::_Xran() UnrealEditor_CesiumRuntime!CesiumGltfContent::GltfUtilities::parseGltfCopyright() UnrealEditor_CesiumRuntime!Cesium3DTilesSelection::TilesetContentManager::finishLoading() UnrealEditor_CesiumRuntime!Cesium3DTilesSelection::Tileset::updateView() UnrealEditor_CesiumRuntime!ACesium3DTileset::Tick() [D:\bu more
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AI strafes when set not to
Unreal Engine Forums » Development
by BlackHole137
51s ago
Hello, i’m setting up an AI for a dog that follows the player around. It works correctly except for one thing. The dog has a limited turn rate with different animations depending on how fast it’s turning. Both the controller and the Move To node are set not to strafe, however, when the dog isn’t facing the player the dog still strafes, moving directly towards the player and not in the direction it’s actually facing. Is this a bug with unreal or is there something i’m missing? Does anyone know a way to actually disable strafing? 2 posts - 2 participants Read full topic more
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Landscape Material giving glitch in build?
Unreal Engine Forums » Development
by Ayushman
1h ago
Hi guys this uneven pattern has appeared in my landscape slope layer, i am not using texture bombing in slope only snow/flat surface i am using texture bombing i was using before via World position offset but i thought it will be because of WPO so i disable it and now i am using landscape coordinate, Worse part is it looks fine in Editor but in build shader get broken if only i can see problem in editor any one has ever experienced something like this Screenshot from editor 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic more
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Pure virtual function being called while application was running(GI's running == 1)
Unreal Engine Forums » Development
by Solo Dev
1h ago
I am not sure what could have cause this.On project startup i get this error and after i click either ok or close the message it crashes meaning i cant even access any blueprints to remove logic and somehow figure out which is the faulty file or reference.I need of a way to at least stop the crashes because crashes have led to my project being corrupted in the past causing me to restart from a backup and losing days worth of development Any help is appreciated! 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic more
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How to evolve a weapon?
Unreal Engine Forums » Development
by SimonL_OSC
1h ago
Hi everyone I would need your light for a project Context: In my project I would need to evolve weapons according to the progression of the players During my research, I saw that there are modular weapons, modifiable by the Weapon Mod Bench I would like to know if it is possible to modify these weapons without this device in verse? Or to interact with the Weapon Mod Bench via verse to modify the weapons? Thank you for your help in advance ^^ Sincerely 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic more
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All Sequencer issues and questions in one big post...
Unreal Engine Forums » Development
by Acolori_Medien
3h ago
So, I´m working extensively with sequencer, because my studio only uses Unreal Engine to produce linear content, aka cinematics for documentations on TV etc. Since I started working with Unreal, I´ve encountered several issues and problems with sequencer I couldn´t yet resolve and since its also really hard to find good sources of information on sequencer, I wanna collect all the issues/questions I have around sequencer in this post, instead of making a bunch of separate posts… I´ll continue updating this with all the tips and tricks and solutions I can find as well and I invite you to do the more
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