Covers it All
The Circle E Life
by Heather Ellison
1w ago
Recently we had a strange occurrence! We had snow in south Mississippi! Not only did we have snow, we had close to 7 inches of the white stuff and several days of frigid temps. The news outlets all called this a generational event, as the last time this area received this type of weather was … The post Covers it All appeared first on The Circle E Life more
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Signs Everywhere
The Circle E Life
by Heather Ellison
3M ago
Fall is here and is in full swing. I wish that it had brought us cooler temperatures, but it has definitely brought us dry weather. Everywhere you look there are signs that fall has arrived. My father-in-law always notices the yellow butterflies in the fall. I have seen spiderwebs covering the grass everywhere! I can … The post Signs Everywhere appeared first on The Circle E Life more
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Time to Go Old School
The Circle E Life
by Heather Ellison
4M ago
We have been pulling some old genetics out lately! We have some calves and embryo calves this season and last from “old school” genetics that we are excited about. Bulls dating back to the 1970s and many others have pulled at our attention lately and the results are exciting! It’s time to go old school! … The post Time to Go Old School appeared first on The Circle E Life more
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New Mercies
The Circle E Life
by Heather Ellison
4M ago
This time of year there is practically a new baby every morning! Calving season is underway. Husband is going to bed checking cows and waking up checking for babies. Who doesn’t like waking up to a new baby every morning? The post New Mercies appeared first on The Circle E Life more
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Out of My Comfort Zone
The Circle E Life
by Heather Ellison
10M ago
I can’t back up a trailer. There I said it. There are a lot of things I can do, and there are a lot of things I don’t feel comfortable doing, but I cannot back up a trailer. I have tried and Husband has tried to teach me but I am unteachable in this. So… this week I had to get a bit out of my comfort zone. The post Out of My Comfort Zone appeared first on The Circle E Life more
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One of Those Days
The Circle E Life
by Heather Ellison
11M ago
Have you ever just had one of those days? One where you just want to go back to bed and start over tomorrow? Or a day where whatever you’re doing, no matter how you do it, how you say it or how you try to look at it, nothing just seems to be right, go right or work right? The post One of Those Days appeared first on The Circle E Life more
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No One Like Him
The Circle E Life
by Heather Ellison
11M ago
That little bull calf is so cute but he is so different from any other on the farm. He is almost speckled in his color pattern. There is not another calf like him, and likely never will be again. We have never had anything like him and probably couldn’t even breed the same way and get the same results. He is unique. The post No One Like Him appeared first on The Circle E Life more
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The Circle E Life
by Heather Ellison
1y ago
I really enjoy riding through the cattle and looking at all of the new calves. Watching them grow is so much fun! But I really love it when I can tell exactly who the calf belongs to because they look just like their mother! They are little copies, little look-a-likes. The post Look-A-Likes appeared first on The Circle E Life more
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Without Reason
The Circle E Life
by Heather Ellison
1y ago
Many have tried to live without Jesus and many are still trying to live without reason. Do you have a Christmas tree in your home? Are there lights hanging on or inside your house? Will you give and receive gifts on or around December 25th? Is there a party that you will attend this month … The post Without Reason appeared first on The Circle E Life more
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And This Will Be a Sign to You
The Circle E Life
by Heather Ellison
1y ago
We spent some time out in the Midwest before Thanksgiving and one evening we saw some strange lights in the sky! It was very unusual to us, so it was very exciting, and even a little concerning. Everyone else, that lives around there, was not surprised because they had seen the lights before. The lights belong to a particular satellite company that brings rural areas internet service. The post And This Will Be a Sign to You appeared first on The Circle E Life more
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