The Dosage
News and commentary from the leading voices in sustainable IT.
The Dosage
2y ago
When it comes to responsible financial & environmental optimization of your used IT equipment, Reusable Yield (RY%) is THE major quantifiable driver and indicator to measure success. It’s easy for ITAD companies to advertise how they lead the industry in “Circular IT” by “maximizing sustainability” (or something similar) to get top results for your company....and it’s in every ITAD brochure and sales pitch. more
The Dosage
2y ago
For people with an intellectual and or a developmental disability (IDD), a household without technology can be a home without a connection to the outside world. Basic needs such as education, banking, shopping, scheduling, resources, and connective communications are essential to get by in this fast-moving world more
The Dosage
2y ago
Laptops 4 Learning’s mission is to close the digital technology divide for students, (one student at a time) across the U.S., by providing laptops for low to moderate income students and their families more
The Dosage
2y ago
While scoping out IT devices and working to get the best device for the price it’s nice to find out, that there are some real advantages to purchasing refurbished electronics more
The Dosage
3y ago
Is your business growing faster than your internal deployment team can manage? Are you looking to consolidate office or warehouse space and in need of managed depot services? Are you looking for ways to cut costs by reusing more of what you already own, versus buying new? Are equipment sourcing shortages and delays impacting your business? more
The Dosage
3y ago
Morgan Stanley is at the center of a hallmark case in the ITAD industry. The financial giant switched ITAD providers in 2016 to save on costs and this eventually led to significant data loss for their customers. In 2020, Morgan Stanley alerted their customers that their data was mismanaged and potentially compromised, which has led to lawsuits in what would become a flashpoint for the ITAD industry more