Unlock #Unstoppable Confidence: Train Your Brain to Take Bolder Action!
What's Within U
1w ago
Have you ever wondered why it's so hard to take that leap of faith, even when you know it's the right move? If you have, I get it, trust me. There was a point in time, many moons ago, when I almost didn’t launch my coaching practice. I was scared and the stories of “not good enough” were running rampant in my brain. Talk about being stalled out. That was in 2005, as the writing of this post, almost two decades ago. Thankfully, I sit here today with a thriving practice, doing work that I love, and all because I found ways to overcome my brain's resistance. So, in this blog post, I’d like t ..read more
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The Power of Self-Talk: How Your Words Shape Your Mindset
What's Within U
2w ago
In our everyday lives, we often overlook one of the most significant influencers on our mindset. Surprisingly, it’s not social media; it’s actually the things we say to ourselves. This internal dialogue, which I call "inner yammering," profoundly impacts our mindset, self-perception, mental health, self-esteem, and overall outlook on life. But before we dive into tips for transforming that negative self-talk, I’d like to geek out with you for a moment and share some fascinating insights from a study done by Dr. Masaru Emoto, as well as share some compelling neuroscience factoids. Because un ..read more
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Navigating Emotional Twisters: Practical Tips for Tricky Relationships
What's Within U
3w ago
Hi Everyone! In this blog post we're diving into a topic we've all encountered at some point: tricky relationships and their negative impact. These are the connections that can leave us feeling confused, ticked off, or emotionally drained. We'll start by exploring how these relationships impact your mindset, then I'll share some tips for preventing the drain and managing some of the challenging feelings that come with the tricky relationship territory. Tricky Relationships’ Impact on Mindset Picture this: you're in a great mood, and then someone you have a tricky relationship with shows u ..read more
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The Power of Play: How It Can Boost Productivity and Shift Your Mindset
What's Within U
1M ago
Hey there, friends! I want to talk about something we all loved as kids but often forget as adults—taking time out to play. Remember the joy of running around the playground, imagining you were a superhero while jumping from the swings, or just goofing off with friends? Well, guess what? That same playfulness can still work wonders for you today.  Play First: Feel Good Now When we take time out to play, our brains get a hit of those feel-good chemicals like dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin. Think of these as your brain's natural mood boosters. They help us feel good, reduce stress ..read more
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The Neuroscience of Gratitude: How Gratitude Transforms Your Mindset
What's Within U
1M ago
Hello, unstoppable mindset friends! Today, we're going on a fascinating journey into the world of neuroscience, gratitude, and how being in a state of gratitude can transform your mindset. Why Gratitude? You might be thinking, "Why should I care about gratitude?" OR “Been there, done that, and it doesn’t work.” I get it. I used to think similarly until A) I understood the brain science and the impact gratitude has and B) I was in a piss-poor mood that nothing could penetrate.  More on that a little later. For now, let’s dive into a little bit of brain science. The Brain on Gratitu ..read more
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The “A.C.E” It Framework: From Uncertain to #Unstoppable
What's Within U
2M ago
You know, I’ve got this inner critic – let’s call her ‘Bitty B.’ She’s been my lifelong companion, like that quirky friend who’s always there, whether you want her or not. Bitty B’s got a knack for being loud and occasionally downright mean. She’s the one who whispers, ‘You’re not good enough,’ or ‘Who do you think you are?’ And let’s not forget her favorite line: ‘Imposter alert!’   Since I was ten, I’ve been on a quest to unravel Bitty B’s mysteries. I’ve scoured self-help books, taken courses, meditated, researched high and low – all in pursuit of understanding her schtick. Why does sh ..read more
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Confidence Bytes: Episode 1
What's Within U
3M ago
️ Welcome to Confidence Bytes! ️ Episode 1: “Like Your Inner Critic - A Shift in Perspective” Have you ever felt like your inner critic is the loudest voice in the room? Fear not! In this inaugural episode, we’re diving deep into the fascinating world of brain factoids and practical experiments. Get ready to transform that nagging inner critic into your most powerful ally. So, grab your headphones, settle in, and let’s embark on this confidence-boosting journey together. Remember, every byte counts! Disclaimer: Confidence Bytes is not responsible for any sudden outbreaks of swagger ..read more
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Beyond the Hashtags: Staying True to Myself
What's Within U
3M ago
So, last week I did something – I deleted my Instagram accounts. It might not sound like a big deal, but for me, it was huge. It wasn’t just about ditching a social media platform; it was about staying true to myself. You see, Instagram and I never really clicked. It felt like wearing shoes that were two sizes too small – uncomfortable and hard to walk in. So, I decided it was time to let go of what didn’t feel right. It’s kinda funny how freeing it felt and still does, especially considering it’s just a social media platform. I don’t have any FOMO nor pangs of missing the stories and po ..read more
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Finding the Wow in the Everyday: Your Key to a Magical Mindset Makeover
What's Within U
4M ago
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to overlook the magic that surrounds us. We rush from one task to another, often with our eyes fixed on screens or lost in thoughts of what’s next. But what if we paused, just for a moment, to observe the world with the wonder of a child? Roald Dahl, a master storyteller, once said: “And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” This quote has been my gentle reminder that life’s ..read more
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Failing Forward: How to Turn Flops into Unmissable Opportunities
What's Within U
4M ago
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I used to be absolutely terrified of failing. Like, hide-under-the-covers-and-never-try-anything-new kind of scared. I thought that if I failed, it meant I wasn't good enough, and my inner critic would have a field day with that – “Ha, ha…told you so! Told you, you would biff it!” But then I had a mindset shifting, light-bulb moment… It wasn’t my flops, missteps, or wearing a little egg on my face that were the real issue. It was how I let them affect me. It was allowing them to fuel that pesky inner voice and all the negative feels that came with h ..read more
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