Elk Hunters Guide
Hi, I'm Jimmie Norris, and ElkHuntersGuide.com is my new adventure.
The blog format typically includes a story of one of my hunting adventures, and what I learned from the experience. Some of these nuggets of knowledge come from my successes. Most of them come from my mistakes. All of them are shared in order to help you along in your elk hunting journey.
Elk Hunters Guide
4y ago
Elk Hunting Gear Essentials
Part 3 in a series where I share my picks for critical elk hunting gear, and the stories behind my decisions.
Transcript Introduction
Hi! I’m Jimmie Norris with ElkHuntersGuide.com This is the third video in a series, where I share with you what I consider to be my elk hunting gear essentials, and the stories behind what made me decide those are the most important items for me.
Back Story
When I first started archery hunting my wife used to go hunting with me. She didn’t actually hunt, she mostly just stayed in camp and e ..read more
Elk Hunters Guide
5y ago
Elk Hunting Gear Essentials – Binoculars
Do you always use binoculars when you hunt elk?
Do you need to?
I have gone through an evolution in my thoughts about what is important in the way of binoculars. In this video I share with you what has changed over time.
Let me know what you think in the comments below ..read more
Elk Hunters Guide
5y ago
Elk Hunting Gear Essentials – GPS
The first in a video series about my Elk Hunting Gear Essentials and the stories behind them
Why GPS?
I don’t add Elk Hunting Gear to my collection that often. When I do, there is usually a reason for it. That’s what this video is about. What made me decide to buy a GPS when I had gotten along fine for years without one ..read more
Elk Hunters Guide
5y ago
Elk Hunt 2019 Part 2
Larry and I Share Our Adventure
In this video, my brother-in-law and hunting partner share stories of our Elk Hunt in 2019.
Larry, his son Logan, my son Clay, and I had a great time. Spoiler alert! This was the year of the misses! 3 of us had 2 shot opportunities each and we came home empty handed. This is not normal, but it happens ..read more
Elk Hunters Guide
5y ago
Elk Hunting Adventure 2019
Part 1
Sorry About That
Before I give you an update on my Elk Hunting Adventure for 2019, let me apologize. I’ve always done my best to publish every couple of weeks. Life got extra busy and I had some problems with my email provider, which caused some delays. So please accept my apologies for not getting you something sooner. I was ..read more
Elk Hunters Guide
5y ago
Transporting Elk Meat
from the Field
You did everything right, now you have an elk down. How are you going to get several hundred pounds of meat off the mountain?
The post Transporting Elk Meat from the Field appeared first on Elk Hunters Guide ..read more
Elk Hunters Guide
5y ago
Scouting for Elk Hunting
What do you do on a scouting trip?
Scouting for Elk Hunting
Hi, I’m Jimmie Norris with ElkHuntersGuide.com.
Today I want to talk to you about scouting for your elk hunting trip. You know, some people look at scouting is just a pre-hunt hunting trip, just not carrying a weapon.
I don’t look at it that way. I look at it as an information, or data c ..read more
Elk Hunters Guide
5y ago
Elk Hunting From A Blind
3 Tips for Success
Elk hunting isn’t often associated with sitting in a blind, but adding this tactic will give you more opportunities.
Elk Hunting From A Blind
Hi, I’m Jimmie Norris with ElkHuntersGuide.com.
You know, when you think about elk hunting tactics, you often think about calling during the rut, or maybe “spot and stalk”, and those are e ..read more
Elk Hunters Guide
5y ago
5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Feet
While Elk Hunting
Don’t ruin your hunt
because you didn’t take care of your feet.
Hi! I’m Jimmie Norris with elkhuntersguide.com.
I’ve got a trivia question for you today: What were the two standing orders that Lt ..read more