A Step Into True Perspective
All Is One Movement Blog
by Keith Mintz
3y ago
Dear reader, I want to share a moment of insight on the depth of all that exists to be true in this current world we live. To start this message, I’d like to acknowledge that all that I may share is a peace of mind that has come to my realization through my experiences and observations. My real journey in life began when I started to question the world and think about it in depths in the search for the truth. It all began from wondering what I may do with my life in the future after high school. I got obsessed with the question “why”. Why am I in school, why does it exist, what started this wo ..read more
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The 7 Guidelines To Life
All Is One Movement Blog
by Keith Mintz
3y ago
These are universal laws in that may we all live by and in Gods will let there purely be divine peace, love, and balance within all. These are divine laws in that which when are followed, are following all that has been preached to obtain; let there be nothing but pure love, peace, and balanced left to live in pure harmony amongst each other. The 7 Guidelines A guide to life's journey 1 One shall not let the decisions made by others, affect their own growth and existence. A human can only control their own decisions. One shall act only on what is best for them in alignment of growth within all ..read more
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Overcoming mental illness/struggles
All Is One Movement Blog
by Keith Mintz
3y ago
One of the most important functions of the human being is our mental health. Yet many of us are unaware of some of the struggles that so many face mentally. Mental illness is one of the toughest struggles to overcome especially since a person with a mental illness doesn't realize at first that they have a mental illness since they are living in their own reality thinking that their experience is normal. So how does someone overcome this? I spoke with Thomas who has delt with this and overcame it and now lives a career as a coach for people struggling with their mental illness. We discuss the i ..read more
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Why do we have emotions?...2 things we can do to help control our emotions!
All Is One Movement Blog
by Keith Mintz
3y ago
Sometimes our emotions make us feel great, and sometimes they make us feel terrible. And sometimes we make decisions just using logical analysis. So what do we need emotions for? When we feel a certain way, typically our decision making is affected by it whether we feel good or bad. Many times when we feel fear, we react in ways that lead us to more failure or fear. What is happening is that when we are in fear, we are setting focus on what we do not want to attract. Whatever we are in fear of, that is where our focus is and that is what we will attract. When we are in faith and operating fro ..read more
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How To Make Any Relationship Last Forever!
All Is One Movement Blog
by Keith Mintz
3y ago
,,https://www.instagram.com/tv/CDhwELRAd2_/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Let's break this down as usual... What would it take to have a relationship that lasts forever? Well of course that includes a relationship filled with happiness, love, peace, balance, and most qualities along that line. So how do you have that? What holds a relationship together with these qualities? (Comment your thoughts down below!!) We know that there is one thing that keeps a relationship functioning, and that is communication. Good and healthy communication is what keeps a mutual bond in motion. But what does it ta ..read more
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Yoga: A Road Map to a Healthy, Happy and Fulfilling Life - An Introduction to the 8 Limbs of Yoga
All Is One Movement Blog
by Tambra with OM Matters
3y ago
What is yoga, really? You may be surprised to learn that the practice of yoga is so much more than doing poses on your mat. In fact, most of yoga can actually be practiced off your mat! Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means to “yoke” or “to unite” and is a practice that cultivates the interconnectedness of body, mind and spirit. Yoga is not just a physical practice, it’s an entire lifestyle---a way to live your life more mindfully to help you be happier and healthier. Yoga is a Way of Life A great resource for this practice is Patañjali’s ancient text, the Yoga Sūtra, which is considered to be ..read more
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100 Things To Be Grateful For
All Is One Movement Blog
by Qween Demi
3y ago
100 Things to Be Grateful For Life has not been easy. People are dying every day and there's so much hate in the world right now. But still, flowers are blooming, babies are being born, bees are still floating around, and people are still falling in love. It's very easy to get stuck up with all the sadness in the world so here's a list of hundred things you should be grateful for!!! Comment what other things your grateful for! ❤️ ~ The movement of the clouds in the sky ~ The feeling of the sun on your skin ~ The good music you listen to in your headphones ~ People are getting healed all aroun ..read more
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Why do we have bad life experiences?
All Is One Movement Blog
by Keith Mintz
3y ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=46&v=Y0xbmwDFX0A&feature=emb_title   So why do we have bad life experiences? Well, there is a reason for everything. Here on this earth in this physical world, what appears to be "negative" is really in existence in order to experience the "positive". We cannot have one and not the other, otherwise neither would exist and we wouldn't exist. The whole point of earth is to have a perspective of something that we can base understanding and choices off of so that we can then learn and evolve of knowledge and wisdom. One thing that will ..read more
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The world is shifting!!!
All Is One Movement Blog
by Keith Mintz
3y ago
Since the beginning of man's time the human people have been so focused on the development as a community and personal interest. What we collect, what we build, what we gain personally, and protecting our families. So many things have changed in focus, in value, and in result overtime. So many things have happened from terrorist attacks to the increase in public shootings, wild disasters, global viruses, and movements that are shifting the entire worlds perspective. At the end of it all, it is absolutely amazing to watch the world grow and get to be a part of it. Although the world seems to ha ..read more
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An Atheist asking God for Forgiveness
All Is One Movement Blog
by Keith Mintz
3y ago
My name is Alejandro and this is my experience going to an Ayahuasca retreat with my cousin and how I know there’s a far better option for people with depression/anxiety than commercial antidepressants and all those big-pharma medications. Ayahuasca (pronounced: eye-ah WAH-ska) for those who don’t know is plant-based psychedelic, it affects all senses, altering a person’s thinking, sense of time and emotions, it also can cause a person to hallucinate; that’s seeing or hearing things (more on that later). The first time I heard of this was from a very spiritual friend who told me about her expe ..read more
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