Hello Music Theory
Say hello to music theory. Music theory resources for students and teachers to download and print plus loads of useful information for anyone interested in music theory.
Hello Music Theory
1M ago
Mother Nature’s mysteries never cease to amaze us, particularly in the depths of Siberia’s Lake Baikal.
If you didn’t know better, you might think an intergalactic war was raging beneath its frozen surface, with sounds reminiscent of Star Wars blaster rifles echoing through the ice.
Just listen to the video below to see what we mean.
Those who live near frozen lakes are familiar with these otherworldly winter sounds. The phenomenon is actually quite natural – as temperatures fluctuate, the ice expands and contracts, creating a symphony of strange noises beneath the surface.
What’s even more m ..read more
Hello Music Theory
4M ago
From paintings on cave walls to intricate sculptures in museums, art has always had a way of capturing our imaginations and emotions. Over the years, songwriters have used their medium to celebrate creativity, the artistic process and honor the creators’ legacies.
So plug in your headphones, immerse yourself in the music, and explore the harmonious fusion of art and music.
1. “Vincent” By Don McLean
To begin our list, we have the hit song of Don McLean, “Vincent.” Released in 1972, this heartfelt ballad is a tribute to the iconic Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh.
“Vincent”, also known as “Starr ..read more
Hello Music Theory
8M ago
You’ve probably heard the advice to “practice with a metronome” before — whether it’s from your teacher, a peer, or your favorite music YouTuber.
Practicing with a metronome will help you maintain a steady tempo and precise rhythm, much like a ruler helps an artist draw straight lines. Just as artists erase their guidelines for a clean final drawing, you’ll eventually want to perform your piece without the metronome.
If you’re ready to follow this advice but don’t know where to start, this article is for you!
Set a Tempo
The first step is to set your metronome at the tempo (or speed) you want ..read more
Hello Music Theory
8M ago
You’ve probably heard the advice “practice with a metronome” before–whether it’s from your teacher, a peer, or your favorite music YouTuber.
Practicing with a metronome helps you play music with a steady tempo and precise rhythms. Your metronome helps you line things up in music the same way a ruler helps artists line up their drawings.
In this analogy, playing with a steady tempo and clean rhythms is the equivalent of an artist drawing straight and clean lines.
And just like an artist will eventually want to erase their perspective lines to make way for their masterpiece, you’ll eventually wa ..read more
Hello Music Theory
8M ago
Have you ever wondered why the pitch that comes out when a flutist plays an A is different from when a clarinetist plays an A? That’s because these instruments are tuned to different keys.
Imagine how tricky it would be to have a bunch of instruments in different keys playing together. If the conductor says, “Everyone, play an A!” which A should they play?
That’s where concert pitch comes in. Concert pitch is the standard pitch used for performances, set at A=440Hz.
It’s like a universal language for musicians so that when the conductor asks for an A, everyone knows exactly which pitch to play ..read more
Hello Music Theory
8M ago
In music, a canon is a technique where a melody is imitated and repeated by voices or instruments in succession. Think of it as a musical “copy and paste”: one part plays a melody, and then another starts playing the same melody after a short delay. This creates a layered effect.
Canons vary in complexity. There are simple rounds, then there are intricate compositions. But they are all beautiful for their rhythmic and melodic interplay.
Here, we’ve collected 10 examples of famous canons in music. Have fun reading!
1. “Three Blind Mice”
Up first is a very popular English nursery rhyme, first p ..read more
Hello Music Theory
9M ago
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to see sound?
Like actually see it moving through the air?
Well, you don’t have to imagine anymore as this amazing invention called a Ruben’s tube allows you to see sound.
Okay, so you can’t physically see it, but you can see how the sound waves move through the air, and it’s very impressive.
If you haven’t seen one before, a Ruben’s Tube uses fire to demonstrate how the sound waves move through the air by having a series of flames in a long line.
The musician then plays their instrument or a recording into a pipe below the flames.
Picture: Moises A ..read more
Hello Music Theory
9M ago
Losing a mother is an experience that leaves a mark on the heart, one that never fully heals. Songs about this loss resonate deeply with those who’ve felt it.
These melodies connect us to the memories, the love, and sometimes the unresolved feelings we hold toward the mothers we’ve lost.
So, in this article, we’ll explore 31 comforting songs about losing your mother. Continue reading to discover music that speaks of this experience.
1. “Bye Mom” By Chris Janson
Our first song is a poignant and deeply moving piece by Chris Janson. “Bye Mom” captures the heartache and beauty of saying goodbye t ..read more
Hello Music Theory
9M ago
I recently asked a question on my FaceBook page and to everyone subscribed to the Hello Music Theory newsletter what age they started learning their instrument.
It was really interesting to see all the responses, so I thought I’d write it up and share what the most common age to start is.
Just a few things to note before we get into the results:
I have a small sample size – Only 334 people have completed this survey so far. I will update the data as I get more results to make it more statistically significant.
These are self-reported ages – I can’t verify the responses.
Some people reported t ..read more
Hello Music Theory
9M ago
Music and movies are akin to two sides of the same coin — inseparable and enhancing the value of each other. The perfect soundtrack doesn’t just complement the visuals; it breathes life into every scene.
Throughout cinematic history, there have been soundtracks that have achieved legendary status. They have become as iconic as the films they accompany. Let’s look at 25 of the greatest movie soundtracks of all time.
1. The Bodyguard
Released in 1992, the soundtrack for The Bodyguard is tied closely to the film’s success. It features Whitney Houston in her acting debut alongside Kevin Costner ..read more