Eneba Blog » Mortal Kombat
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Eneba Blog » Mortal Kombat
5y ago
If you thought that Mortal Kombat 11 is done, think again… While NetherRealm Studios released all they promised with additional DLC fighters this doesn’t mean that the developers are done with the story of the game.
A new teaser trailer landed on the game’s YouTube channel. The video is titled “The Epic Saga Continues” which is a revelation in itself. However, the teaser says that we’ll get a full-fledged reveal of the new story DLC sometime later today. Check it out:
Did you notice it? Shand Tsung is not alone in there. He’s being flanked by two shadowy figures we currently know nothing abou ..read more
Eneba Blog » Mortal Kombat
5y ago
Believe it or not, there’s another Mortal Kombat movie project in the works. A few months back we wrote about Warner Bros. working on a new Mortal Kombat live-action movie which should reboot the 1995s franchise. However, prior to that, we’re getting an animated movie called Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge.
The news about this new animated movie was picked up by The Hollywood Reporter and according to the article, it should come out in June. Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge will be produced by Jim Krieg which is known for Batman: Gotham by Gaslight and Rick Morales who also ..read more
Eneba Blog » Mortal Kombat
5y ago
Update: The official trailer just dropped!
NetherRealm Studios love teasing Mortal Kombat 11 fans who wait for new characters. However, the teasing is not always going as planned since the internet is full of smart people who can extract and decypher the information to the slightest bits. The developers behind the game were planning to reveal Kombat Pack 1 characters with a new trailer, but some play with the URL allowed fans to see what the future holds for Mortal Kombat 11.
The DLC character roster is quite long. In addition to already released Shang Tsung and Nightwolf, NetherRealm Studios ..read more
Eneba Blog » Mortal Kombat
5y ago
During May, we’ve already shared some news regarding the new Mortal Kombat movie reboot and its release date. The movie is set to be released on the 5th of March, 2021. While the date is still some time away, the production of the picture has already begun. And it’s everything fans of the game can hope for…
Last week, screenwriter of the movie Greg Russo confirmed that the team is casting Joe Taslim as a Sub-Zero. You may know him from 2011’s The Raid where he played the role of Sgt. Jaka. However, that’s not all. Greg also shared a tweet confirming that the upcoming Mortal Kombat movie will b ..read more
Eneba Blog » Mortal Kombat
5y ago
Mortal Kombat 11 was released a couple of months ago but until this day the game didn’t have its online ranked mode. This is about to change with a new update called Kombat League. In it, players will be able to hop online and not only get their asses handed to them by a random stranger, but also, finally get to compete against opponents on a similar skill level.
According to a report, Kombat League will be a seasonal ranked mode which will run in 4-week-long cycles. Additionally, there won’t be any downtime – as soon as one cycle ends, players will be able to claim their rewards and start an ..read more
Eneba Blog » Mortal Kombat
5y ago
Last week, the creators of Mortal Kombat 11, NetherRealm Studios, finally revealed the gameplay video of their first DLC character Shand Tsung. We’ve already written about him being a version of the character from the movie released in 1995, who is played by the original actor Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa. And it’s everything we could’ve hoped for…
However, together with the new gameplay video, NetherRealm also gave us a glimpse to three other DLC characters: Sindel, Nightwolf and the guest character Spawn. The official site has a short overview:
Shang Tsung – The soul-stealing sorcerer and historic ..read more
Eneba Blog » Mortal Kombat
5y ago
After the release of Mortal Kombat 11 more and more rumors regarding the Mortal Kombat movie began spreading. It seems that, after all, they were true since Warner Bros has announced that it will be rebooting their movie released in 1995. Additionally, there’s already an official release date – mark your calendars for the 5th of March, 2021.
The new Mortal Kombat movie project already has a writer and director. The movie script will be written by Greg Russo who is a new face in the cinema business. Greg is also writing scripts for Resident Evil reboot, Death Note 2, Saints Row, and F.E.A.R. m ..read more
Eneba Blog » Mortal Kombat
5y ago
Mortal Kombat 11 is out, and so, the first reviews about the game already went live. Game critics seem to overall agree – Mortal Kombat 11 is a great game. However, one particular thing got criticized by many. Apparently, Mortal Kombat 11 offers a very annoying grind in order to unlock some of the game’s rewards. Don’t be alarmed – NetherRealm Studios is already on the case.
In the most recent stream prior to the game’s launch, Mortal Kombat creators revealed that the team is already working in order to address the main issue spotted by the critics. NetherRealm Studios told that the team is lo ..read more
Eneba Blog » Mortal Kombat
5y ago
With the new Mortal Kombat 11 release being just a bit more than three weeks away (with its official launch on 23-04-2019), it’s about time to remember all the good and brutal stuff that has happened throughout the Mortal Kombat narrative. No, we won’t be talking about the new game’s mechanics, fatalities, or the available characters in it — this time it’s all about the Mortal Kombat plot recap up until now.
Previous Mortal Kombat game iterations, those before the MK9 (2011) and X (2015), were truly awesome fighting games! But even though the prior titles have created a potentially captivatin ..read more
Eneba Blog » Mortal Kombat
5y ago
Many Mortal Kombat fans might remember the original Mortal Kombat movie which was released back in 1995. In the movie, the main villain role was given to the evil warlock Shang Sung which was also the final boss of the original Mortal Kombat Game. Fans of the franchise will be pleased to know that the character is coming back to the Mortal Kombat 11.
Furthermore, Shang Tsung will be played by the Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa who played the iconic character in the original movie. Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa will lend the character his appearance and voice. The legendary antagonist will come to the game as a d ..read more