In this podcast, we will discuss social and emotional learning, as well as better practices for implementing these principles of SEL into our professional and personal lives.
2y ago
Goal setting is most impactful when it aligns with your personal and professional vision. Join us to learn from two masters of goal setting, Joann Farrell Quinn of JFQ Consulting and the University of South Florida and Lance Zingale of Sykes Enterprises, Incorporated ..read more
2y ago
What sets the typical New Year's Resolution--well intended but soon a distant memory--apart from goals that stick? Join us to explore the ins and outs of impactful goal setting. You owe it to yourself ..read more
2y ago
Gratitude isn't just for Thanksgiving! Join us to hear the stories of how two individuals, financial advisor Nikki Stokes of Northwestern Mutual and educator Amy Ragg of Academy Prep Center of Tampa, have made gratitude central to their personal and professional lives.  ..read more
2y ago
It's the season of Thanksgiving, but gratitude actually is a health and wellness strategy that applies year-round. Learn how to practice gratitude intentionally as individuals, with children and students, and in the workplace ..read more
2y ago
Adverse Childhood Experiences. Over 60% of adults have reported having them. We also know that about half of all children have experienced at least one Adverse Childhood Experience, or ACE. But what are they? What do they include? And most importantly, how can I help students with ACES. We’ll discuss on this episode of SELementary ..read more
2y ago
We’ve probably all been to an event or a party where you don’t know anyone? In these instances, how do you feel? Are you a little nervous? Hesitant? Do you run to the one person you do know as soon as you see them? Do you locate the nearest exits, as well as the bathroom just in case? I think, for many of at least, we can easily understand and relate to this feelings. This is because safety is our brain’s primary concern. It wants to ensure that we are as safe as possible. Now, think about our students. Do they feel safe? Do we provide a safe environment? And what happens when kids don’t feel ..read more
2y ago
We spend a great deal of our lives reacting to people, events, and situations around us. Reactions, however, are just that; actions performed, or feelings experienced in response to situations or events. Reactions are almost always immediate and often not the most appropriate response to situations. So, how can we begin responding to the world around us instead of reacting?Let’s discuss this together on this week’s edition of SELementary, brought to you by Frameworks of Tampa Bay ..read more
2y ago
How do we resolve conflict and behavior issues in the classroom? What is the best way to calm students down? And how do I stay calm in the process? We’ll talk about maintaining composure on this episode of SELementary ..read more
2y ago
Stress. It can be toxic. It affects our mood. It affects our health. And we all have it! But what about the children in our care? We know they have stress too, but do they also have the skills to cope with it? Do they have the words to express? And do they have the resilience to overcome it? We’ll talk about this and more on today’s episode of SELementary, brought to you by Frameworks of Tampa Bay ..read more
2y ago
As educators we're used to stress, however, long-term and prolonged stress can have grave effects on our health. In this episode, we will discuss all aspects of stress, including how we can reduce our own stress in order to better-serve our students.  ..read more