Re/imagine • Journey Through The Present Future
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by mongox
5M ago
In order to fully appreciate the context of this post, we encourage readers to visit the earlier content. HELL RIDERS – THE MOTORCYCLE SUBCULTURE OF SINGAPORE IN THE 70/80S In a future shaped by AI, our creativity is no longer confined to traditional methods like handcraft, industrial workshops, or electronical desktops. With AI serving as a tool to aid rather than replace our creative process. While the generated output may not fully match our vision, it can expand our possibilities, much like how motorcycles enable exploration beyond the limits of our feet. Ultimately, it's our ingenuity th more
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Hell Riders – The Motorcycle Subculture of Singapore in the 70/80S
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by mongox
5M ago
From the neon-lit streets of Tokyo, where the Bōsōzoku (暴走族)tear through the night with their vibrant displays of rebellion, to the North-South Expressway flanked by palm tree plantations, where the Mat Rempit weave through traffic with audacious skill, motorcycle subcultures have left an indelible mark across the globe. In Great Britain, the Mod epitomize style and sophistication, while in America, the Outlaw motorcycle clubs command both fear and fascination with their outlaw ethos. Yet, amidst this rich tapestry of motorcycle culture. Singapore has its own storied history that should not be more
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Ride Your Story
by cwango
6M ago
從出發點基拉爾到附近其他主要城鎮的距離 基拉爾(Killar)位於喜馬偕爾邦最西北部,是一個即將成為城鎮的鄉鎮。這裡是前往基斯特瓦爾(Kishtwar)或基隆(Keylong)方向的重要中途站,對於穿越該地區的人來說,具有關鍵的位置。儘管如此,基拉爾僅有一兩家旅館,這裡不是遊客的熱門勝地,而更像是一個實用的中途休息站。我們從馬尼拉 (Manali) 騎行到這裡,距離230公里,這裡是我們旅程的起點,我們將啟程前往聲名狼藉的基拉爾-基斯特瓦爾公路,該公路是26號州道的一部分(也被稱為基隆-坦迪-基斯特瓦爾公路)。 人生總是能夠適應並找到生存之道 基拉爾至基什特瓦爾的懸崖公路。 危險嗎? 在我們進入基拉爾之前,我們已做好了準備,預計接下來的一天將面對著崎嶇的道路。隨著海拔的提升,道路變得越來越不平坦,甚至已經看不到曾經存在過的柏油路面。散落在周圍的大石塊和山上掉下來的岩石,是落石的痕跡和警告的標誌。急速湍急的瀑布由山上融化的雪水形成,更加增添了道路的挑戰。跨越溪流是探險車手的的喜愛,但當這樣的情景每天都要經歷十幾次時,也會變得有些煩厭。在如此崎嶇不平的道路上駕駛摩托車已經相當困難,我們最不希望遇到的是濕滑的地面。儘管面臨著這些困難和考驗,我不斷提醒自己,這就是我來到這裡的原因。這是我保持身心平衡的唯一安慰。 位於基拉爾郊區某處的潘吉山谷 (Pangi Valley more
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Ride Beyond Boundary: Motorcycle Day Trip from Singapore to johor
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by mongox
6M ago
I have encountered one too many motorcycle enthusiast, despite their professed love for motorcycling, hesitate to venture beyond our border. Their reluctance often stems from concerns about border bureaucracy, infamous traffic congestion, and their own confidence. Singapore, confined to an island of 28km x 49km, with around 9,500 lane-km of roads and nesting at the southern tip of the vast Eurasian landmass. While our strategic maritime location has propelled economic prosperity, for passionate motorcyclist, this geographic advantage turns to a disadvantage. The only option for an ‘exotic’ rid more
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Glimpse From The Saddle – Book 1 to 3 of Series
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by cwango
4y ago
Traveling on a motorcycle while gives your the mobility to go places freely and openly. Often we could only take a glancing look without keeping our eye off the road. And even if we can find a spot to stop, at times we can only afford a brief moment of appreciation while still seated. This is the collection of those selected memories rediscovered in my album on and off the saddle. The Hard Work Slowly but surely! and it took me a whole year of laziness to finally complete my first 3 of the Glimpse from the Saddle series. The idea was first mooted during the creation of the commemorative ebook more
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SACH PASS – साच पास • Is it dangerous?
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by cwango
4y ago
Ending our ride of a segment of the Killar – Kishtwar cliffhanger road, we are heading back to the plains. We will be making a stop for the night at Bairagarh before heading to Dalhousie. To reach there we will need to ride over Sach Pass (साच पास). The yet another road that is reputed to be the ‘most dangerous road in the world‘. It will be a bumpy ride for sure, but is it as ‘dangerous’ as the cliffhanger road. The old and new bridge over Chenab river. Taking the SH26 (State Highway) towards the same direction towards Kishtwar. With a short ride from Killar, one will take a turn into unmark more
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Video. The Cliffhanger Road of Killar to Kitshwar • Is It Dangerous ?
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by cwango
4y ago
The Cliffhanger Road Killar – Kitshwar Road, aka the Cliffhanger Road. Is it really that dangerous? Does it live up to its reputation as ‘The most dangerous road ‘in the world’? While I haven’t rode all the bad road in the world to verify that claim. I was indeed persuaded by it to make the trip and ride it. Read : Riding the Killar – Kitshwar Road The road was part of the Himachal Pradesh State Highway 26 (HP SG26) named Tandi (टांडी) – Kitshwar (किठेश्वर) Road. The road link, as the name implies, the town of Kitshwar in the region of Jammu & Kashmir (जामू और काश्मीर , Union Territory of more
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Tai O Fishing Village – 大澳漁村
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by cwango
4y ago
Situated on the western Lantau Island in Hong Kong, is an idyllic fishing village Tai O (大澳), named after the adjacent island of the same name. A great day to get away from the routine city life of of Hong Kong. Easily accessible with a bus ride, cable car with bus or even a ferry ride from Tung Chung Station. First Impression It is a fishing village trying to substantiate its existence in the ever changing world. On alighting at the bus stop, you will be greeted by touts, not hard-selling you fake Rolex, but dolphin watching boat ride. With the diminishing fishing industry, some boatmen are more
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The Precarious Plank Walk in Hua Shan – 长空栈道
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by cwango
4y ago
Skimming the surface of the South peak of Hua Shan, on a foot and half wide plank with a 2000 meter (1.2 miles) vertical drop. It is as dangerous as it look ? As you are reading this, there will be probably a dozen of thrill seeker taking selfie at this very moment on this ‘most dangerous hike in the world‘. And hundreds have done it today. There is no short of Youtube videos with exaggerated reaction along the plank walk. So let me just write by recalling what captivate me to head to Hua Shan back in 2011, fulfilling my curious childhood dream – from a scene in an unknown documentary. Yester more
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Hiking In Hong Kong
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by cwango
4y ago
The city is well known for its shopping district than a walk in nature. At least for a typical tourist – a non resident or expat. But away from the glamour and glitz, the starting and end point are all within distance of the latter and it won’t take long for you to be in a world’s apart. The geology of territory is made up of mostly volcanic and granite rock. At 957 metres (3,140 ft) the highest peak in Hong Kong – Tai Mo Shan (大帽山, Big Hat Mountain) is an inactive volcano. Together it made up the list of over 130 of list of mountains, peaks and hills. That will explained why the island that more
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