BusinessAnalysisHub Blog
Business analysis can be a pretty tricky discipline to define because a BA's role can change drastically from business to business. The bottom line is, we're here to help you understand your business and your customers so you can provide the best possible service.
BusinessAnalysisHub Blog
1y ago
In today's digital age, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer for businesses worldwide. It's no longer a question of if AI will transform your business, but rather how. Creating a robust AI strategy is pivotal in harnessing the power of this technology to drive innovation, efficiency, and growth.
In this guide, we'll go over the fundamentals of developing an AI strategy for your business and provide actionable steps to get started. We'll also cover best practices you should keep in mind when crafting a successful strategy.
An Overview of AI Strategies
An AI strategy is a ..read more
BusinessAnalysisHub Blog
2y ago
We’re sure you’ve heard the term Business Analysis many times, within different situations, but what does it really entail? What is its importance and why is it a research discipline in itself?
Here at the Business Analysis Hub we untangle your business, with insight at the heart of this. We get to know you and the people that use your service and take the guesswork out of creating something your customers will love! That means no longer taking a punt and hoping for the best.
So, what is Business Analysis? In its simplest form, it is gaining insight from specific data using predetermined tech ..read more
BusinessAnalysisHub Blog
3y ago
In a year like no other, myself and students across the country have had to adapt to the switch from face-to-face teaching to online teaching. As a post-graduate student at the University of Sheffield, since September I haven’t set foot inside a lecture hall, seminar room or been able to talk to my tutors face-to-face. Universities quickly had to produce a brand new service for their students, trying to deliver learning materials and support as similar as possible to that which students received before the pandemic. To get this new service running as smoothly and successfully as possible, it ..read more
BusinessAnalysisHub Blog
3y ago
As someone who has just taken their first role at a company which specialises in service design, I have had to quickly learn what service design is, and how it is implemented. Therefore, I’m writing this blog to document what I have learnt about the process, and to provide others in the same position with an answer to the question that I started off with: what is service design?
Service design involves understanding the experience of users, employees’ and anyone else who may be affected by a service process and ensuring that the process fits the needs and requirements of each person. Therefor ..read more
BusinessAnalysisHub Blog
3y ago
So let’s get straight into it, when wanting to find the success of a product there are so many factors to explore. Can the four elements from the RACE theory define the success of a product? We think so.
RACE is a common method used within digital marketing using metrics to define the success of a campaign. It’s assumed that anybody can take these four elements and provide evidence to demonstrate if the product has been successful or not.
Let’s say we have a product we want to release, we can only do so much research beforehand to define its success. Gut instinct can make us believe it will a ..read more
BusinessAnalysisHub Blog
3y ago
First of all, let’s get this out of the way. Gamestorming is not new. Gamestorming is a collection of ‘games’ put together under the banner of ‘gamestorming’. As a business analyst (BA) I can assure you there will be many games in the book and on the website, that you have used in your role under different guises.
Dave Gray (co-author of ‘gamestorming’) put it best when he described himself and his fellow authors as the Grimms brothers. The Grimms brothers, if you are not familiar with them- they brought together different fairy tales and published them in a book.
Both Amy and I h ..read more
BusinessAnalysisHub Blog
3y ago
Business analysts are meant to be good at facilitating, it’s meant to be one of our key skills. However, speaking to many of the BAs in my network, facilitation is the one area that they feel that they can do more. I guess, one of the difficulties with facilitation is that you don’t always end up with a tangible outcome. This then makes it harder to determine the value in what you have achieved. No, one wants to go a two-hour meeting, where they sit around the desk and discuss the same things over and over again. Often, people state that they find meetings really unproductive and go far as to ..read more
BusinessAnalysisHub Blog
3y ago
I recently wrote a blog about the key 5 blockers that usually slow down or stop people progressing work through their workflow. You can find the blog here:, http://www.modernanalyst.com/Resources/Articles/tabid/115/ID/5034/Make-your-work-visible.aspx. In this blog, I am going to focus on the key 3 tools that you can use to help you identify the pain points in your workflow.
One of the key things to identify when working in a visual manner is understanding where your blockers are. It is only when you have identified these blockers, you then able to do something about them. There is no use tryi ..read more
BusinessAnalysisHub Blog
3y ago
Being a business analyst is a multi-faceted role where you are juggling numerous tasks on a daily basis. So, it is not surprising that sometimes it can feel like you can’t tell the wood from the trees. When speaking to a business analyst on a busy project, I am often told that ‘at the end of a working day, I feel like I have achieved nothing’. Even, though we may feel like that but when looking back on the day you will see that you have probably carried out invisible work. Invisible work is a concept that is frowned upon within the agile world but it is something that we are all guilty of doi ..read more
BusinessAnalysisHub Blog
3y ago
Listen up business analysts’ things are about to change in the data protection world. You may have heard chatter around GDPR, but as the deadline get closer- how much do you really know about it and the impact it will have on your organisation? Don’t worry help is at hand, we have created a quick article about GDPR and the impact it will have on you and your organisation.
So, what is GDPR? General Data Protection Regulation will come into force on 25th May 2018- less than three months’ time! GDPR is going to replace the outdated and archaic UK Data Protection Act 1998. GDPR has been ‘designed ..read more