TWiEVO 109: On the origins of orange
This Week In Evolution
by Vincent Racaniello
1M ago
Nels and Vincent discuss the molecular and genetic origins of sex-linked orange coat color in cats. Hosts: Nels Elde and Vincent Racaniello Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS,  Become a patron of TWiEVO Links for this episode Join the MicrobeTV Discord server Orange coat color in cats (bioRxiv) Timestamps by Jolene Science Picks Nels – AI takes up science podcasting Vincent – Humans evolved for distance running – but ancestor ‘Lucy’ didn’t go far or fast Music on TWiEVO is performed by Trampled by Turtles Send your more
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TWiEVO 108: A virus in every parasite
This Week In Evolution
by Vincent Racaniello
2M ago
Nels and Vincent review the identification of a novel virus associated with the pathogen Plasmodium knowlsei and which is part part of a diverse and unclassified viral taxon. Hosts: Nels Elde and Vincent Racaniello Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS,  Become a patron of TWiEVO Links for this episode Join the MicrobeTV Discord server Virus associated with P. knowlsei (bioRxiv) Timestamps by Jolene Science Picks Nels – The peace of wild things, poem by Wendell Berry Vincent – All Life on Earth Today De more
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TWiEVO 107: One small step for cells, one giant step for cell kind
This Week In Evolution
by Vincent Racaniello
2M ago
Nels and Vincent discuss the origins of eukaryotes, with contributions from at least 3 bacteria (alphaproteobacteria) and a large contribution from DNA viruses with large genomes. Hosts: Nels Elde and Vincent Racaniello Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS,  Become a patron of TWiEVO Links for this episode Join the MicrobeTV Discord server Complex symbiotic interactions during eukaryogenesis (bioRxiv) Timestamps by Jolene Science Picks Nels – Vincent – Can science cure its addiction to plastic? Music more
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TWiEVO 99: A shocking means to move genes
This Week In Evolution
by VIncent Racaniello
2M ago
Nels and Vincent reveal how electric organ discharge from the electric eel facilitates the introduction of DNA into teleost larvae. Hosts: Nels Elde and Vincent Racaniello Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, RSS,  Become a patron of TWiEVO Links for this episode Join the MicrobeTV Discord server Electric eel discharge moves DNA into cells (Peer J) Timestamps by Jolene Science Picks Nels – “The Jump” quilt by Cristina Arcenegui Bono Vincent – T4 bacteriophage art object and Gwenbeads Etsy shop more
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TWiEVO 89: On the outer rim of tumor evolution
This Week In Evolution
by Vincent Racaniello
2M ago
Nels and Vincent discuss the observation that cells on a boundary of a solid tumor have higher growth rates compared to those in the center and how to model this difference using genome sequencing data. Hosts: Nels Elde and Vincent Racaniello Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, RSS,  Become a patron of TWiEVO Links for this episode •Join the MicrobeTV Discord server •Evolutionary models of solid tumor growth (Nat Ecol Evol) Science Picks Nels – TWiV 1000 Vincent – The dream of wiping out polio might need a rethink Music on TWiEVO is performed b more
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TWiEVO 106: What's old immunity is new again
This Week In Evolution
by Vincent Racaniello
4M ago
Nels and Vincent explain how homology searches of anti-phage systems in eukaryotic genomes can be used to discover proteins of the human immune system. Hosts: Nels Elde and Vincent Racaniello Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS,  Become a patron of TWiEVO Links for this episode Join the MicrobeTV Discord server Human antiviral effectors from antiphage systems (Cell Host Micro) Timestamps by Jolene Science Picks Nels – Vincent – Can science cure its addiction to plastic? Music on TWiEVO is performed b more
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TWiEVO 105: Not every rose has its thorn
This Week In Evolution
by Vincent Racaniello
4M ago
Nels and Vincent look at how plant prickles, sharp epidermal projections that provide defense from predators and other advantages, arose by convergent evolution, the emergence of analogous traits in distantly related species. Hosts: Nels Elde and Vincent Racaniello Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, RSS,  Become a patron of TWiEVO Links for this episode Join the MicrobeTV Discord server Convergent evolution of plant prickles (Science) Timestamps by Jolene Science Picks Nels – Trees as a metaphor to understa more
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TWiEVO 104: Wooly mammoth prosciutto
This Week In Evolution
by Vincent Racaniello and Nels Elde
7M ago
Nels and Vincent discuss the genome sequence of an ancient wooly mammoth, which shows that the three-dimensional architecture of the DNA can persist after 50,000 years. Hosts: Nels Elde and Vincent Racaniello Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, RSS,  Become a patron of TWiEVO Links for this episode Join the MicrobeTV Discord server Three dimensional architecture of 50,000 year old wooly mammoth genome (Cell) Timestamps by Jolene Science Picks Nels – Mysterious SARS-CoV-2 variants showing up in sewer sam more
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TWiEVO 103: Change the world by duplicating yourself
This Week In Evolution
by Nels Elde and Vincent Racaniello
7M ago
Nels and Vincent explore a direct experimental test of Ohno’s Hypothesis, which states that gene duplication can help genes tolerate new mutations and thus facilitates the evolution of new phenotypes. Hosts: Nels Elde and Vincent Racaniello Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, RSS,  Become a patron of TWiEVO Links for this episode Join the MicrobeTV Discord server Direct test of Ohno’s Hypothesis (eLive) Timestamps by Jolene Science Picks Nels – Experimental Evolution and the Nature of Biodiversity Vince more
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TWiEVO 100: Spaces that celebrate science
This Week In Evolution
by Vincent Racaniello
7M ago
Rich Condit joins Nels and Vincent at the Science Mill in Johnson City, Texas, where Director of STEM Education Jeehyun Park talks about the goals of the childrens’ museum. Hosts: Nels Elde, Vincent Racaniello, and Rich Condit Guest: Jeehyun Park Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, RSS,  Become a patron of TWiEVO Links for this episode Join the MicrobeTV Discord server The Science Mill Timestamps by Jolene Science Picks Nels – Science Mill: More Than a Museum and Elde Lab Video Rich – The more
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