Reinventing Yourself to Stay Relevant - with John Daniels
LD at Large Podcast
by Chris Lose
11M ago
with John Daniels - Lighting Designer at Karpe Diem On this episode, we discuss growing up in Saudi Arabia, getting a worldly education, how to pull inspiration from world travels, being an immigrant in your own country, human rights in the Middle East, interning in Miami, lighting as function vs. lighting as art, training the next generation to maintain a level of quality, how pre-vis can help provide the best quality of art, the transition from lighting the set to lighting air, and how to decide when to keep it classy and simple or flashy and wild more
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Look To The Future For Good Business - with Steve Richards
LD at Large Podcast
by Chris Lose
11M ago
with Steve Richards - Principal at Original Syndicate LLC On this episode, we discuss how the future of the lighting industry will be forever changed, how will we maintain our level or compensation, what does and does not belong in a deal memo, being a pragmatic mentor, when an email and a handshake is good enough, how to properly define out terms for employment without presenting as a prima-donna, how to keep in line with covering ourselves vs. being demanding, and whether or not we should include repercussions for late payment in a contract. disclaimer: this is not legal advice. Please visit more
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Get Paid to Pay Attention to Details - Megan Alksninis
LD at Large Podcast
by Chris Lose
11M ago
with Megan Alksninis - Lighting Designer at Megrose Designs On this episode, we discuss paying attention to details, the difference between a perfectionist and a jerk, when good enough is good enough, how to strive for perfection without sweating it, how even drunk people are entitled to a great performance, the joys of happy accidents, donating pre-vis time to make ourselves have a great show, focusing on minute details without losing the big picture, working with Atreyu, New Found Glory, Refused, The Amity Affliction Freelance and more. Please visit: more
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Beyond Church Camp Ghetto - with Brian Vaughan
LD at Large Podcast
by Chris Lose
11M ago
with Brian Vaughan - Director of Lighting at Fireplay! On this episode, we discuss coming up through the church scene to do bigger shows, when to work for art’s sake and when to work for a paycheck, when is it okay to work for free? Charities? Church? Opening Band?, the benefits of free text support, how we will keep our rates at a good level post-pandemic, and how much of your show file belongs to the client and how much belongs to the programmer. Please visit: and more
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Black LDs Matter - with Kathy A. Perkins
LD at Large Podcast
by Chris Lose
11M ago
with Kathy A. Perkins - Lighting Designer and Professor of Theatre out of North Carolina On this episode, we discuss how much progress we have made as an industry to promote inclusivity and how much farther we have to go, her unique experiences in theatrical lighting and the entertainment industry, being willing to express herself in multiple mediums including research, books and lectures, the role of race and class in the arts, where racism and classism exist in our industry, the steps that unions have taken to promote inclusivity in theater, her upcoming book - Telling Our Stories of Home, a more
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A Man Apart in Mexico - with Daniel Dawson
LD at Large Podcast
by Chris Lose
11M ago
with Daniel Dawson - Lighting Designer for Black Label Society On this episode, we have a discussion between expat lighting designers, how he got into the industry, what the lifestyle is like in Mexico right now, moving from tech to crew chief to designer, mentors that have taught him what he knows, How his technician skills affect his designs, calling on radio to fix a light when you know its a cable and not the programming, bringing family and kids to a show, some things that we will never take for granted again, and the love and respect for our rock ’n roll community. Please visit: linkedin more
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LASERS: An Industry Adapting to Change - with Justin Perry
LD at Large Podcast
by Chris Lose
11M ago
with Justin Perry - Partner and Chief Operating Officer at Pangolin / Kvant / Unity Lasers On this episode, we discuss the progression of lasers and laser technology, laser programming, how lasers have adapted to the isolation period, audience scanning safety, how lasers can be as impactful on camera as they are in a live setting, how lasers are adapting to VR, AR and XR, how lasers are becoming part of the lighting design process and integrating into the lighting programming, maintaining relationships with clients during the isolation period, and maintaining momentum when the industry is basi more
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The Televised Revolution - with Jeff Ravitz
LD at Large Podcast
by Chris Lose
11M ago
with Jeff Ravitz - Lighting Designer and Founding Partner at Intensity Advisors On this episode, we discuss his upcoming book - Lighting for Televised Live Events: Making Your Live Production Look Great for the Eye and the Camera, considering a career (or a career expansion) into television, considering every angle in a multi-camera shot, what discussions need to be had to prepare for a live broadcast, lighting for different skin tones,  how the entire world is being broadcast. The book explores how to retain the essence and excitement of a live production while assuring that the show loo more
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Bring in the Theatre Marines - with Paul Fine
LD at Large Podcast
by Chris Lose
11M ago
with Paul Fine - Principal Designer at Fine Design Associates On this episode, we discuss the importance of peer to peer events, applying theatre techniques to corporate events, corporate events return even after live music, how corporate shows provide a different lifestyle from concert and theatrical professions, how to make the audience feel like they are stepping into an embassy, lighting corporate shows for impact above utility, unfair labor practices at venues, unfair business practices by large rental houses, and the similarities of rock ’n roll touring and the corporate world. Please vi more
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People Pleasing Primadonna in Pink Chiffon - with Dustin Snyder
LD at Large Podcast
by Chris Lose
11M ago
with Dustin Snyder - Lighting Designer and Director On this episode, we discuss what extraordinary lengths we would go to to do lighting, what great lengths we have gone to to keep a job, how to be a better negotiator, how to be a hard worker without compromising our ethics, having special requests when taking a job, How demanding we can be on a job (special diet, work hours, extracurricular activities, rental cars etc.), having to wear two and three hats to stay under budget in the lean market, a vegan tangent and finally, what we will have to do post-pandemic to keep up our perks and necessi more
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