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2M ago
The conflict, or conflicts if you prefer so, are far older than most of us. Correction, the conflicts are older than all of us, for if I use the phrase most of us would mean there are immortals walking amongst us today. No immortals aside, it is generational hatred and international politics that drive the conflicts.
The conflict while very much focused in the Middle-East, its ramifications have a global impact.
In the 60s and 70s, the Israelis grabbed the opportunity to place themselves as the bulwark against the encroaching red communists. While the Arabs under the secular B ..read more
2M ago
SARAWAK. Panglima Medan Timur Tentera Darat (PMT TD), Leftenan Jeneral Dato’ Mohd Sofi bin Md Lepi telah menyempurnakan Majlis Penutup Eksesais Satria Gagah dan Satria Perkasa di sekitar Kawasan Am Lundu, Sarawak pada 8 Mac 2024.
Eksesais SATRIA PERKASA merupakan Field Training Exercise (FTX) 3 Briged yang dilaksanakan mulai 1 hingga 8 Mac 2024 adalah kesinambungan daripada pelaksanaan Eksesais SATRIA GAGAH (Command Post Exercise (CPX)) 3 Briged yang telah dilaksanakan pada 16 hingga 21 Februari 2024.
Eksesais ini dikendalikan bersama Markas Divisyen Pertama Infantri Malaysia ..read more
2M ago
Sekarang tengah hot balik Su-57 sejak PTU pi bergambor kat Zhuhai.
Kita kena sembang CAATSA sebab kena paham kesan dia. Ya aku dulu kaki Vatnik Vodka, siap penah bagi opinion barter trade MiG-29N kepada Russia untuk tambahan Su-30MKM.
Tapi kena realistik. Semua sembang ikut kehendak end-user (ATM) tapi penah tengok history tak bahawa yang tentukan adalah bean-counters kat MOF & jeng jeng jeng ... kaki kabel Jerung Perkasa di MINDEF jugak serta pembuat dasar aka ahlul sarkis (politician).
Come on la, TUDM nak full F-18D Hornet fleet pada 1990an, last dapat sikit ..read more
3M ago
Our soldiers under the UN being injured in Lebanon, the country's side, are nothing new. The country immediately disrespected the United Nations even though it was a member of the United Nations. The UN was useful to them only in the year of its establishment.
We think we are lucky just to be injured. Many of the injured security guards have been injured in the country. Not to mention the dead, not to mention the country.
At most I remember either the 1990s or 2000s. One safe house position for refugees became a target for Artillery. The security guards from Denmark died along with the ..read more
3M ago
MALBATT UNIFIL belongs to the Malaysian Battalion. The soldiers are being treated on the spot by the Lebanese Red Cross. (New TV) Lebanese Army: 3 civilians were dead, and 3 soldiers along with 4 members of the Malaysian UNIFIL unit were injured in the Israeli airstrike on a car in Sidon.
Hurt by IDF missile fired by a drone.
GaGaK ..read more
3M ago
The Lt. Adnan Shooting Academy (AMLA) is an institute licensed by the PDRM to carry out certified firearms handling training.
The academy was founded by Tuan Haji Adnan bin Ibrahim, a retired Royal Malaysian Air Force for 22 years as a member of the Air Special Forces (PASKAU).
He is also a member of the Command (Green Beret) of the Sungai Udang Melaka Special Action Regiment.
Contact Information
- info@akademimenembak.com
- +6013-202 3750
- 08-05, 01, Jln Medan Pusat Bandar 7, Section 9, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor ..read more
3M ago
1. Lots of exercise for land, sea and air.
2. The Kuwaiti Hornet we can have.
3. Warship we can have.
4. We are WILLING to be armed.
5. Our special unit has also been merged under the Malaysian Special Operations Team
6. The question is when we want to go to war.
7. The LCS is heating up.
8. Are we ready for war?
9. We must see who is around us.
10. We have to monitor who the enemy or the traitor is.
11. We must be obedient and faithful to God, the King and the country.
12. When will war break out?
13. ...
GaGaK ..read more
1y ago
written by Bernama
5 March 2024
KUALA LUMPUR:, 5 Feb – Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin mengesahkan anggota pengaman Pasukan Interim Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) di Lubnan (UNIFIL) dari Malaysia berada dalam keadaan selamat.
Mohamed Khaled ketika dihubungi Bernama berkata demikian secara ringkas dan memaklumkan bahawa perincian lanjut akan dikeluarkan dalam kenyataan rasmi kemudian.
Menurut laporan media Lubnan, kenderaan berperisai milik UNIFIL yang didakwa membawa anggota pengaman dari Malaysia dipercayai ditahan penduduk tempatan dan diserahkan kepada pejuang H ..read more
1y ago
written by M.Daim
28 February 2024
KUALA LUMPUR, 28 FEB – Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin menegaskan perolehan Kapal Misi Pesisir Kedua (LMS Batch 2) merupakan satu perolehan yang kritikal dan penting untuk Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM).
Menurut beliau, ancaman semasa terhadap kepentingan strategik maritim negara terutamanya di Sabah dan Sarawak kian meningkat.
Jelas Menteri Pertahanan, perkara tersebut menjadi faktor utama akan keperluan LMSB2.
“Sejak 8 tahun yang lalu, berlaku peningkatan ketara kehadiran kapal perang asing berikutan insiden eksplorasi di perai ..read more
1y ago
written by M.Daim 23 February 2024
MELAKA, 23 FEB – Ketika rakyat Malaysia mula diulit mimpi pada tengah malam Jumaat, satu krisis telah berlaku di Stesen KTMB Pulau Sebang.
Sekumpulan pengganas telah berjaya menawan sebuah kereta api yang sedang dalam perjalanan dari selatan tanah air ke ibu negara. Matlamat mereka adalah untuk melancarkan serangan di tengah-tengah bandar raya Kuala Lumpur.
Air Times News NetworkTentera Malaysia-Kanada patahkan serangan gas beracun pengganas
Anggota pengganas telah bertindak menawan beberapa buah gerabak kereta api tersebut bagi memastikan misi merek ..read more