The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast
The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast covers game discussion and interviews for those who love old school classics and retro-style indie games!
The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast
1w ago
(We had some technical issues and this weeks episode was recorded onto a single track. We apologize for any resulting loss in quality and any rather, unsavory, background noises.) (Especially the sexy, squishy ones.)
This week Anna & Paul play The Curse of Monkey Island! Is it the best Monkey Island, or the worst? It's for sure one of those extremes, find out what at least one of us thinks, while the other refuses to rate them, ANNA. Anyway, mangia!
Play our adventure game! The Phantom Fellows is out now!
Shek out ..read more
The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast
3w ago
This week Anna & Paul play Monkey Island 2: Guybrush is a dick now.
Play our adventure game! The Phantom Fellows is out now!
Shek out our friends in the Adventure Game Hotspot Network:
Space Quest Historian's The 7th Guest and The 11th Hour - do they deserve better?
Adventure Game Geek's My Games of the Year 2024 (feat. Paul & The Phantom Fellows)
OneShortEye's Even MORE King's Quest IV Details
Adventure Game Hotspot's These First Time Indie Devs are Putting the Industry on Notice (feat. The Phantom Fellows)
Sa ..read more
The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast
1M ago
This week Anna & Paul are doing it.
They're finally going to Monkey Island.
Not the actual Monkey Island in South Florida, no. The good one. The make believe one.
Time to find out what they think of what many consider the GOAT. Mangia!
Play our adventure game! The Phantom Fellows is out now!
Shek out our friends in the Adventure Game Hotspot Network:
Space Quest Historian's Tex Murphy: Martian Memorandum - A Fair & Balanced Retrospective
Adventure Game Geek's Some of the Spookiest Adven ..read more
The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast
1M ago
This week Anna & Paul are joined by author of the upcoming book "Questing For Glory The Definitive History of the Quest for Glory Series", Jason Mical! Jason brought his expertise, fun facts and insight as he and Anna talk at Paul about their favorite series! Join us as we walk through each game in the series, and delve into everything from development stories to soundtracks—Mangia!
Questing For Glory Website
Follow the project on Bluesky
Play our adventure game! The Phantom Fellows is out now!
Shek out our friends ..read more
The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast
2M ago
This week Anna & Paul are talking about cozy games to play during the holidays! They also touch on the odd lack of snow in adventure games while mentioning all the ones they could think of with some. Because snow >= holidays. So roast some acorns on the fire and curl up on the whatever and Mangia!
Play our adventure game! The Phantom Fellows is out now!
Shek out our friends in the Adventure Game Hotspot Network:
Space Quest Historian's Running the Space Quest I remake as fast as possible
Adventure Game Geek's Some of t ..read more
The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast
2M ago
This week Anna & Paul are comparing the original* AGI King’s Quest with the SCI remake. It's part of our EGA vs VGA Sierra Comparison series except the King's Quest remake is still in EGA so technically it's- look it's all very nerdy and pedantic. Point is, a game was made, then it was remade and we're going to be the vessel in which you vicariously experience playing both through. Mangia!
Wishlist our adventure game! The Phantom Fellows
Let's hang out at the Adventure Game Fan Fair!
Shek out our friends in the Adventure Game Hotspot Network:
Space Quest H ..read more
The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast
2M ago
This week Anna & Paul are joined by special guests, Jack and Joshua of Adventure Game Hotspot to do some "what if this game was a movie"-ing.
We take classics like Broken Sword, Grim Fandango, Willy Beamish and more and cast them as major motion pictures. Or even minor motion pictures, it's really not about the motion so much as the actors. Also there's a fun bonus round at the end where, well, you'll see. You'll maybe see. Mangia!
Check out The Adventure Game Hotspot and their YouTube Channel!
Wishlist our adventure game maybe!
The Phantom Fellows ..read more
The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast
2M ago
This week Anna & Paul sampled some of the exciting new old games that just recently released: King's Quest - It Takes Two To Tangle, Space Quest V - Talkie Edition, and King's Quest VI - AGI Demake. They sampled all of them, and then talk about weird Canadian sandwiches. And possibly the games too, I don't know, you tell me. Mangia!
Play our adventure game! The Phantom Fellows is out now!
Download King's Quest: It Takes Two To Tangle
Download Space Quest V: Voice Acting Mod
Download King's Quest VI AGI Demake
(Developers P ..read more
The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast
3M ago
This week Anna and Paul are ranking some adventure games that weren't made by Sierra or LucasArts. If Paul got his way this episode is called I Have No Willy And I Must Beamish, but I'm guessing it's prolly something clunky and annoyingly descriptive. Anyway this was fun, Mangia!
Play our adventure game! The Phantom Fellows is out now!
The Adventure Games Podcast - Interview with Paul Korman - The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast & The Phantom Fellows
Shek out our friends in the Adventure Game Hotspot Network:
Space Quest His ..read more
The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast
3M ago
This week Anna & Paul talk about Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within!
Look. I'm gonna give it to you straight, seee, this isn't our finest hour, but we wanted to get something to you under tricky circumstances and this is arguably, possibly better than deafening silence, I don't know, you tell us. Mangia?
Play our adventure game! The Phantom Fellows is out now!
AdventureGameGeek's Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within – Beastly Location Tour
The Adventure Games Podcast - Interview with Paul Korman - The Classic Gamers Guild P ..read more