mDecks Music
Join us and enjoy the free music theory lessons, tutorials and complete master classes series where we talk about Music Theory, Jazz Concepts, Upper Structures, Chord Voicings, Sonata Form, Tonal Harmony, Scales and Modes, and much, much more...
mDecks Music
1d ago
We take the lead sheet for "Turn Out The Stars" by Bill Evans and turn it into a full jazz piano arrangement. A unique approach to creating lush and sophisticated voicings is presented, drawing inspiration from the legendary Bill Evans. These chord voicings will add depth and beauty to your jazz piano playing. ➡️ Purchase This Lesson's PDF (non-members) use the link below: https://mdecks.com/ytlesson.phtml?yt=https://youtu.be/nAB8dgBDd08 ➡️ How to get the PDFs (members): https://youtu.be/F0487h1gVQU ➡️ Join exclusive access membership here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBCch4Wd-JAuyURvmmA1 ..read more
mDecks Music
1d ago
This is the final arrangement. How to play "Turn Out The Stars" by Bill Evans from a lead sheet. The pdf with the full jazz piano arrangement will be available soon. The full tutorial is here: https://youtu.be/nAB8dgBDd08 ➡️ Music Books/Courses & Apps website: https://mdecks.com --------------- ⏱ Video Chapters: --------------- #jazzpianolessons #jazzpiano #chordprogressions #jazzimprovisation #jazztheorylessons #MusicTheory #mDecksMusic #JazzPracticeBook #JazzImprovisation #PianoTutorial #LearnJazz ..read more
mDecks Music
5d ago
How to create a jazz piano arrangement of "Christina" by Buster Williams based on a lead sheet. ? In this video, we take the lead sheet for "Christina" from the Berklee Real Book and we create a solo piano arrangement on the spot. ➡️ Purchase This Lesson's PDF (non-members) use the link below: https://mdecks.com/ytlesson.phtml?yt=https://youtu.be/VBxBg1J7Nfg ➡️ How to get the PDFs (members): https://youtu.be/F0487h1gVQU ➡️ Join exclusive access membership here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBCch4Wd-JAuyURvmmA1oyQ/join The Jazz Standards Progressions Book: https://mdecks.com/jazzstandards.p ..read more
mDecks Music
1w ago
How to create a jazz piano arrangement of "Here's That Rainy Day" based on a lead sheet. ? In this video, we take the lead sheet for "Misty" from the Berklee Real Book and we create a solo piano arrangement on the spot. ➡️ Purchase This Lesson's PDF (non-members) use the link below: https://mdecks.com/ytlesson.phtml?yt=https://youtu.be/Iby0vaKZNlE ➡️ How to get the PDFs (members): https://youtu.be/F0487h1gVQU ➡️ Join exclusive access membership here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBCch4Wd-JAuyURvmmA1oyQ/join The Jazz Standards Progressions Book: https://mdecks.com/jazzstandards.phtml Advanc ..read more
mDecks Music
1w ago
Explore the World of Jazz Harmony with The Jazz Standards Progressions Book Collection. Get any of the books in the collection here: https://mdecks.com/jazzstandards.phtml ➡️ Subscribe to our mailing list (promo codes, new releases & sales): https://bit.ly/324URgx ➡️ Books/Courses & Apps website: https://mdecks.com ➡️ Apps Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro: https://mdecks.com/mapharmony.phtml Politonus Ear Training: https://mdecks.com/politonus.phtml Tessitura (scales & modes): https://mdecks.com/tessituramac.phtml ➡️ Books/courses The Jazz Standards Progressions Book: https://mdecks.com/j ..read more
mDecks Music
1w ago
How to create a jazz piano arrangement of "Misty" based on a lead sheet. ? In this video, we take the lead sheet for "Misty" from the Berklee Real Book and we create a solo piano arrangement on the spot. ➡️ Purchase This Lesson's PDF (non-members) use the link below: https://mdecks.com/ytlesson.phtml?yt=https://youtu.be/0CMXokuy4fg ➡️ How to get the PDFs (members): https://youtu.be/F0487h1gVQU ➡️ Join exclusive access membership here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBCch4Wd-JAuyURvmmA1oyQ/join ➡️ Music Books/Courses & Apps website: https://mdecks.com --------------- ⏱ Video Chapters ..read more
mDecks Music
2w ago
Learn more Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro: https://mdecks.com/mapharmony.phtml This is a tutorial for the macOS version. You can also get Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro for iOS here: https://itunes.apple.com/app/mapping-tonal-harmony-pro/id566767002?ls=1&mt=8 #harmony #musictheory #musicapp ..read more
mDecks Music
2w ago
Welcome to The Jazz Practice Book series! This is volume 2: Wynton Kelly - Chapter 3: Bebop - Line 3: Licks Heads & Tails ? Backing tracks, worksheets & more. ? Get The Jazz Improvisation Workbook: https://mdecks.com/jazzpractice.phtml ? In this video, we’re diving into the genius of Wynton Kelly and use transcriptions and variations of his solo lines. Whether you’re new to jazz or a seasoned player, we’ll break down one of Wynton’s signature lines and explore the harmonic magic behind his sound. We’ll cover it all—step-by-step exercises, voicings, and rhythmic comping. You’ll learn ho ..read more
mDecks Music
3w ago
Welcome to The Jazz Practice Book series! This is volume 2: Wynton Kelly - Chapter 3: Bebop - Line 2: The vi dim ? Backing tracks, worksheets & more. ? Get The Jazz Improvisation Workbook: https://mdecks.com/jazzpractice.phtml ? In this video, we’re diving into the genius of Wynton Kelly and use transcriptions and variations of his solo lines. Whether you’re new to jazz or a seasoned player, we’ll break down one of Wynton’s signature lines and explore the harmonic magic behind his sound. We’ll cover it all—step-by-step exercises, voicings, and rhythmic comping. You’ll learn how to adapt an ..read more
mDecks Music
1M ago
Welcome to The Jazz Practice Book series! This is volume 2: Wynton Kelly - Chapter 3: Bebop - Line 1: diatonic sequencing ? Backing tracks, worksheets & more. ? Get The Jazz Improvisation Workbook: https://mdecks.com/jazzpractice.phtml ? In this video, we’re diving into the genius of Wynton Kelly and use transcriptions and variations of his solo lines. Whether you’re new to jazz or a seasoned player, we’ll break down one of Wynton’s signature lines and explore the harmonic magic behind his sound. We’ll cover it all—step-by-step exercises, voicings, and rhythmic comping. You’ll learn how to ..read more