DEADLOCK: A Pro Wrestling Podcast
A combination of lifestyle, culture, & an undying love of professional wrestling - DEADLOCK. Puroresu, WWE, AEW, and everything in between. James, Johnny, and Tony give their insight on the world of wrestling served up weekly.
DEADLOCK: A Pro Wrestling Podcast
4d ago
YOU WANT A WAR? WCW Nitro was invaded by “you who who he is” on May 27th, 1996. The man formerly known as Razor Ramon from WWF would show up unannounced through the crowd. Then took the microphone and cut a promo that would change pro wrestling forever. The future Scott Hall talked about a war he was going to start and that he was gonna have more surprise people showing up to WCW! He wanted a match vs 3 of WCW’s best! This would eventually lead to Kevin Nash debuting, followed by Hulk Hogan turning heel and forming the nWo! Also, Macho Man has been deemed crazy as Ms. Elizabeth left him to joi ..read more
DEADLOCK: A Pro Wrestling Podcast
1w ago
On February 1st, 2001 WWF SmackDown! was taken to the XTREME! This is the one and only episode of SmackDown that they called Xtreme! Why was it called this? It’s not an ECW reunion show, as ECW was still in business. Every match isn’t a hardcore gimmick match. It has a lot to do with the TV show Friends & Survivor both airing at the same time. Also, the XFL is premiering this weekend and it was a good idea to promote it! The show opens with The Dudleys defending the Tag Team TItles against the Hardy Boyz in a tables match. It’s not the best tables match, but there are some crazy spots that ..read more
DEADLOCK: A Pro Wrestling Podcast
2w ago
The most controversial night in ECW history happened on the October 29th, 1996 episode of Hardcore TV. Coming from ECW High Incident 1996, this episode features one of the biggest and maybe worst moments of all time. Not only that, but Kurt Angle makes his one and only ECW appearance. This was before he was even a pro wrestler. ECW was trying to get him to join the company so they had him make an in-ring appearance and then do commentary for Taz vs Little Guido. After that it looked like Kurt was going to have a program with Taz. That was until the incident happened. After The Sandman successf ..read more
DEADLOCK: A Pro Wrestling Podcast
3w ago
The October 14th, 2010 episode of TNA iMPACT! features fall out for Bound For Glory 2010 also known as 10/10/10! It was teased for weeks that “THEY” are coming and we need to watch out! It turned out they did come and help Jeff Hardy win the TNA World Championship! Hardy turned heel and the group Immortal was formed! Now on Impact Jeff Hardy, Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Jeff Jarrett and Abyss join forces with Fortune to officially create the mega group we know as Immortal. Also, The Pope wrestles Fortune in a handicap match, Tara drops the Knockouts Title to Madison Rayne, and Abyss and Samoa J ..read more
DEADLOCK: A Pro Wrestling Podcast
1M ago
That’s right, we had to do it! The October 2nd, 2003 edition of WWE SmackDown. This features one of the most infamous segments of all time. Big Show is in the locker room when a guy comes by delivering burritos to Eddie Guerrero. Big Show ends up stealing one of the burritos and spits a huge loogie on the other. He then tells the delivery guy to tell Eddie that Big Show added some special sauce for him. During the Big Show’s match he runs to the back holding his ass. He has to use the bathroom before he shits himself. As he’s on the pot, Eddie Guerrero informs him that he was set up by him and ..read more
DEADLOCK: A Pro Wrestling Podcast
1M ago
“I’m going off the rails on a crazy train!” February 8th, 1997 is the infamous episode of WWF Shotgun Saturday Night that took place inside of Penn Station! You may remember this for one reason, The Undertaker and Triple H! This is the match where The Undertaker gave Hunter Hearst Helmsley a Tombstone Piledriver on an escalator! One of the most iconic moments of Shotgun. Also, The Godwinns and The Nation of Domination battle and Aldo Montoya wrestles! This right this is the future Justin Credible in a mask! Plus, the boys bring back “The DEADLOCK Draft!” This time it’s about the top favorite h ..read more
DEADLOCK: A Pro Wrestling Podcast
1M ago
The last WCW Nitro of 1999 on December 27th and it’s New Year’s Evil. Scott Hall didn’t make call time so they stripped him and Kevin Nash of the WCW Tag Team Titles. There is now a Lethal Lottery Tag Team Tournament to crown new champions. All the teams are random, except some! This is round one of the tournament. Plus, The Band Is Back as the “nWo 2000” create mayhem and destroy Sid Vicious' car! Also, Scott Steiner is going to announce his retirement from pro wrestling! It’s a crazy night to celebrate the New Year!
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DEADLOCK: A Pro Wrestling Podcast
1M ago
It’s a Christmas Miracle! We are actually looking back at the infamous October 31, 2011 episode of WWE Monday Night Raw where The Muppets host! Funny enough, The Muppets are actually the best part of the show! They meet some Superstars, make some matches, and even get involved to help Santino Marella get a victory! Plus, one of the funniest backstage moments happens with Sheamus and Beaker. Also, The Rock says he will join John Cena to take on The Miz and R Truth and Survivor Series, CM Punk challenges Alberto Del Rio for the WWE Championship at the PPV, and Cena and The Miz battle in the main ..read more
DEADLOCK: A Pro Wrestling Podcast
2M ago
Welcome everyone to WWF SATURDAY NIGHT’S MAIN EVENT on NBC! We are going back to October 5th, 1985! Love is in the air as Uncle Elmer is getting married! Uncle Elmer of the Hillbilly Jim family! Some wrestlers think wrestling and romance don’t mix, but this is the first REAL wedding on TV since Tiny Tim and Miss Vicky! Also, Hulk Hogan is the WWF Champion and Nikolai Volkoff, Feddie Blassie, and the Soviet Union threaten the entire USA! It is up to the Hulkster to save the day and defend the honor of America! It’s Flag vs Flag! Plus, Jesse Ventura’s Body Shop talk show, Bobby Heenan’s $50,000 ..read more
DEADLOCK: A Pro Wrestling Podcast
2M ago
It’s October 4th, 2007 and this is the first 2 hour episode of TNA iMPACT! As Sting is in the ring after the 1st match, Kurt Angle comes on the screen! He is at Sting’s Son Garrett’s football game! In a full suit cheering on Garrett as he plays football. The entire episode threads through the Kurt Angle football game! It’s one of the best segments that no one talks about! Only Kurt Angle could make it work! Team 3D attacks Black Machismo and Sonjay Dutt backstage and demand that they get a Tag Team Title Match tonight! The match is made and they vs Team Pacman Jones for the titles. However, th ..read more