Zen Sesshin October 6-8 2013 (residential retreat)
Blue Mountain Zendo
by Joriki
1y ago
Sesshin, literally “to collect the mind”, is the Zen Buddhist seclusion or intensive period, consisting of 3-14 days of silent meditative practice. Included in these periods are daily zazen, chanting, communal meals, Dharma Talks/Teisho (sermons), samu (work) periods, and private interview (Dokusan) twice daily with Ryuun Joriki Baker, Osho. During Sesshin, the Zen Student concentrates ..read more
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Monk in need
Blue Mountain Zendo
by Joriki
1y ago
We are getting closer to our goal. I can’t express my gratitude to you all. The maha sangha is amazing and this process has been a deep learning experience for me. This is about we, all of life. We all support one another. When I just came home last week and I watched him cry ..read more
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Seeing into a koan versus knowing a koan.
Blue Mountain Zendo
by Joriki
3y ago
I always let students know that many times “passing” a koan is not really “knowing” it. When we “pass” a koan we merely see into it (kensho), it does not mean in anyway that we have completed it. As a matter of a fact we never “complete” a koan. If we continue to practice over ..read more
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Private Teachings
Blue Mountain Zendo
by Joriki
3y ago
Gassho, Ryuun Joriki Baker, Osho is offering private Zen Buddhist Instruction on Wednesdays and Thursdays via zoom or in person at the temple. These private sessions are 1hour and are designed for those who are interested in the attention and intimacy that only a “one on one” teaching enviroment can offer. These sessions include opening ..read more
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Blue Mountain Zendo
by Joriki
3y ago
So much talk about abiding or finding the present moment. Take a breath, you can not escape the present moment. There is no need to “find” it. You don’t fall in and out of it, you are it. So no matter where you are, no matter how you feel or think, you are awake and ..read more
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Blue Mountain Zendo
by Joriki
3y ago
The zendo is a combustion chamber, it burns away that which has no true substance, and reveals the substance of truth which remains ..read more
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Blow wind blow
Blue Mountain Zendo
by Joriki
3y ago
Blow wind blow, blow as you might, nothing is disturbed ..read more
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Speaking with one voice
Blue Mountain Zendo
by Joriki
3y ago
In order to truly speak with “one” voice, we must investigate the shards of the fragmented mind. We are host to a multitude of internal voices (limitless, primal, wounded child, master, student, ect), and each perceives the world a bit differently. For spiritual maturity to be realized, these voices must be given permission to speak ..read more
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Blue Mountain Zendo
by Joriki
3y ago
One of the primary directions of practice is to cultivate and explore the various footings of emptiness (shunyatta). Early in practice we begin explore the initial stages of emptiness we call oneness. Through this practice we experience a deepening sense of unity with the world around us. For example, when I first started to explore ..read more
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Kokoro (Heart/Mind)
Blue Mountain Zendo
by Joriki
3y ago
My wife is such a loving Bodhisattva. We have four stray alley cats that we adopted when the zendo was in the city. One “Blue” ran into the zendo door, sat down and never left. I perceive I am responsible when any sentient being seeks help from me. Whether this is a person asking, the ..read more
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