Episode 87 - How To Apologise If You Misgender Someone
Non Gendered Fitness Podcast
by Bowie Stover
10M ago
This episode is for all the TGD allies out there. I wanted to break down exactly how you can apologise respectfully when you misgender someone, without making excuses or turning the whole situation into something about yourself. I wanted to take time to talk about how to apologise for making mistakes, which we all do by the way. Now I don't think anyone is perfect and to be honest there isn't an expectation to be. But what I think is important is to show respect and be accountable. If you have any questions about this episode or would like to learn about how we may be able to support you, you ..read more
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Episode 86 - How To Get Started With Kettlebell Training
Non Gendered Fitness Podcast
by Bowie Stover
10M ago
In this episode we will be looking at how you can get started training with Kettlebells. Because I love kettlebells and I love training folks and teaching them about kettlebells. But kettlebells can be pretty intimidating. And it's easy to avoid trying them out because you may now know how to train with them. So I wanted to break it down and go over some steps that you can take if you're wanting to get started using a kettlebell. If you have any questions about this episode or would like to learn about how we may be able to support you, you can go to www.nongenderedfitness.com and send us a me ..read more
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Episode 85 - Making Your New Skills Work For You
Non Gendered Fitness Podcast
by Bowie Stover
10M ago
In this episode we will be looking at how we can put the skills of self discipline, time management and adaptability that we've looked at over the past 3 weeks together in a way that is sustainable long term. And it's important to remember that whatever changes that we make in our lives, we do them in a way that helps improve our quality of life and not add to our stresses by causing feelings of overwhelm, being restricted or that you're missing out on the things that you enjoy. Because at the end of the day, if the changes you're trying to make don't feel good, it's unlikely that you're going ..read more
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Episode 84 - Developing The Skill Of Adaptability
Non Gendered Fitness Podcast
by Bowie Stover
10M ago
In this episode we will be looking at another important skill to build when it comes to working towards your goals or significant changes you're wanting to make. This week we'll be focusing on adaptability. This is our ability to adjust our plans as necessary to ensure that we are still taking steps, however small, towards achieving our fitness and lifestyle goals. Though this is also a very helpful skill to have for all aspects of our lives. If you have any questions about this episode or would like to learn about how we may be able to support you, you can go to www.nongenderedfitness.com and ..read more
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Episode 81 - Your Top 3 Episodes Of 2021
Non Gendered Fitness Podcast
by Bowie Stover
10M ago
In this episode we will be recapping on some of highlights and key take aways from a few of the most popular episodes of the year. Because there have been some stand out episodes that I've seen folks have really liked, especially in the past few months. I'm so happy that since I began this podcast that I've been able to share what I know along with a lot of my opinions about being non binary and supporting the trans and gender diverse community. I wanna thank you for following me and listening to the show. I really hope that I've been able to help you out with wherever you're at in your transi ..read more
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Episode 80 - How You Can Prepare Yourself For Challenging Family Gatherings
Non Gendered Fitness Podcast
by Bowie Stover
10M ago
In this episode we will be looking at how you can prepare yourself for the upcoming holiday period and family gatherings that you may be required to attend. Because this time of year is stressful for people who celebrate the holidays. And these celebrations often come with family commitments and having to engage with people that you might not see often and may be completely insensitive to your experiences. I mean let's face it, we can't choose the family that we are connected to genetically. But we can choose how we can manage ourselves around them. Or even choose not to put yourself in those ..read more
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Episode 79 - Things To Know About Your Body Wrap Up
Non Gendered Fitness Podcast
by Bowie Stover
10M ago
In this episode we will be wrapping up our little series of things that are important for us to know about our bodies. This is not to say that in the few episodes that I've done that I've covered anything even close to things that are important to know about ourselves. But I hope that these episodes have given you an insight into things you may not have known about your body or even helped you see your body from a place of curiosity about the complexity of it. If you have any questions about this episode or would like to learn about how we may be able to support you, you can go to www.nongende ..read more
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Episode 78 - Where Does Our Fat Go When We Lose Weight
Non Gendered Fitness Podcast
by Bowie Stover
10M ago
In this episode we will be looking at another thing about our body that's important to know. And today we're gonna have a see of what actually happens to our body fat when we get leaner or lose weight. Because all we ever hear about from the fitness industrial complex and western culture when it comes to weight loss is that we should do that. We need to have less body fat to be "attractive", "healthy", "fit", "athletic" or whatever. But the concept of losing weight is pretty vague. What actually is happening in our bodies when we do reduce the amount of body fat that we have? It's like this in ..read more
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Episode 77 - 5 Reasons Why Being Transgender And Gender Diverse Is Awesome
Non Gendered Fitness Podcast
by Bowie Stover
10M ago
In this episode we will be looking at how flippin awesome it is to be trans in any of the ways it's possible to exist under this umbrella term. Because it's been trans awareness week this week and I think that it's important that we celebrate the fuck out of ourselves. It can be easy to get caught up in the efforts we make towards being accepted by others, that we don't necessarily just take a moment to celebrate who we are, as we are right now and how ploppin amazing it is to be us. If you have any questions about this episode or would like to learn about how we may be able to support you, yo ..read more
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Episode 76 - How Do Muscles Grow
Non Gendered Fitness Podcast
by Bowie Stover
10M ago
In this episode we will be continuing on with our look at important things you need to know about the body. This episode we're gonna explore muscles. Particularly, how our body grows muscles. Because one of the most common things I hear folks say when they start training is that they don't want to "get bulky". So I'm gonna be breaking down how muscle growth works and why weight training doesn't actually mean you're gonna build muscle mass. Now full disclosure, I'm geeking out a little with the body stuff this week. If you have any questions about this episode or would like to learn about how w ..read more
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