The Traditional Naturopath
Dr. Bill Bailey, Ph.D., MH, ND, CNHP, CTN discusses issues in the Natural Health field and how to protect your personal health freedoms.
The Traditional Naturopath
3y ago
Dr. Bill shares a simple, easy to follow immune booster protocol, and discusses it in relation to his personal experience with Covid-19. (Jul 28, 2021 ..read more
The Traditional Naturopath
3y ago
Dr. Bill discusses the results of gluten sensitivity, what gluten is, and how it can effect anyone, not just those that are gluten sensitive. These proteins can attack the body and cause inflammation, leading to many health issues ..read more
The Traditional Naturopath
3y ago
Dr. Bill shares his personal testimony of being raised out of his death-bed through the use of nutrition combined with prayer to effect a healing in his life. He also covers the implications of severe Celiac disease, and what can be done to fight it ..read more
The Traditional Naturopath
3y ago
Vitamin and mineral use cuts down on cancer deaths according to a recent study, 'tearless' onions that are related to garlic, may be good for your heart! Natural methods to boost your body's immune system health ..read more
The Traditional Naturopath
3y ago
Dr. Bill discusses plant extracts that control blood sugar and fight fat! He also gets into his personal 139 lb. weight loss (so far!) How did he do it? Also, the aronia berry is bursting with antioxidants! Check out what we call 'chokeberries' in NC ..read more
The Traditional Naturopath
3y ago
The benefits of the humble fruit - lemon! Also, a long list of benefits from a long list of natural, healthful herbs! Join Dr. Bill as he reviews some findings of studies in the field of herbal remedies ..read more
The Traditional Naturopath
3y ago
The FDA says plain walnuts are drugs! The FDA adds a warning for statin drugs. Thyme, a good treatment for acne, NC threatens to arrest a blogger! Vitamin D lowers blood pressure, Raspberry Keytones may reduce fat cells, Black Tea may be heart healthy ..read more
The Traditional Naturopath
3y ago
Chomping on carrots and celery could ward off colon cancer, Melatonin, Sleep, and Alzheimer's Disease, dealing with Adipose tissue (body fat.) Tumeric and Curcumin offer powerful anti-Cancer health benefits naturally ..read more
The Traditional Naturopath
3y ago
A letter from a listener! Coconut Oil health benefits, Vitamin D supplementation cuts your Flu risk by 50 percent, Barley grass extract improves health in type 2 diabetics and reduces bad cholesterol, Raspberry Keytones may reduce fat cells ..read more
The Traditional Naturopath
3y ago
Antibiotics come with side effects, the effort by 'Big Pharma' to stop the use of herbs and supplements, your daily coffee habit protects against cancer and other diseases, and Green Tea supplements prove to be MUCH better than a flu vaccine ..read more