Clean Innovations Blog
Environmental Pollutants affects health & cause environmental degradation. The solutions to this is water treatment, soil remediation, air filters & sustainable practices.
Clean Innovations Blog
3d ago
It’s a new year everyone. Mine is to thank you for subscribing to this blog/ newsletter. The goal of this publication is to push us towards circularity and sustainability as we engage in our daily lives. As we start the year, I’d like to embark on another sustainablity expedition by exploring agroprocessing. What comes to mind when this catch word is mentioned? AGROPROCESSING Processing of food on not a new thing. Our forefathers preserved meat and foam through smoking and salting techniques. Milk was preserved by converting it into yogurt. Vegetables were boiled or steamed to allow them a lon ..read more
Clean Innovations Blog
2M ago
Nothing in the natural world gives us the picture of a full cycle of life like composting. Composting is simply breakdown of complex plant and animal remains into simpler substances that can be assimilated by plants. Composting usually mimics humus formation in nature – conversion of fallen leaves into compost. However, it may take over six months for the final product, which is quite some time. That said, in what ways could we hasten this process? COMPOSTING In normal composting, high nitrogen wastes (the very mushy ones) are combined with high carbon wastes (the dry stuff like straw) and let ..read more
Clean Innovations Blog
3M ago
At some point, I thought that my lemon verbana vine was dying off. The leaves had withered, and it had lost its scent. But something happened when the rains started. I noticed a vibrancy creeping in. Infact, it wasn’t just about the verbena vine. I noticed other herbs and flower plants developing a greenish tinge… Their stems started having protrusions which later developed into buds, then flowers. Life was suddenly springing up for these plants and things were looking up for them. I tried to draw some lessons from this sudden burst of life. And I didn’t have to leave ..read more
Clean Innovations Blog
3M ago
When William Ruto started off on the campaign trail for his quest for presidency, he carried the hopes of many people. Many cast their ballot in his favor because he seemed believable. He seemed to connect with the ‘ground’ in ways his main opponent couldn’t. He brandished his faith as badge of honor that lured many religious folk to his fold. He seemed to have another level of charisma. He easily formed political affiliations and even scavenged from his opponents. In many ways, William Ruto’s campaign machine was a well-oiled behemoth that was destined to crush any opposition on its ..read more
Clean Innovations Blog
3M ago
Plastics generate interest because they are easy to make but very difficult to degrade leading to a plastic solid waste catastrophe. Most plastics are a by-product of petroleum refining, which make their presence a guarantee as long as we use fossil fuels. Some might say that we can recycle plastics into other products like building blocks, diesel etc However, is this form of recycling- also called chemical recycling- really sustainable? The more we maintain plastics around us, the more they’ll keep circulating in the form of microplastics which pose an even greater danger. Besides, converting ..read more
Clean Innovations Blog
4M ago
The thing with beef tallow is that it turns waxy immediately it’s removed from the flame. Wax, as we know it, it hard. And that’s exactly what we are looking for when we want to make bar soap. Combine hardness with good foaming, and you have a superb soap bar that can serve you for ages. And that’s what we shall be talking about here. But you might be asking… Beef fat, and soap…how do those two go together? Stay with me… BEEF TALLOW So we render beef tallow from beef fat. Right after that, we purify it by boiling ..read more
Clean Innovations Blog
5M ago
Now, try poking your nose into a cauldron of simmering beef fat and you’ll understand what the title of this article means. Beef tallow is a superb product but has that distinct stink that seems to be worse than that of normal beef. This reality prevents many people from utilising this product. But this shouldn’t stop us from enjoying this golden niceness. So how can we remove (or at least reduce) the stink from beef tallow? The answer lies in a simple ingredient we use each and every single day. SALT Chemically, salt is sodium chloride. Salt is a unique ..read more
Clean Innovations Blog
5M ago
I called a connection who would link me up with a unique butcher – one who sells beef fat. The next day, I linked up with him, bought some meat then he led me to a backstreet to some ladies who sold beef fat. They named their price and I thought it was a good bargain so we struck a deal. I bought 5kg of white beef fat most of which is derived from around the organs like kidneys. The vendors thought I wanted to feed my pets but in my mind, I was thinking manufacturing and beef fat would ..read more
Clean Innovations Blog
5M ago
Potato chips colour our parties. They are the go-to meal when we just want that fast filling, sumptuous and easy to fix snack. A few of us like to cook potatoes with the skin. But for those of us who peel them, where do we dispose of these wastes? Well, there are a few places where peels could find use. Composting them helps return their nutrients back to the soil… Incorporating them into animal feeds helps enrich livestock diets. These are viable options of making use of potato waste. But do they generate high value? STARCH Potato peels are composed ..read more
Clean Innovations Blog
5M ago
You sow those seeds and after 3 months, 6 months or a year, you get a bumper harvest. “I’m smiling all the way to the bank,” you say. But is this all you can reap from your crops? After making money from the produce, what about converting the waste into valuable products to make more money? UPCYCLING Upcycling is about taking what’s considered as not valuable and converting it into what’s valuable. With this in mind, let’s think about the waste generated from some of the most abundant crops around us. What value could we derive from them? MAIZE COBS ..read more