2024, The Year of Endings
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
4M ago
I am closely connected to what is now happening in Lake Lure, North Carolina, and as that hits home, it jolted me to know that there are ..read more
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Fall Equinox Is About Gathering and Release
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
5M ago
Like the leaves that fall every fall, nature naturally lets things go. It's a great time to release all that does not serve our highest ..read more
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Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
5M ago
Be in the present moment. Breathe. Listen. Learn. Release. There are indeed very simple yet powerful things in life that can ..read more
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Mornings With A Medium: WE Are The Time Keepers
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
5M ago
Time is always in the present; it always was, it always will be. Thank you for joining me for my occasional morning chats, “ Mornings ..read more
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I’m Done With The Unicorns and Lollipops Of The Spiritual World
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
5M ago
To start off, I'm sure you're asking what "garage spirituality" is. Quite honestly, I've never heard of it either, but it's the perfect ..read more
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The “Upside Down” - A Channel From My Higher Self
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
6M ago
Channeled messages, or downloads, whatever you prefer to call them, come to us when we need to hear them the most. They are messages and ..read more
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Exploring the Complexity of Spiritual Experiences: Validating the Unexplainable
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
6M ago
ascension give us information about our spiritual journey ..read more
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The Journey to Finding Stillness: Balancing Family While The Spirit World Waits
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
6M ago
Life is all about timing. It involves understanding, when to push forward and when to pull back, when to embrace change, and when to just ..read more
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A Channeled Message from Archangel Chamuel and Archangel Michael
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
6M ago
While listening to the haunting melodies of Ryan Farish, the song "Fragile" came on and swept me. The channel began. I was guided to pull ..read more
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Mornings With A Medium: Hanging With My Unicorn
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
6M ago
Welcome! “Mornings With a Medium” is something I’ve done on YouTube and, of course, in video format. I’d also like to start it here on ..read more
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