Ayurvedic Perspective to Gut Health
a1000yoga Academy
by 1000yoga
3y ago
According to Ayurveda, a person is said to be in a healthy condition, if there is a balance between mind, body, and spirit. In a healthy human being, the three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha will be in equilibrium and the digestive fire (Agni) will be in a balanced state. Today’s busy lifestyle disturbs the normalcy of the Tridoshas and affects the Dhatus (tissues) and Malas (wastes) resulting in various diseases within the body. A balanced immune system is the result of a well-balanced gut microbiome. There are several microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses that are benef ..read more
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How Yoga becomes the culture of tomorrow
a1000yoga Academy
by 1000yoga
4y ago
Swami Satyananda says: “Yoga is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow.” Rishi Patanjali integrated essential features and principles of yoga around 4000 years ago. Yoga is considered as an integrated science that improves our spiritual life. Yoga keeps our body fit, reduces stress, increases our immunity power, keeps us calm and positive, and so on. When we move on from one yoga posture to another, it involves the movement of prana or the breath. The awareness that you create while doing an asana is through the mind. Thus, y ..read more
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How to keep up your Sadhana
a1000yoga Academy
by 1000yoga
4y ago
What is Sadhana?  In Sanskrit, the word Sadhana means “an effort exercised towards the achievement of a purpose”. It is the association of the self with God. Sadhana is considered as a spiritual practice to move towards liberation and finally achieve it. It also serves to overcome our limitations which are in the form of Kleshas like ego, lack of wisdom, fear of death, attachments, aversions.  In Yoga Sutras, Patanjali has described the Foundation of Abhyasa in Chapter 1, Sutra#14. “Sa-Tu-Dirghakala-Nairantarya-Satkara-Asevitah-Drdhbhumih” This means that sadhana should be practiced ..read more
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Ayurvedic and Yogic Insights to Food
a1000yoga Academy
by 1000yoga
4y ago
Ayurveda is considered as the Mother of all Healing. It emphasizes on prevention and focuses on the balance of body, mind and consciousness. As per Ayurveda, every food has its own taste (Rasa), a heating or cooling energy (virya) and a post-digest effect (vipaka). When foods having different tastes, energy and post digest effects are combined, it creates confusion to our digestive systems and results in the production of toxins and other imbalances. For example, milk should not be taken along with bananas, cherries and other sour fruits. Similarly, yogurt should not be taken along with fruits ..read more
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Guideline for Spiritual Life
a1000yoga Academy
by 1000yoga
4y ago
*****Guideline for spiritual life***** You should perform actions with a balanced mind in success and failure. Equilibrium is Yoga. The attainment of the knowledge of the Self through purity of heart which is obtained by doing actions without expectation of fruits or results is called success. Failure is the non attainment of knowledge by doing actions with expectations Swami Sivananda Saraswati The post Guideline for Spiritual Life appeared first on a1000yoga Academy ..read more
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Living as a Yogi in the Modern Day
a1000yoga Academy
by 1000yoga
4y ago
Pallavi, Yoga Teacher shares This is not a new concept for me from a spiritual perspective as I have been in the path of learning for a while but including Yoga with its philosophy and as a way of life will enhance what I am already practicing. When I embraced the path to self enlightenment some 20 years back, it was not to keep this separate from my daily life. It was to connect the spiritual self to the human experience and make the path a way of my life. I would say now that the efforts were fine but the attempt needed Hatha Yoga to complete that goal. According to me, the journey starts wi ..read more
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Navaratri Sadhana
a1000yoga Academy
by 1000yoga
4y ago
NAVARATRI SADHANA – We at a1000yoga Academy are constantly finding ways to connect with our alumni and also create opportunities for you to reconnect with the shaala and our teachers, especially our Founder – Pradeep.Sattwamaya. There are two such occasions for us to come together and help progress our sadhana. The Hata yoga texts recommend two very auspicious time in a year to commence Yoga Sadhana, Vasantha and Sharad Ritu. Two very important Navartris fall during these seasons: Chaitra Navaratri also called Vasanth Navaratri (March-April ) Shardhiya Navar ..read more
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a1000yoga Academy
by 1000yoga
4y ago
MEDITATION in 2019 – by a1000yoga Academy Most of us associate the term ‘good health’ purely with our bodies. And, if we are ‘health-conscious’, chances are we put in considerable effort in getting to know the state of our bodies, in terms of strengths and weaknesses, requirements in terms of food, nutrition, exercise, protection and so on. Then we put in even more effort towards ensuring our bodies receive what they need. But is that all there is to good health? In the modern world we are well versed with the term“ psychosomatic disease” (diseases that have their origins in the mind and manif ..read more
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