Musicality Now
Ever wondered why some people seem to have a gift for music? Have you wished that you could play by ear, sing in tune, improvise and jam? You are in the right place. The Musicality Podcast is a mix of interviews and teaching, featuring some of the most inspiring and insightful musicians and music educators, talking about how to learn the..
Musicality Now
1M ago
We rarely use the word "should" or "must" at Musical U... but singing might just be an exception!
If you don't currently use singing as a tool on a daily basis in your music practice, you're missing out. Here's why.
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Full Show Notes and Transcript: Episode 276
Links and Resources
• Musicality Now: Is THIS The Missing Piece For Your Musicality?
• MusicalityBook.com
• Why Every Musician Should Be A Singer Too
• How To Learn To Sing In Tune
Enjoyi ..read more
Musicality Now
4M ago
We are celebrating the release of this: the Musicality book! Woohoo!
This book has been in the works for two years or 15 years, depending on how you measure it, and it's so exciting that it's out.
But it's taken me a while to do this episode because, as I'm going to unpack today, it's been a difficult process. So the book is out. Sort of, mostly. And it kills me that it's not just a clear-cut “It's out! We're done! Hooray!”
In this episode, I want to share a bit about why it's still slightly fuzzy as to whether it's out or not, and a bit of behind the scenes of everything that's been goi ..read more
Musicality Now
4M ago
Join Christopher and the Next Level coaching team to discover the latest tips, tricks and techniques you can use to advance in your own musical life.
This time we have:
- Zac sharing the "breakthrough that leads to ALL the breakthroughs"
- Camilo with a nifty AI tool you can use to help with active listening, playing by ear and improvisation
- Andy reveals a surprising way to improve your finger speed on your instrument
- Andrew discusses how our musicality and creativity can easily outstrip our notation skills - and what to do about that
Tip: find jus ..read more
316: Musicality Now: Bringing light and clarity to your musical journey (Coaches Corner, Episode 12)
Musicality Now
7M ago
Join Christopher and the Next Level coaching team to discover the latest tips, tricks and techniques you can use to advance in your own musical life.
In this episode:
- Camilo explains the benefits of having a musical accountability partner
- Andy gives tips on becoming more aware of what helps you to keep winning in music
- Andrew shares insights on musical goals, dreams, identity, and the relationship between each of those.
All that and more, in this week's episode of Coaches Corner!
TIP: Look out for just one little idea or insight from everything t ..read more
Musicality Now
7M ago
If your musical motivation has been waning lately... this episode is for you.
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Full Show Notes and Transcript: http://musicalitynow.com/315
Links and Resources:
• Musicality Now: What's Your "North Star" In Music? (Big Picture Vision)
• Musicality Now: What Is Musicality?
• Musicality Now: What Is Musicality, Revisited (answers from MU members)
• Musicality Now: What Is Musicality (playlist of expert answers)
• The Superlearning Practice Plan
• Gregg Goodhart
• Dr. Molly Gebrian
• Sara ..read more
Musicality Now
7M ago
What makes a great song great? If you've ever wondered how songs are put together, and how much it's careful, intentional craft vs. mysterious divine inspiration, you're going to love today's episode...
In this section of Benny Romalis' (HowToWriteSongs.org) masterclass at Musical U, he explains how to "think like a car mechanic" in your songwriting or listening, and breaks down each section of a song and the musical job each one does.
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Full Show Notes and Transcript: http://musicality ..read more
Musicality Now
7M ago
How does Elton John write such incredible chord progressions? What is it that made Lennon and McCartney songs so distinctive, so that they became the songwriting legends they're now known for being? And what does Sting and Radiohead do differently in their songwriting that you can learn from?
These are just a few of the fascinating topics covered by Benny Romalis and Keppy Coutts on the popular YouTube channel "How To Write Songs".
And today I'm joined by Benny for a mini interview that I think you're gonna love, exploring his views on musicality, where his songwriting expertise came fro ..read more
Musicality Now
7M ago
Join Christopher for an official unveiling of the cover design for the new Musicality book, as well as some exciting hints of things to come!
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Full Show Notes and Transcript: http://musicalitynow.com/312
Links and Resources:
• The Musicality Book - Register Now!
• Musicality Now: The Goal (Inside The Book)
• Inside The Book Episodes
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Musicality Now
7M ago
Did you know, there's one scale which is even more important and powerful than the major scale?
And the best part is, it's not a more complex or advanced one - it's actually simpler!
Join Christopher and the Next Level coaching team to discover the latest tips, tricks and techniques you can use to advance in your own musical life.
In this episode:
- Zac explains how and why to take back your musical authority from the sheet music
- Andy shares the experience of "Pentatonic joy"!
- And Camilo reveals a surprising way to become a better sight-reader ..read more
Musicality Now
7M ago
Did you know there's a musical skill which EVERYONE can already do... and yet only a tiny fraction of musicians are actually intentionally using daily - even though it's a MASSIVE booster for your musicality and all your music learning?
In this "Inside The Book" episode we'll peek into the chapter on Audiation: the ability to vividly imagine and hear music in your mind. We'll explore what it is, how it works, and the many benefits it brings throughout your musical life.
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