Rapture and End Times
Rapture and End Times features Prophetic Analysis of Today's News
Rapture and End Times
4d ago
Jesus talked about the signs of the end of the age, and the Great Tribulation. Evidence shows that the Earth is plagued every 3,600 years by comet strikes, tsunamis, and volcanoes, that cause an ice age. We are overdue for a repeat of the cycle of doom. … More The Secret 3,600 Year Doom Cycle ..read more
Rapture and End Times
1w ago
As we rush headlong toward the end of the End Times, there are habits we can incorporate to insure that we are “Rapture ready.” If you knew the Rapture would happen next week, what would you do differently now? … More 2025: The Race to the End ..read more
Rapture and End Times
2w ago
We don’t need AI to determine when the season of the Second Coming is near. There a way we can calculate it with simple addition. The prophetic timeline incorporates several overlapping countdowns. … More Timing the Second Coming: The Math ..read more
Rapture and End Times
3w ago
1 Peter says we are a royal priesthood, meaning we are kings and priests at the same time. To understand the authority of our royal priesthood, we need to know what the “priesthood” in the Old Testament was in the first place. … More The Royal Priesthood: The Beginning and the End Times ..read more
Rapture and End Times
1M ago
“The mystery of the ages” are profound truths that were hidden for long periods of history before being revealed. This applies intriguingly to the scientific revolution and God’s plan for the salvation of all nations. Let’s explore 7 keys. … More The Mystery Hidden for Ages: 7 Keys ..read more
Rapture and End Times
1M ago
As we suffer, we should follow Job’s example of humility. There are things too wonderful for us to know. We need the Big Story perspective. … More Things Too Wonderful ..read more
Rapture and End Times
1M ago
As we stand on the threshold of this new year, let us not forget the timeless “old fashion” wisdom that flows from the pages of the Good Book. In the age of constant change, there is solace in the steadfastness of God’s Word. … More New Year Blessings ..read more
Rapture and End Times
1M ago
The Bible, the Word of God, tells us about our Father God, His Son Jesus and Holy Spirit. It is the inspired Word from God. God Loves You. And He is the Father you have been looking for all your life. This is His love letter to you. … More A Christmas Letter from God ..read more
Rapture and End Times
2M ago
War, famine, plague, and dangerous animals have always been associated with God’s wrath. Why would Noah, Daniel, and Job be delivered from them? The rescue of the righteous and wrath to the wicked is coming soon! Are you ready? … More Revelation Prophecy: Noah, Daniel, and Job ..read more
Rapture and End Times
2M ago
Throughout history, the world has been lifted up by heroes, and beaten down by villains. In our own times, we are surrounded by examples of both. The villains, the Dark Factor, and the one behind it will soon be judged. … More 2025: Heroes and the Dark Factor ..read more