Easy Polish
Easy Polish is a project to help you learn Polish in an authentic and fun way. We interview people in the streets of Katowice and other cities in Poland. All our videos have subtitles in Polish and English.
Easy Polish is part of the global project Easy Languages. Our videos are produced regularly and get published twice a month, so feel free to subscribe to our channel to receive a..
Easy Polish
2d ago
A Twoim zdaniem - jakie jest polskie poczucie humoru? ? Opowiedz nam o tym w komentarzach ? *** And in your opinion - what is the Polish sense of humour like? ? Tell us about it in the comments ? EXERCISES FOR OUR VIDEOS: https://www.easypolish.org/membership [selfpromotion] EASY POLISH ONLINE COURSES: https://www.easypolish.org/courses [selfpromotion] --- Producers of Easy Polish: Justyna Fuchs, Agnieszka Błażyńska #learnpolish #easypolish #easylanguages ..read more
Easy Polish
3d ago
? PRACTICE POLISH WITH OUR EXERCISES: https://bit.ly/EP233 ✨autopromocja✨ -- EASY POLISH ONLINE COURSES: https://www.easypolish.org/courses [selfpromotion] SUBSCRIBE TO EASY POLISH: http://bit.ly/EasyPolishSub INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/easypolishvideos/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/EasyPolishOfficial/ WEBSITE: https://www.easypolish.org/ --- ALL POLISH VIDEOS: http://bit.ly/EasyPolishPlaylist ALL SUPER EASY POLISH VIDEOS FOR BEGINNERS: http://bit.ly/SuperEasyPolishPlaylist --- Easy Languages is an international video project aiming at supporting people worldwide to learn langu ..read more
Easy Polish
1w ago
Czasownik "rozumieć" łączy się z biernikiem. Na przykład: ? Wreszcie rozumiem Adama Mickiewicza. ? Dawid rozumie polską literaturę. ? Nie wszyscy rozumieją artystów. Zapisz tę rolkę na później. Na pewno się przyda! ? *** The verb "rozumieć" = to understand is used with the accusative case. For example: ? I finally understand Adam Mickiewicz. ? David understands Polish literature. ? Not everyone understands artists. Save this reel for later. It will definitely come in handy! ? --- EXERCISES FOR OUR VIDEOS: https://www.easypolish.org/membership [selfpromotion] EASY POLISH ONLINE COURSES: https ..read more
Easy Polish
1w ago
? ✈️ Get exercises to practice Polish before your next trip to Poland https://bit.ly/SEP84- This video was NOT sponsored, by any of the places shown in this video. They're only our personal recommendations ? -- EASY POLISH ONLINE COURSES: https://www.easypolish.org/courses [selfpromotion] SUBSCRIBE TO EASY POLISH: http://bit.ly/EasyPolishSub INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/easypolishvideos/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/EasyPolishOfficial/ WEBSITE: https://www.easypolish.org/ --- 0:00 - intro 0:45 - breakfast options 5:34 - snack options 9:16 - lunch options 12:45 - dessert options 1 ..read more
Easy Polish
1w ago
Chcesz wiedzieć, jak poligloci uczą się języków? ? Jakie metody polecają? ? Oto kilka z ich sprawdzonych sposobów: ? Słuchanie podcastów ? Nauka z podręcznika ?️ Ćwiczenie mówienia ? Czytanie tego, co rozumiemy …i inne! A Ty? Jaką metodę polecasz? Podziel się w komentarzu! ? *** Do you want to know how polyglots learn languages? ? What methods do they recommend? ? Here are a few of their proven techniques: ? Listening to podcasts ? Studying from a textbook ?️ Practicing speaking ? Reading what you understand ...and more! And you? What method do you recommend? Share in the comments! ? --- EXERC ..read more
Easy Polish
1w ago
Tym razem obcokrajowcy zgadują ?, co oznacza idiom "puścić pawia"?. Ich odpowiedzi są naprawdę interesujące! ➡️ Puścić pawia = zwymiotować ? A ty? Znasz jakiś ciekawy idiom? Podziel się nim w komentarzu! ? *** This time, foreigners are guessing ? what the Polish idiom "puścić pawia" ? means. Their answers are really interesting! ➡️ Puścić pawia = to throw up ? And you? Do you know any interesting idioms? Share them in the comments! ? ---- EXERCISES FOR OUR VIDEOS: https://www.easypolish.org/membership [selfpromotion] EASY POLISH ONLINE COURSES: https://www.easypolish.org/courses [selfpromotion ..read more
Easy Polish
2w ago
Co powiedzieć, kiedy chce się nam żyć? ? - Jestem wulkanem energii! ? - Czuję się jak nowo narodzony! ? - Mam zapał do wszystkiego! ? - Jestem w doskonałej formie! ?️♂️ A skąd miał Dawid tyle energii? Bo wychodził nasz podcast "Super Easy Polish dla Początkujących", dostępny na easypolish.org/podcast. ?✨ Wyślij tę rolkę osobie, której chcesz przekazać dobrą energię! ?? *** What to say when you feel alive? ? - I’m a volcano of energy! ? - I feel like I’ve been reborn! ? - I have enthusiasm for everything! ? - I’m in excellent shape! ?️♂️ And where did Dawid get all that energy? Because our po ..read more
Easy Polish
2w ago
? JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER AND GET EXERCISES FOR OUR VIDEOS: https://bit.ly/EP232- ✨autopromocja✨ EASY POLISH ONLINE COURSES: https://www.easypolish.org/courses [selfpromotion] SUBSCRIBE TO EASY POLISH: http://bit.ly/EasyPolishSub INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/easypolishvideos/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/EasyPolishOfficial/ WEBSITE: https://www.easypolish.org/ --- ALL POLISH VIDEOS: http://bit.ly/EasyPolishPlaylist ALL SUPER EASY POLISH VIDEOS FOR BEGINNERS: http://bit.ly/SuperEasyPolishPlaylist --- Easy Languages is an international video project aiming at supporting people worl ..read more
Easy Polish
2w ago
Obiad – czy to „lunch”, czy „dinner”? Kiedy Polacy jedzą obiad? Dla jednych to godzina 14:00 lub 15:00, dla innych posiłek po pracy. ?️ Wyślij tę rolkę komuś, kto wisi ci obiad! ? *** “Obiad“ – is it “lunch” or “dinner”? When do Poles eat “obiad”? For some, it’s at 2 PM or 3 PM, while for others, it’s a meal after work. ?️ Send this reel to someone who owes you “obiad”! ? --- EXERCISES FOR OUR VIDEOS: https://www.easypolish.org/membership [selfpromotion] EASY POLISH ONLINE COURSES: https://www.easypolish.org/courses [selfpromotion] --- Producers of Easy Polish: Justyna Fuchs, Agnieszka Błażyńs ..read more
Easy Polish
2w ago
Jak można uczyć się polskiego (nie tylko) na toalecie? ? Rozwiązuj krzyżówki! ✏️ Gotowe krzyżówki i wykreślanki do nauki języka polskiego znajdziesz na easypolish.org/membership ?✍️ *** How can you learn Polish (not just) on the toilet? ? Solve crosswords! ✏️ You can find ready-made crosswords and word searches for learning Polish at easypolish.org/membership. ?✍️ ✨autopromocja✨ --- EXERCISES FOR OUR VIDEOS: https://www.easypolish.org/membership [selfpromotion] EASY POLISH ONLINE COURSES: https://www.easypolish.org/courses [selfpromotion] --- Producers of Easy Polish: Justyna Fuchs, Agnieszka ..read more