Coronavirus Today
This podcast has a very simple purpose: explain in easy to understand terms information surrounding coronavirus as the news breaks. It is an attempt to eliminate as much of the noise as possible. Dr. Brian McDonough is a Four-Time Emmy Award winner in a twenty-year career at Fox and has been honored as National Medical Broadcaster of the Year and Family Physician of The Year.
Coronavirus Today
1M ago
Robert J. Schena joins me to discuss the potential for wearable devices and artificial intelligence to play a role in providing care in new and inventive ways. Robert is CEO, President and Co-founder of Rajant Corporation. He was appointed to the State of Pennsylvania’s Ben Franklin Technology Board by Governor Ridge in 2001, reappointed by Governor Rendell in 2004 and 2008, and reappointed by Governor Wolf in 2016. His vision is to expand care to those who are in rural and underserved areas as well as using technology to measure real time metrics related to an individual's health care. In our ..read more
Coronavirus Today
1M ago
Californians are not alone and natural disasters are occurring throughout the country ..read more
Coronavirus Today
2M ago
Understanding this concept (or not understanding) could have a direct impact on you health and the health of those you love ..read more