We Play RPGs
We're a group of friends that love table top role playing games and love sharing that experience with you.
We Play RPGs
6d ago
In this bonus episode, Eli and Eric talk about Subversion by Fragging Unicorns. Subversion is a wonderfully designed fantasy cyberpunk game; Eli and Eric talk about the mechanics, lore, art, and of course how Eli is not a fan of the cyberpunk genre but finds this game compelling.
Subversion https://www.fraggingunicorns.com/subversion
Patreon http://www.patreon.com/weplayrpgspodcast
Found Familiar https://foundfamiliar.com/?sca_ref=328423.3lMUXxZtay
Metallic Dice Games https://metallicdicegames.com/ref/2469/
Teepublic http://tee.pub/lic/weplayrpgs
Artwork by Hall Graphics https://www.facebook.c ..read more
We Play RPGs
2w ago
In this episode the Paladin Rangers take down Weylin's forcefield but now they finally have to contend with the man himself.
Patreon http://www.patreon.com/weplayrpgspodcast
Found Familiar https://foundfamiliar.com/?sca_ref=328423.3lMUXxZtay
Metallic Dice Games https://metallicdicegames.com/ref/2469/
Teepublic http://tee.pub/lic/weplayrpgs
Music by Keely Burn https://open.spotify.com/artist/07uvJOX8QCOZQr4vS3ghbg?si=FrYv4MInRtW1JbNgZHURng
Artwork by Hall Graphics https://www.facebook.com/HGraph3
Edited by Vivian https://discord.com/channels/@me/1298325438229385368/1317141960309346314 ..read more
We Play RPGs
1M ago
The Rangers have given their position away by freeing the civilians in the bunkers but now Weylin's forces are stretched thin.
Patreon http://www.patreon.com/weplayrpgspodcast
Found Familiar https://foundfamiliar.com/?sca_ref=328423.3lMUXxZtay
Metallic Dice Games https://metallicdicegames.com/ref/2469/
Teepublic http://tee.pub/lic/weplayrpgs
Music by Keely Burn https://open.spotify.com/artist/07uvJOX8QCOZQr4vS3ghbg?si=FrYv4MInRtW1JbNgZHURng
Artwork by Hall Graphics https://www.facebook.com/HGraph3
Edited by Vivian https://discord.com/channels/@me/1298325438229385368/1317141960309346314 ..read more
We Play RPGs
1M ago
It's the first episode of Ashley and Eli's new show! This show is exclusive to our Patreon but we decided to give you all a little present and let you get a taste ..read more
We Play RPGs
2M ago
The newly minted Paladin Rangers find their way inside the dome surrounding Angel Grove; discovering how desperate things really are on the ground.
Patreon http://www.patreon.com/weplayrpgspodcast
Found Familiar https://foundfamiliar.com/?sca_ref=328423.3lMUXxZtay
Metallic Dice Games https://metallicdicegames.com/ref/2469/
Teepublic http://tee.pub/lic/weplayrpgs
Music by Keely Burn https://open.spotify.com/artist/07uvJOX8QCOZQr4vS3ghbg?si=FrYv4MInRtW1JbNgZHURng
Artwork by Hall Graphics https://www.facebook.com/HGraph3 ..read more
We Play RPGs
2M ago
In this episode the Rangers head off into the Dimension of Magic to reclaim their power by besting trials that will explore the depths of themselves.
Patreon http://www.patreon.com/weplayrpgspodcast
Found Familiar https://foundfamiliar.com/?sca_ref=328423.3lMUXxZtay
Metallic Dice Games https://metallicdicegames.com/ref/2469/
Teepublic http://tee.pub/lic/weplayrpgs
Music by Keely Burn https://open.spotify.com/artist/07uvJOX8QCOZQr4vS3ghbg?si=FrYv4MInRtW1JbNgZHURng
Artwork by Hall Graphics https://www.facebook.com/HGraph3 ..read more
We Play RPGs
3M ago
In this episode, Ruby and Casey help Jayden escape while also rescuing a gaggle of kidnapped scientists. Not all goes as planned however when their first real confrontation with Weylin leaves one of the Mythic Rangers mortally wounded.
Patreon http://www.patreon.com/weplayrpgspodcast
Found Familiar https://foundfamiliar.com/?sca_ref=328423.3lMUXxZtay
Metallic Dice Games https://metallicdicegames.com/ref/2469/
Teepublic http://tee.pub/lic/weplayrpgs
Music by Keely Burn https://open.spotify.com/artist/07uvJOX8QCOZQr4vS3ghbg?si=FrYv4MInRtW1JbNgZHURng
Artwork by Hall Graphics https://www.fac ..read more
We Play RPGs
3M ago
In this episode the Rangers chase down leads to find Jayden while Jayden tries to find a way to escape his cell with a newfound, unexpected ally.
Patreon http://www.patreon.com/weplayrpgspodcast
Found Familiar https://foundfamiliar.com/?sca_ref=328423.3lMUXxZtay
Metallic Dice Games https://metallicdicegames.com/ref/2469/
Teepublic http://tee.pub/lic/weplayrpgs
Music by Keely Burn https://open.spotify.com/artist/07uvJOX8QCOZQr4vS3ghbg?si=FrYv4MInRtW1JbNgZHURng
Artwork by Hall Graphics https://www.facebook.com/HGraph3 ..read more
We Play RPGs
4M ago
In this episode the Power Rangers finally take down Spring Heel Jack, but now Ruby has to deal with her family knowing her secret. Meanwhile, a fun summer day is ruined by imposters.
Patreon http://www.patreon.com/weplayrpgspodcast
Found Familiar https://foundfamiliar.com/?sca_ref=328423.3lMUXxZtay
Metallic Dice Games https://metallicdicegames.com/ref/2469/
Teepublic http://tee.pub/lic/weplayrpgs
Music by Keely Burn https://open.spotify.com/artist/07uvJOX8QCOZQr4vS3ghbg?si=FrYv4MInRtW1JbNgZHURng
Artwork by Hall Graphics https://www.facebook.com/HGraph3 ..read more