RPA Tools | Automation at Scale
RPA Tools attracts the highest concentration of RPA enthusiasts and business technology executives with unparalleled peer insight and expertise on automation, efficiency, and culture. Our readers gain key insights on self-awareness and confidence.
RPA Tools | Automation at Scale
4y ago
No-code automation platforms are transformations of the status quo, so adopting one can be a game-changing initiative for any organization. Beyond the service they provide, the improvements to software delivery these platforms enable can empower companies to innovate and discover new value.
However, suggesting an entirely new way for your organization to build applications can also invite skepticism. We will provide advice on how to discuss no-code automation platforms with various people within your company, with an eye toward the benefits they can bring everyone from the C-suite to developer ..read more
RPA Tools | Automation at Scale
4y ago
RPA Tools | Automation at Scale
4y ago
RPA Tools | Automation at Scale
4y ago
In this week's news:
Is the COVID-19 pandemic speeding up automation adoption?
Blue Prism raises $120M.
Even NASA is adopting RPA.
Enjoy this collection of top articles on the intelligent automation transformation ..read more
RPA Tools | Automation at Scale
4y ago
We have seen a rush to automation for time, money, and grief savings. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has been on the cutting edge of this wave of automation benefits.
RPA is changing its focus from just automating assisting or eliminating mundane work to seeding automated worker bots into processes and systems.
The level of intelligence of these bots or agents is going up, thanks to AI.
Today RPA is good at mundane tasks and reducing nasty work for people. Typical tasks would include auto-keying, screen/form integration, application or data integration, automated decisions, and rudimentary t ..read more
RPA Tools | Automation at Scale
4y ago
“As AI can learn to think, learn, and project by employing predictive analytics, RPA should be able to intercept exceptions and match these patterns or events to expected or unexpected, opportunities, and threats.
This puts organizations in a position to think through and respond to emergent behaviors and markets ..read more
RPA Tools | Automation at Scale
4y ago
Technology based innovation is transforming the world around us at a rapid pace. Digital technologies are adding the much-needed impetus to The 4th Industrial Revolution by making the overall transactions more seamless, automated, productive and efficient.
All businesses need to be mindful of this new-found agility and efficacy in order to navigate through today’s competitive market.
Leveraging these cutting-edge technologies in ways in which business profitability is enhanced, will be vital to sustain in the Age of Digital Transformation ..read more
RPA Tools | Automation at Scale
4y ago
RPA Tools | Automation at Scale
4y ago
To protect against jobs being eliminated due to automation, it is important to recognize which characteristics are most likely to be associated with a given job being automated — perception and manipulation, creative intelligence, and social intelligence are the three bottlenecks to automation.
Cities and regions that have invested in skilled industries remain relatively safe from automation and technological dynamism will remain the best way to maximize employment and to benefit positively from new technologies.
Education is also a very important tool that policymakers will need to leverage i ..read more
RPA Tools | Automation at Scale
4y ago
By now many executives have heard the term Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Although sometimes misinterpreted due to the absence of robots, RPA software is a powerful tool to perform manual, time-consuming, rules-based office tasks more efficiently by reducing cycle time and at lower costs than other automation solutions.
RPA Tools estimates that 45% of work activities can be automated, and that this automation would save $2 trillion in global workforce costs ..read more