Arshak Andriasov
Composer and Blogger, Arshak Andriasov tries to bring beauty to the world.
Arshak Andriasov
2y ago
What is Polkadot.
Polkadot is a protocol that bridges the gap between different blockchains, making it possible to transfer assets and data across systems that couldn’t communicate before. It was developed with speed and scalability in mind.
Story Behind Polkadot.
In 2016, the idea for the Polkadot project was first proposed, but it took a little while to bring it to fruition. The protocol has a significant history intertwined with Ethereum. Dr. Gavin Wood, formerly of Ethereum, founded it and served as its chief training officer and key developer.
One primary blockchain, known as the “relay c ..read more
Arshak Andriasov
2y ago
What Is Bitcoin.
Exactly what is Bitcoin and how does it work? In January of 2009, a decentralized electronic cash system called Bitcoin was launched. Satoshi Nakamoto is a mysterious and pseudonymous figure. It is said that Satoshi outlined his ideas in a white paper that served as the basis for this project. We don’t know who invented this technology, and we may never find out. I, personally, believe either this digital asset was created by the CIA, FBI, or the globalists, or they infiltrated this coin from 2015. Unlike government-issued currencies, ideally Bitcoin is not controlled by a cen ..read more
Arshak Andriasov
2y ago
Crypto News is a place to read the current events concerning the cryptocurrency market. Up-to-date information concerning coins like Bitcoin, exchanges like Voyager, and other vital gems encompass the Crypto News.
Despite the recent hack, the Solana Whales continue to hold on.
Solana Foundation’s stock price has regained some of its losses after the recent attack, even as the foundation’s administration continues to investigate. On Thursday, it was reported that the problem stemmed from Slope mobile wallet programs. However, it has been determined that just one wallet ..read more
Arshak Andriasov
2y ago
Instead of saving my comments on social media, I will be writing and sharing my posts on my website. These posts will be written about modern/past history, philosophy, morality, and every other subject I am interested in at the moment. These posts will include emails sent to organizations who sold out, old posts that were written on social media, and other platforms.
*July 30, 2022:
(About Pfizer 10 Billion Dollars) Peasants allowed to be afraid of death. Globalists acted like the middlemen to an already common knowledge.
*July 28, 2022:
(About a stat 9 out of 10 Trump supporters believ ..read more
Arshak Andriasov
4y ago
Visit my website The Stock Market Info.
To read about important news concerning the stock market, visit my website The Stock Market Info.
Many people have asked me to create a website to share my knowledge about the stock market, giving my stock and option trading tips. Having invested and traded in stocks & options for over eight years, I read multiple books/websites and watched many important shows on TV that focus on finance. Being able to be a trader of stocks, it has given me the knowledge of being in this field with actual money involved. It is highly important to first educate yours ..read more
Arshak Andriasov
5y ago
Nature solves everything.
During trying times, family and friends bring so much care and love. They listen, forgoing their life at the moment, to help understand and give advice when needed. When you need time to be alone, besides working on bettering and loving yourself, walking in nature is the next best thing.
When you are in pain and thinking about things that will never change, your most concerning aspect is finding peace. This purity is found within nature. Walking the Radnor Trail has been such a help for recovery. Your sad emotions are slowly replaced with calmness. The stress once ex ..read more
Arshak Andriasov
5y ago
Care for your health.
Don’t you get those moments in life where you forget to take care of your health? I sure do. That is my biggest weakness. Having a structure of working out and eating right can help you progress in your profession. It does not, sadly, automatically make things work your way. There can be many obstacles that are tough to push through from. But, at least, you are doing what you can to be more energetic and cheerful, like an old you. While working out and eating right is not the only thing in life, it can be a good start for people dealing with problems.
Once you dedicate yo ..read more
Arshak Andriasov
5y ago
Letting go.
You wake up and see a beautiful person next to you and feel like everything is good in the world. Your overall problems are minuscule at this time, being able to conquer anything with love. But then in a quick sudden moment, a jolt of pain and suffering hits your life. You are left alone in the dark. It can sometimes feel unbearable.
Embrace it. If you think about them, miss them, remember how much they meant to you, embrace it. Let yourself grieve for the loss. Letting go is a process. Certain people have touched us inside our hearts. You will never forget the ones you l ..read more
Arshak Andriasov
5y ago
Rest in peace, Rutger Hauer.
I recently viewed on Twitter that Rutger Hauer passed away on July 19th. He was 75 years old. Mr. Hauer was an actor, writer, and an environmentalist. He was married to Ineke ten Kate for 34 years of his life till the day he died.
Rutger Hauer acted in as many 173 films/shows. He was a deep actor, with the inner intensity necessary to drive a point across. The best moment to see this crystal clear was his death scene in Blade Runner.
From all accounts, Mr. Hauer was a caring and kind person who touched so many people. Many people are affected from this dubiously p ..read more
Arshak Andriasov
5y ago
You must not quit.
In life, there will be moments of pain and suffering. You might think that many obstacles seem to come your way. It is true! But, there is only one way to deal with these horrible predicaments. Forge Ahead. You must not quit.
People must rejoice when a battle comes your way. This moment in life becomes your true test of will and strength. Everything looks good when things run smoothly, but the real person will fight through adversity to achieve insurmountable things in hard times. Do it everyday, consistently, unwavering to the laziness within us.
Complacency breeds mediocri ..read more