Rafting Magazine
In Rafting Magazine's articles, we pull together the best whitewater rafting advice the industry has to offer. If you are looking for rafting gear reviews, training suggestions, or your next whitewater rafting trip you will find it here.
Rafting Magazine
4M ago
In this article, we’re checking out the Sotar Lance Play Boat. After several years in development and getting our hands on several prototypes, we’re stoked to share how this awesome little play boat handles on the water ..read more
Rafting Magazine
5M ago
We’ve all been there where we’re stoked on a piece of gear and it’s literally the best thing ever made…then we tear through the buckle, the zipper rips, or the sole inexplicably falls off on a portage. Basically, everything we use out there is a consumable that is not going to hold up to harsh conditions ..read more
Rafting Magazine
7M ago
Do you really need that sparkly new drysuit, oh or how about a rescue PFD…well do you need a flip line, how about a perimeter line? What do we really need in the outdoors and are you doing a proper risk evaluation? Every time you add a new piece of gear you add a large swath of risks to that gear ..read more
Rafting Magazine
7M ago
If you can’t take care of your own skin, how can you take care of the needs of your guests? This is a question I’ve heard several times in reference to guide professionalism, and honestly there is merit to this statement. The devils in the details as they say and similar to stinking when you show up, being detail oriented about your hygiene goes a long way to establishing trust with a crew. The mark of the superior guide is to anticipate guest needs and have a plan in place beforehand. This includes preventing sunburn on yourself, but also making sure your crew doesn’t get burnt as well. So, l ..read more
Rafting Magazine
7M ago
Physical recovery
A lot of people are still in a gung-ho mindset after an injury though so often times people will overstate their ability to recover from a major injury. Unfortunately our bodies don't often need a gung -ho recovery, but a more tempered approach. Having a clear rehabilitation plan from your doctors can give you a sense of control and purpose when you're adjusting to the reality of an injury. A structured path to recovery is not only super reassuring, but it can keep your mental game strong by showing you where you should be. So, let's talk about how to set realistic expec ..read more
Rafting Magazine
8M ago
Human waste can have a number of negative effects on the environment if it is not properly managed. One of the main concerns is the potential for disease transmission. Human waste can contain a variety of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites, that can cause illnesses if they come into contact with people or animals. So let’s deal with this crap.
Human Waste Impact on the Environment
Incorrectly disposed of human waste can carry a variety of diseases and pathogens, including:
Gastrointestinal illnesses: such as E. coli, Salmonella, and Shigella, which can cause symptoms such ..read more
Rafting Magazine
8M ago
You’re deep in a canyon running a new section of river and you just flipped and you lost all your paddles… Great now what? No paddles means no way to continue down river right? This is a situation I have been in several times and it is basically as close to a trip ending scenario as you can get second to a major injury or losing the boat. Losing an essential piece of equipment in the outdoors is typically associated with some sort of catastrophic failure during the trip. There are a lot of reasons for this including flips, wraps, injuries, improper rigging, weather, etc. So, what do we do when ..read more
Rafting Magazine
8M ago
What does it mean to be good at your job or have good skills in the outdoors? Well, you have to start with being high performance and that high level of performance requires that you achieve mastery over a broad set of skills. Terms are important here’s for this discussion skill mastery a comprehensive and advanced understanding of the skill, shown by the ability to consistently perform tasks related to that skill at a high level. In an outdoor context there are a lot of skills that you need to be proficient at before you can start consistently delivering a high level of performance. Ego and b ..read more
Rafting Magazine
8M ago
Let’s be honest boating is one of the harshest environments you can put rope and webbing through. Boaters often complain that their gear is constantly falling apart and that gear doesn’t last due to the harsh strain we put on our gear. Between the water, microscopic sand, mold, and whatever else is hiding in the water, materials breakdown super quickly. With this in mind we wanted to take a look at how quickly ropes break down and when to retire our ropes.
There are numerous occasions when you might need to put a rope under heavy strain and those situations can be critically important to the s ..read more
Rafting Magazine
8M ago
Some people love being in the outdoors alone and getting to be by themselves with their own thoughts. I am definitely not one of those people. Perhaps it’s the youth camp I went to where they made me walk alone in the dark or perhaps its extreme nature of outdoor sports I practice, but I personally feel that the outdoors is not safe. I see plenty of influencers out there claiming the outdoors is their safe space, but let’s put the fortune cookie philosophy aside for a second and look at the boating side of outdoor sports. Humans are not meant to live in the water, it is not safe for us no matt ..read more