A German Shepherd Responds to the Sound of Soul
Animals Are Soul
by Tammy Attama
1y ago
By Tammy Attama, Virginia From the first time I saw a video recording from Eckankar called Miracles in Your Life, I knew it was special. The clip introduces HU, the sacred Sound of Soul. The melody of the background music gives me chills, the photography is exquisite, and the inspiring quotes touch my heart. One day I offered to babysit Owen, the child of my cousin and her husband, at their home. They worked night shifts as police officers, and I was more than happy to help them. When I made the offer, I didn’t know my cousin’s German shepherd, Casey, would show me another aspect of love wi ..read more
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Adventure with a Snowy Owl
Animals Are Soul
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1y ago
By Crystal Doyle, New York A local raptor expert and friend, David, has been catching, banding, and releasing raptors near Rochester, New York, for twenty-five years. He is especially interested in aiding the tracking and research on snowy owls—stunningly beautiful white owls with bright yellow eyes and bristly feather-covered beaks. Snowy owls are one of the heaviest and largest owls in North America. Although they make their home and breeding grounds in the Arctic, younger snowy owls migrate south to Canada and the northern United States. It is thought that their numbers are dwindling due t ..read more
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Healing for the Heart of a Horse
Animals Are Soul
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1y ago
By Danielle Weber-Adrian, Ontario, Canada One of my grandfather’s greatest passions was to raise and train horses. He loved horses, though none of his children or grandchildren did. That is, until I came along. When my mother was leaving for the hospital to give birth to me, he said, “This one is my last chance. This one doesn’t get a vote.” He warned that I’d better like horses. Luckily enough, I did, very much. When I was twelve years old, Papa, as I called my grandfather, bought a horse for me to learn to ride. The beautiful Thoroughbred named Mel came at a bargain price. He was tall with a ..read more
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A Spiritual Master Helps a Veterinarian
Animals Are Soul
by Harold Klemp
1y ago
By Harold Klemp This is a story about a vet, a cat, and Prajapati, an ECK Master who takes a special interest in animals. Our story begins with “Mike.” He’s a young man. He was riding his bike down on the beach, and there he saw a surfboard. Nobody was around, so he took it home, got on the Internet, and went to a site that specializes in help wanted and lost items. He put a notice up—”Found: A surfboard.” A little bit later, he got a call from a veterinarian. He identified his surfboard, and they made arrangements. So Mike took the surfboard over to this veterinarian, whom we’ll call “Docto ..read more
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A Hungarian Street Dog Finds love
Animals Are Soul
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1y ago
Ingo Meckel, Germany I became acquainted with my life companion, Rosi, during a teacup hour with ECKists, members of Eckankar, in Germany. She had recently adopted a former street dog from Hungary. A Hungarian animal organization rescued this stray dog and knew what a rough existence he’d endured. They named him Zockny, from a word that means socks in the Hungarian language, maybe because they felt this guy was as poor as a sock. Rosi found a photo on an internet listing and immediately fell in love with the dog in the picture. Her heart opened when she saw him pressing his head against the l ..read more
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Love Is the Secret Ingredient
Animals Are Soul
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1y ago
By Teresa Rogers, South Carolina I spend a lot of time in the kitchen these days. I make my own food and care for a house full of aging animals—dogs, a one-eyed cat, and a cranky parrot. Yet, the Holy Spirit delivers experiences to open me to life when daily challenges close my heart. Sometimes I carry canned attitudes that run in the back of my mind: Oh, poor me, or Oh, no, what will happen if . . . ? When I forget I have a choice, I act from this mixed goulash of unwanted feelings and thoughts. It is as if they are cooked up without skill and awareness, and they’re not too tasty. I chew on ..read more
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Dog People and Cat People
Animals Are Soul
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1y ago
By Linda Wilken, Oregon I’d been a cat person from the get-go. I just came into this life totally relating to and loving cats. It wasn’t that I didn’t like dogs; it was just that I felt deeply and totally comfortable in the world of cats. By contrast, dogs—while likable—just seemed to have come from a completely different planet. Then I had an awakening. At the end of a long workday, I was in the transportation area of an airport, waiting for my ride to a hotel. A van slowed in front of me, passing slowly to park at the curb a couple of car lengths away. It wasn’t my ride but caught my attent ..read more
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A Little Bird Answers My Question
Animals Are Soul
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1y ago
By Elyce E. Singleton, New Jersey I was driving to work and spied a little bird on the dividing line between lanes. Concerned for its safety, I quickly doubled back to the spot. When I turned around, I saw a man shooing the bird to the side of the road where there were no cars around. As I got out of my car, I asked the man, “Where did you come from?” He replied that he’d pulled over for the bird. The bird was now on someone’s front lawn and out of danger from passing cars. I asked the man if he thought it was injured. I told him I’d take it to The Raptor Trust—a sanctuary for injured and orp ..read more
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The Miracle of a Cat Named Kimba
Animals Are Soul
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1y ago
By Deborah Paris, Western Australia When Jason and I got married, I had five cats—all from rescue homes, and all pure white. Unfortunately my husband had allergies, which meant that certain rooms were out of bounds for my furry friends. The years passed, and my little companions eventually reached old age. One by one, they moved on to the higher worlds, until only Kimba was left. This gave him special privileges, such as being allowed in the lounge. When Kimba turned nineteen, my husband was in his second year of chemotherapy. I would often hear Jason talking to Kimba. The cat sat at his feet ..read more
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A Dog Brings Divine Love to a Woman in Need
Animals Are Soul
by Harold Klemp
1y ago
By Sri Harold Klemp A certain woman was considered to be very strong by her friends. She was the person that others went to when they had trouble in their lives. But one morning she woke up feeling depressed, lonely, forgotten, and unloved. Seventeen years ago on this date her father had died, and she had kept her sorrow to herself all these years. She felt terrible, but she went to work. Her boss was a very understanding person. “On a day like this, sometimes it’s better just to forget work,” he advised. “Go to some special place or talk with a special person.” And the woman had someone in m ..read more
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