Why Braveheart drives me crazy
My Adventures In Writing Blog
by T.C. Randall
3y ago
First off, let me start out by saying that, on its own. Braveheart is a fine movie. It’s entertaining, visually stunning and has a good pace. There’s just one problem. The only thing in the movie that has any truth to it is that they got his name right. Other than that, the movie is a complete fabrication. The history nerd within me just can’t stand it. Because of this, I feel it important to outline the history here for you, the REAL history, so you can see what I’m talking about. So, let’s start with the back story. The very first line of the movie, “the king of Scotland had died without an ..read more
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Long term disability letter
My Adventures In Writing Blog
by T.C. Randall
4y ago
Hello everyone. My name is Chris Parry. I was an ER nurse for 14 years, before I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress. That was three years ago. As some of you may be aware, I wrote a book about my struggles (If you want more info, please DM me). For the past year, LTD has been getting progressively more insistent that I look at a return to work as soon as possible. This despite three previous failed attempts, as well as the objections of my therapist. In addition, they are determined to see me return to nursing. This is, of course, purely for financial reasons. If I were to return to work ..read more
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My Adventures In Writing Blog
by T.C. Randall
4y ago
Just wanted to quickly let everyone know what’s going on these days. I will be posting more soon. Now that Christmas is done, I am working on a new short story ..read more
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Why Reagan Was A Bad, Bad Man
My Adventures In Writing Blog
by T.C. Randall
4y ago
As anyone who knows me well will tell you, I am in no way a fan of laissez-faire economics. I believe that history has proven time and time again that industry is wholly incapable of regulating itself. Pollution, poverty, suppression of worker rights and economic stagnation have significantly increased over the last forty years, all under the banner of deregulation. This was a movement which was supposed to provide a better future for everyone, but has failed spectacularly to improve the lives of anyone outside of a privileged few. Yet, inexplicably, we still cling to this belief. Despite the ..read more
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Here we go again
My Adventures In Writing Blog
by T.C. Randall
4y ago
As I write this, the city where I am staying has just announced that we are going back in to lockdown. While this affects us all, I can’t help but feel that the actions of a few have led us to this point. Ironically, it is those few who will most likely complain the loudest about lockdown. Cases are skyrocketing across Canada once again, mostly because our leaders listened to public opinion instead of science. Anyone who looked at the research knew that we were opening up again too soon. We knew there was going to be a second wave, and that it was likely to be worse than the first. We knew tha ..read more
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After the election
My Adventures In Writing Blog
by T.C. Randall
4y ago
First off, congratulations to Joe Biden on his election win. It was a nail biting week to be sure. I don’t think there were many people who expected it to be that close, certainly not after the last four years. What concerns me most is what comes next, and I am certainly not alone in this. Now, I am not referring to the possibility that Trump will try to hang on to power, calling the election a sham. I have already written about that. No, I am referring to what happens once Biden takes office and the implications that his presidency will have on the 2024 election. This is because I do not see ..read more
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Climate change
My Adventures In Writing Blog
by T.C. Randall
4y ago
Today, I find myself sitting in my room on this early November day. I have the window open and I am sweating. The area where I am right now has been hit with a warm front. It is currently 16 degrees outside (that’s Celsius, for all you Americans). Not that I am complaining, mind you. It just highlights my current concerns for what we have been doing to the planet. The sad thing is that we have known about climate change for 40 years now. Scientists first recognized climate change as a concern back in 1980. At the time, correcting the problem would have involved minor changes to the way we live ..read more
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Mental Health Day
My Adventures In Writing Blog
by T.C. Randall
4y ago
So, it’s been a while since I posted. I have been off having some great adventures, so I appologize but not really. In honor of mental health day, I thought that I might post about my own struggles with PTSD and the misconceptions that I often hear from other people. The first one is that PTSD need not be centered on one event. There is also complex PTSD, which is based on an extended period of time in which the individual (in this case myself) Feels unsafe. This is one of the most common misconceptions that I find on PTSD, particularly in the organizations (who will remain nameless) built on ..read more
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Read this book.
My Adventures In Writing Blog
by T.C. Randall
4y ago
I have read many books written by nurses over the years (and have even written one myself). I can honestly say that this is now my new second favorite. Emma Gracie is already an accomplished author and it shows. Her story telling is vivid and filled with detail. As a fellow nurse, I often felt that I was actually in the room with her, watching the events she describes unfold. That is a rare talent indeed. I also liked that many of her tales were so upbeat. She obviously cares a great deal for her patients. Given the stress that health care workers are under right now, it is easy to forget some ..read more
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Harm Reduction and why it matters
My Adventures In Writing Blog
by T.C. Randall
4y ago
This week, I plan to cover a subject that is very near and dear to my heart, harm reduction. I had intended to write on another subject this week, but last weekend I helped out with a petition drive. The purpose was to get the federal government to treat the opioid crisis as a public health emergency and to provide a safe supply for those struggling with addiction. I should note that it is not only compassion that drives me to support this. There is another, just as important, reason. Quite simply, it’s because such programs work. I should probably start out with an admission. I, too, struggle ..read more
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