The Double Slit Experiment in Space-time.
Unifying Quantum and Relativistic Theories
by jeffocal
1y ago
Richard Feynman the father of Quantum Electrodynamics or “OED” realized the significance of Thompson’s double slit experiment because he felt carefully thinking through its implications would allow one to get complete understanding of the wave particle duality of existence predicted by Quantum Mechanics. However, one can understand it in terms of the classical properties of wave mechanics and the space-time universe defined by Einstein. The double slit experiment is made up of a coherent source of photons illuminating a screen after passing through a thin plate with two parallel slits cut in i more
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Einstein on the internal structure of  protons and neutrons
Unifying Quantum and Relativistic Theories
by jeffocal
1y ago
Einstein’s Explanation of the Unexplainable Einstein define a way to determine the energy associated with geometry of space that may be responsible for the internal structure of the protons and neutrons which can quantified For example, he quantified how the relative motion of an object causes a change the orientation of the dimensional axis to change with respect to each other. Yet there is another equally valid interpretation which is that change orientation of the dimensional axis is responsible for the energy or momentum of relativity motion. This gives a direct way to quantify how much en more
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A background independent quantum gravity in terms of Relativity.
Unifying Quantum and Relativistic Theories
by jeffocal
2y ago
Background independence is a condition in theoretical physics that requires the defining equations of a theory to be independent of the actual shape of spacetime and the value of various fields within it. In particular this means that it must be possible not to refer to a specific coordinate system—the theory must be coordinate-free. In addition, the different spacetime configurations (or backgrounds) should be obtained as different solutions of the underlying equations. Einstein defined gravity and the shape or geometry of space in terms of its energy density while defining the interaction of more
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A fan of Einstein’s work? This is the book for you.
Unifying Quantum and Relativistic Theories
by jeffocal
2y ago
While new technological advancements grace humankind every day, it is astonishing that some long-gone scientists have produced research that is very much relevant today. As new research about the universe comes to light, we see that research done years ago is being proven right. One of these brilliant scientists that have stood the test of time is the great Albert Einstein. Unbelievable as it may be, the studies and theories put forth and born from his exceptional mind are still aiding scientists of today to understand the world better. Thus, his work holds imperative value and should be studi more
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The Realty behind the wave function and Relativity
Unifying Quantum and Relativistic Theories
by jeffocal
2y ago
Please click here for a brief summary of the ideas presented in this blog. One can define reality as the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. Currently there are two ways science attempts to explain and define the reality of our universe. The first is Quantum mechanics or the branch of physics defines its evolution in terms of the probabilities associated with the wave function. The other is the deterministic environment of Relativity which defines it in terms of a physical interaction between space and time. Specifical more
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Deriving the probabilistic world of quantum mechanics in terms of the determinism of space-time.
Unifying Quantum and Relativistic Theories
by jeffocal
2y ago
Specifically, Einstein defines the evolution of a space-time environment in terms of an electromagnetic wave while quantum mechanics uses the probabilistic interpretation of the wave function to define the most probable configuration of a system when it interacts with its environment or an observer. Since we all live in the same world you would expect the probabilistic approach of quantum mechanics to be compatible with the deterministic one of Einstein. Unfortunately, they define two different worlds which APPEAR to be incompatible. One defines existence in terms of the probabilities associat more
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 Can the geometry of space-time be responsible for the evolution of a quantum system?
Unifying Quantum and Relativistic Theories
by jeffocal
2y ago
Can the geometry of space-time be responsible for the evolution of a quantum system? Please click here if you would like to read a summary of the ideas presented in this blog or save them to an HTML file Quantum mechanics defines the evolution of its environment in terms of the mathematical properties of a wave function. Additionally, it assumes a quantum system exists simultaneously as both waves and particles and ONLY repeat ONLY becomes a particle when it interacts with its external world. However, it cannot tell us how or why that happens. On the other hand, Einstein defines the more
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The effect gravity has on the geometry of space-time inside a black hole
Unifying Quantum and Relativistic Theories
by jeffocal
2y ago
Please click here for a brief summary of the ideas presented in this blog. In an earlier posting (# 1. Do the laws of physics break down in a black hole? << >>) we defined what happens to matter as it falls into a black hole and why a singularity cannot form at its center in terms of inertial reference frames as define by Einstein. However, now we would like to explain why one cannot form in terms of the effects gravity has on the geometry of his space-time universe. The German physicist Karl Schwarzschild was the first more
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Articles posted in 2022
Unifying Quantum and Relativistic Theories
by jeffocal
2y ago
Articles posted in 2021 2020, 2019 , 2017 and 18 , 2016 , 2015 , 2014 , 2013 , 2012 , 2011 , 2010 , 2009 , 2008 , and 2007 Please click here if you would like to read a summary of the ideas presented in this blog or save them to an HTML file Preface The purpose of this blog is to elaborate on the theoretical ideas contained in its companion book “The Reality of Four Spatial Dimensions” in Thomas S. Kuhn’s book “The Structure of Scientific Revolution” he documents the doubts that precipitate a paradigm change in scientific thought. For example, even though one could still make accurate predicti more
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Reality is what is not what can be
Unifying Quantum and Relativistic Theories
by jeffocal
2y ago
Please click here for a brief summary of the ideas presented in this blog. Some proponents of quantum mechanics have suggested that objective reality does not exist. However, if it does not how can any. For example, Planck defined his constant by observing the heat radiation given off by vibrating atoms. However, if that OBJECTIVE REALITY did not exist, how could he have observed it? One cannot say that objective reality does not exist based solely on a mathematical definition such as Quantum mechanics does if that math is based on that reality. This is because math allows for defining on more
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