HSJ Health Check
Health Service Journal is the UK's leading resource for healthcare leaders. Get access to all the latest news, jobs and information for healthcare leaders. Tune in to listen to weekly analysis of the biggest issues in health policy and leadership, from HSJ's expert journalists.
HSJ Health Check
2d ago
NHS England published the 2025-26 planning guidance last week, so we break down what it means for the service.
We discuss new targets, including a challenging elective care ambition, the high-profile commitments dropped, and news that trusts are to take on more responsibilities from ICBs next year.
A busy few days also saw the NHS’s mandate for 2025-26 from ministers published last week, so we also discuss Wes Streeting’s tough instructions to the NHS and his interview with HSJ.
Also, we cover news of further job cuts at NHS England and how its leadership of the service ha ..read more
HSJ Health Check
1w ago
HSJ Health Check is joined by two of the most influential and experienced NHS leaders to talk about lessons for the government's 10-year plan from their systems, and from the past.
Former NHS England chief Sir David speaks about how the Black Country, where he is now a trust chair, has used community services to reduce emergency admissions among older people. He says government should ensure the plan brings about stability of financial rules, and get successful local leaders involved in writing the plan.
Dr Dash, integrated care board chair in North West London and chair of an ongoing governme ..read more
HSJ Health Check
2w ago
This week the government finally revealed its new - and mostly delayed - target dates for the building of the promised “new hospitals”.
It left many trusts and communities severely disappointed and worried about how they will deliver care from ageing, and sometimes dangerous, estates.
We discuss the revised timelines for the NHP, the reaction from trusts and the impact the decisions have had on NHP teams.
Also - we pick out a group of hospitals mostly ignored in the national coverage, who all have RAAC concrete risks ..read more
HSJ Health Check
3w ago
On this episode we unpick the ongoing tensions among leaders and senior doctors at one of the biggest trusts in England.
University Hospitals Birmingham - previously a flagship teaching trust with an influential leadership - has been through the mire over the past few years, with a string of concerns over culture and care quality.
A new top team says it is tackling deep-seated problems, but over recent months rows have flared publicly over consultants’ overtime pay, confidence in its leadership, and questionable international training schemes.
Also this week, a new senior appointment at NHS En ..read more
HSJ Health Check
1M ago
This week the team looks at the new elective recovery plan launched this month. The government has tightened to focus on what improvement looks like and introduced some new incentives, but will it be enough? We also take a look at the ever-contentious New Hospitals Programme. Bureau chief Ben Clover is joined by Henry Anderson and Zoe Tidman ..read more
HSJ Health Check
1M ago
The HSJ Health Check team reveals our predictions for the big issues — and unexpected developments — in 2025, on this week’s Christmas podcast.
What to expect in reform, finance, integration, primary care, workforce and more in the coming 12 months.
With HSJ deputy editor Dave West, senior correspondent Henry Anderson, and correspondent Mimi Launder.
Send thoughts, tips, story ideas to ben.clover@hsj.co.uk ..read more
HSJ Health Check
2M ago
This week the team looks at the fallout from the government’s positions on staff pay from band 2 to VSM via the banks and agencies.
Bureau chief Ben Clover is joined by reporters Henry Anderson and Alison Moore ..read more
HSJ Health Check
2M ago
This week bureau chief Ben Clover is joined by Mimi Launder and Joe Talora. The team talk about who is really in charge of overseeing providers and what Labour’s big plan to overhaul the health tech sector might mean ..read more
HSJ Health Check
2M ago
This week, the podcast looks at accountability in the NHS and the Thirlwall Inquiry ..read more
HSJ Health Check
2M ago
This week's HSJ podcast looks at the latest development in Shropshire's troubled health system and hospitals, and NHS England's move to ramp up the rollout of the federated data platform.
https://www.hsj.co.uk/technology-and-innovation/nhse-u-turn-mandates-trust-use-of-the-fdp/7037578.article ..read more