Worldofemotions Blog
Worldofemotions Blog shares Poetry full of emotions and feelings and the readers of this blog love the poetry. the blog shares small poems, poetries, and stories, covering various topics such as love, hate, friendship, life, grief, and more.
Worldofemotions Blog
1w ago
I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.
Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.
Life felt better when you were around.
It felt smooth and colorful.
Where are you?
Where have you gone?
How can you just vanish like that?
I miss the way you called my name with that sweet voice of yours,
I miss the times I spent with you,
I really miss giving you food, water and medicines.
Honestly speaking, I was never fed up of helping you.
I miss your tantrums.
I miss everything abo ..read more
Worldofemotions Blog
1w ago
Our thoughts are seeds that grow each day,
They guide our hearts,they show the right path.
Positive Thinking is warm and light,
It makes the world a brighter place to live in.
On the contrary, Negative Thoughts are dark and mean,
They make us doubt ourselves, feel upset and make us worry about everything (develop an inferiority complex).
Negative Thoughts can break a bond,
They push away the ones we are fond of.
A small mistake, a fight, a tear,
Can ruin friendships held so dear.
But Positive Thoughts can heal the pain,
They bring us ..read more
Worldofemotions Blog
1M ago
At a point of time in life, I thought all of my friends were true.
But as time progressed, I learnt my lesson.
Time showed me a crystal clear view.
Some let me down, some walked away, a few did not care, a few just broke me and my trust.
But the real ones stayed through smiles and frowns.
They understood the value of my friendship and respected me, my words and actions.
The real ones gave the friendship we shared their all.
No matter what,they never judged and always remained.
Now I know, with my heart and mind, the value of those who are r ..read more
Worldofemotions Blog
1M ago
My mom is so strong, with a heart so kind and pure,
Here love is bold.
Through every struggle, she stands so tall,
A lady warrior who faces it all with courage and confidence in her eyes.
With hands that heal and words so wise,
She lifts me up, and helps me rise.
Her strength is quiet, but always there,
She's brave and fearless.
I feel so proud and truly blessed,
To be her daughter, she's the best.
A lioness she is, with strength and care, a lady warrior, she is.
My hero, my light, forever true with a heart of gold.
Thank ..read more
Worldofemotions Blog
1M ago
One day, I looked deep into my heart,
And told myself, "It is time to start".
I chose to change, become the best version of myself, understand situations better and react accordingly.
I realized a lot and entered the real world- understood how people are and how to deal with different people and situations better than my old self could have.
My friends, family members and close ones always taught me to show confidence in my eyes, keep my chin up and to be a FEARLESS YOUNG LADY.
The one thing that my nunnamma left behind for me along with her sweet memories is HER ..read more
Worldofemotions Blog
2M ago
Dear grandma, your hug was so kind and warm,
A love so pure and gentle.
Words can't describe how much I miss all your cute, childish tantrums and all the moments we had together, you left without saying goodbye.
But in my heart, your love will grow.
Forever, I will cherish all the moments I had with you from being a kid till the day you eternally left us.
You did so much for me I am sorry I couldn't pay back, be the best granddaughter and do anything in return.
But this little girl of yours will make you proud someday wherever you are, please smile for ..read more
Worldofemotions Blog
2M ago
When alphabets were aliens to me,
You were there.
When I was new to writing,
You held my hand.
The manners with which I speak today, they are all imbibed from you.
You punished me when I was wrong and made me realize my mistake.
You helped me learn from my mistakes and corrected them with all the efforts it took.
For me , every moment is Teachers Day for I admire and respect all my teachers everyday not only on this day.
To all my teachers, parents, friends, who have taught me something in some or the other way
All that I have to say is:
Th ..read more
Worldofemotions Blog
2M ago
Campus - the place where every student enjoys his /her freedom.
Our parents pay for our education, but the campus gives us friends and future as a bonus.
No one knows about what will happen tomorrow.
And they don't remember what happened yesterday.
Every day is a fresh and new start and every moment is a memory close to the heart.
Everyone has a batch of their own and every batch has a story of its own.  ..read more
Worldofemotions Blog
2M ago
Money can buy you a delicious meal,
But not a friend to hold your hand.
It buys you a watch with diamond faces,
But not the time for life's embraces.
It buys new clothes and fancy shoes,
But not the strength to never lose.
It can't teach you the value of life, the value of human relations and humanity.
It can't show love or care so kind and true.
It can't give joy or help you feel the warmth that makes our hearts heal.
Human relations are what we need,
To grow with kindness and good deeds.
It can't teach, no matter how muc ..read more
Worldofemotions Blog
3M ago
Money can buy you a delicious meal,
But not a friend to hold your hand when in need.
For sure, money fills your pockets,
But friendship fills your heart with love so true and pure.
Cash can be misplaced or lost, but friends - NEVER!
It's a never-ending bond.
It can buy you an expensive watch,
But not the time for life's embraces.
It can buy expensive gifts, but not the happiness of one small action or a few kind words.
It buys new clothes and fancy shoes,
But not the strength to never lose.
The best of things are bought by ..read more