a word, if i may
Roxanne vents her insatiable, lifelong passion for words and writing. Also covers articles on motherhood, poetry, fiction and travel adventures.
a word, if i may
1y ago
I take the children to a play group at a local church, and make small talk with fellow mothers. It is a multicultural environment; I am curious about everyone’s home country, but I do not ask. Perhaps it is not politically correct, and I do not wish to offend anyone. At the play dough table ..read more
a word, if i may
1y ago
When was it? What did my days look like then?What made my heart happy, what kept me going; what made me strong?I can't remember. I can't remember lifebefore you now thatyou have loved me and I have loved you for so long ..read more
a word, if i may
1y ago
Hi. Welcome to the little corner of the internet where I write out loud. I’m so glad you’re here, and I hope you enjoy your stay! My name is Roxanne. I am a wife, a mother of two young boys, a lawyer by profession and a lover of words and writing. I practice human rights ..read more
a word, if i may
1y ago
I never fully understood. Not as a lawyer: not even as I fought hard and strong for their rights. I mean, how do you leave? How do you cross seas on boats that don't even withstand calm weather; or deserts in the scorching heat? How do you flee in the middle of the night? How ..read more
a word, if i may
1y ago
I already had a few; now, there’s a myriad of freckles on my face. They tell a story too: that my body carried and grewyour brother and you ..read more
a word, if i may
1y ago
i hope you fall in love with life, and with winter night skies and autumn leaves that turn yellow on trees and fall golden to the ground; and with the sea that rages when it storms and delights when it is calm, and with birds that sing and flowers that bloom, and with all that ..read more
a word, if i may
1y ago
empty spaces that feel emptier todayand sunsets painted over grey:it's ok to lament instead on mother's day ..read more
a word, if i may
1y ago
this is what I think aboutwhenever you say 'lift me up'(that is, a hundred times a dayeven though you are now three):how in twenty fifteen they walked across countries carrying children older than you, to flee. (and then, I do ..read more
a word, if i may
1y ago
May flowers. Afternoon walks in the countryside.Music, dancing, singing, playing piano or guitar.An extra hour (or two) of sleep, sometimes.Smiles from strangers or someone I love -and coffee and chocolateand summer andwine ..read more
a word, if i may
1y ago
sometimes when we speak i am left feeling like an oceanlies between us. (does it ..read more