BU School of Public Health
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BU School of Public Health
2d ago
This conversation considered the intersection of trust and health. We reflected on the role that community organizations can play in building trust among historically marginalized communities of color and how this can inform our public health practice. This event was cohosted with the BUSPH Activist Lab. A full transcript is available here: https://publichealthconversation.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Event-Transcript_Building-Trust-Through-Action_020525.pdf Panelists included: Michael Curry President & CEO, Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers Trinidad Jackson Assistant Prof ..read more
BU School of Public Health
2d ago
This conversation will consider the intersection of trust and health. We will reflect on the role that community organizations can play in building trust among historically marginalized communities of color and how this can inform our public health practice. This event is cohosted with the BUSPH Activist Lab. For questions or accommodation requests, please reach out to sphevent@bu.edu ..read more
BU School of Public Health
1w ago
Jessica Leibler, an environmental epidemiologist in the Department of Environmental Health at Boston University School of Public Health, and Davidson Hamer, professor of global health at BUSPH, discuss the recent outbreaks of H5N1 influenza (avian flu) including one that officials believe may be responsible for the deaths of more than 60 geese in a Plymouth, Mass. pond ..read more
BU School of Public Health
1w ago
Matt Motta, assistant professor of health law, policy & management at Boston University, shares how and why red dye number 3 was banned so quickly. #publichealth #reddye3 #fda #health #politics #news ..read more
BU School of Public Health
2M ago
scrolling webmd has become part of the nightly routine atp #publichealth ..read more
BU School of Public Health
2M ago
#RawMilk is all the rage on social media lately. And its popularity could continue to grow with incoming health secretary #RFK. Is the raw milk trend another manifestation of #governmentmistrust ..read more
BU School of Public Health
2M ago
Boston University School of Public Health professor Matt Motta shares his take on why he thinks #publichealth is #brat ..read more
BU School of Public Health
2M ago
Boston University School of Public Health students work in public health...so, of course they know not to drink #rawmilk. And of course they're looking forward to those holiday dinner conversations. And of course their parents still don't understand what they do... #publichealth #bostonuniversity #collegelife #publichealthworkers #healthcare ..read more