Did Jesus teach about Marriage?
Stand For Freedom
by Chuck Zwicker
2y ago
In Matthew 19: 4-6 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Please read the whole chapter. I often hear many say that Jesus didn’t teach about marriage and use this to justify a sinful lifestyle. Or, that He didn’t say sex outside of marriage was sin, or whatever they want to ..read more
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If you do not forgive, you will not be forgiven.
Stand For Freedom
by Chuck Zwicker
2y ago
I want to talk about something that is completely overlooked by most Churches and Pastors today. That is forgiveness, not so much to do with you being forgiven, most comprehend that Jesus died on the cross and you can be forgiven. However, where most Christians and believers lack is forgiving others and themselves. I tweeted early today this: If Jesus forgives someone, regardless of the type of sin, I will forgive them too. I am not better than my Lord. Lets look at the Lord’s Prayer taken from Matthew chapter 6 Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will b ..read more
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Dear Premier Iain Rankin, Nova Scotia
Stand For Freedom
by Chuck Zwicker
3y ago
I would like to inquire if a study was done on this or is one planned to be done soon. The police have the most contact with ‘anyone and everyone’ and because of the nature of their jobs they are often required to perform ‘close contact’ duties. This letter is no way a condemnation of police actions. Only a fact based perspective, which makes them the perfect ‘Group’ to obtain this data from. Police are exempt from all covid mandates. They are required to be in close contact with many people each day They are required to go from person to person They often have to go to homes and businesses T ..read more
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Open letter to Premier Jason Kenney, Alberta
Stand For Freedom
by Chuck Zwicker
3y ago
Dear Premier Kenney This letter is written on behalf of my brother in chains Pastor James Coates. This is an utter disgrace, the courts decision to hold him till his court date for worshipping God, it is unthinkable such actions would take place in Canada. This is an international issue of Human Rights violations that the world is watching. This is outright ‘Persecution’ of the church. The courts do not have to worry about falling into disrepute with their decision on the bail hearing. It is much worse the courts openly supporting ‘persecution’ of the faith and religious freedoms. Our society ..read more
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Open letter to the Premier Iain Rankin, Nova Scotia
Stand For Freedom
by Chuck Zwicker
3y ago
Dear Premier Rankin I would like to congratulate you on your new position and wish I was writing this letter under better circumstances. I would like to give you a chance to reconsider and reflect on some of the decisions that were made before you took office. One of my major concerns is the mask mandate. The debate as to how well or effective they are is not my argument for this letter. What is of serious concern to me is the results and effects they are having on Canadians as a whole and in my home province. We are seeing an increase in violent attacks against people who have mask exemptions ..read more
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Christians must obey government is that really true?
Stand For Freedom
by Chuck Zwicker
3y ago
Many Christians misquote Romans Chapter 13 however I am not going to go into that in dept today other than to say the Higher Power is God, not man. This chapter is often interpreted from the bottom up and not the top down. Many use this as a licence and excuse to do nothing or provide no resistance to governmental overreach, where are the fearless men/woman of God? If the early church had such cowards we would not have the good news of the gospel in this day and age. Act 5: 28-29 ‘Saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name? And, behold, ye have filled Jerusal ..read more
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Calling the Church to pray for the RCMP
Stand For Freedom
by Chuck Zwicker
3y ago
We need to pray for our RCMP officers they are under great pressure and are getting bombarded from all sides. Lord Jesus we lift up all our RCMP officers to you and their families. We ask you to protect them and watch over them and guide them. We ask you Lord to remind them of why they became a police officer. Give them courage, wisdom and understanding. The rights and freedoms in this country we have all shared and enjoyed in part because these brave officers have upheld them in the past, even when we may not have all agreed. Please Lord open their eyes and help them to understand. Show them ..read more
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Why is the modern-day Church so pathetic and weak?
Stand For Freedom
by Chuck Zwicker
3y ago
It is very simple the pre-trip rapture false doctrine that was taught in the early 1800s has had catastrophic effects on the Church (it is worth mentioning this doctrine was not taught anywhere in history prior to the 1800s). Even Jesus didn’t know about it, when He was asked about the resurrection He referred to it as the last day, a specific day. Not some secret night snatching that takes place 7 years before His return (or which ever time frame you use). It was popularized by the Scofield reference bible in the early 1900s and took off into the ’70s and ’80s. Regardless of what you believe ..read more
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Are the Covid-19 measures and mandates causing more harm than good or are they justified?
Stand For Freedom
by Chuck Zwicker
4y ago
I think it is time we have a real discussion on this topic and answer the hard questions. This question will not be asked on most other sites or mainstream media and we cannot even ask the question on social media as we all know why. How have the Covid-19 mandated measures effected you or your family? It needs to be in the public domain where everyone can have access, many have opted out of social media. Are Covid-19 related mandates such as Isolation, Emergency Orders, Schools, Lock-downs, Masking, etc causing more harm than good? Or, are they justified ..read more
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Calling the church to repentance (Pastors & Church leaders)
Stand For Freedom
by Chuck Zwicker
4y ago
Calling all Pastors and church leaders please join me in this prayer. We have failed you almighty God We have cowered in fear when we should have been a light to the world. We closed our churches and severed our people from the word of God. We told the world that Jesus was not essential by our actions. We have not emulated your requirements as a church leader or as a representative of Jesus. We have denied the faith and your Son by our actions, oh Lord. We have allowed ourselves to be overcome with fear and not the love of Jesus. We have only thought of ourselves Lord and not how this would af ..read more
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