SQL Server 2022 Always On Step by Step Tutorial
Database Administrator
1y ago
In this post, we will discribe how to configure Always On for MS SQL Server Enterprise 2022 with a focus on a two-node cluster. First and foremost, we assume that the server configuration and drive for both nodes are exactly the same, and MS SQL Server 2022 has been installed on both nodes. Additionally, we need to ensure that during the installation process, both the Database Engine Services and SQL Server Replication are checked and installed without any errors. Let's describe the details step by step as follows: Step 1: Change MS SQL Server service account to Administrator following below s ..read more
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SQL Server Architecture: An In-Depth Analysis
Database Administrator
1y ago
Microsoft SQL Server follows a client-server database architecture, where the SQL Server process initiates when a client sends a request to the server. The SQL Server then processes the request and, finally, responds to the client with the results of the processed data or any relevant information. There are three main components of MS SQL Server, and let's explain the each component in detail. 1. SQL Server Network Interface (Protocol Layer) 2. Relational Engine 3. Storage Engine  1. SQL Server Network Interface (SNI) Layer It is referred to as the SQL Server Network Inte ..read more
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Oracle Database Upgrade 12c to 19c with Physical Standby Database Using DBUA
Database Administrator
2y ago
In this article, we show the procedure to upgrade the oracle database 12c to 19c with the physical standby database using DBUA. Standby physical database will be upgraded through redo applying from the primary database and there is no need to rebuild the physical standby database after upgrading the primary database. Upgrade procedure details are as follows. Primary & Standby Database Activities: Step 1: Install oracle software only in both the primary & standby database server Create a new database home for both primary and standby databases. Unzip the database into the new 19c home ..read more
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Step by Step Installation of Oracle RAC 19c on Linux
Database Administrator
2y ago
The server hardware checklist for Oracle 19c grid infrastructure installation will be briefly discussed in this post. In addition, we describe the system parameters of the operating systems and packages for oracle 19c grid infrastructure. After we create a disk group and then install grid infrastructure. Finally, we'll demonstrate how to install the Oracle 19c grid infrastructure and configure the server. This article will help you through installing Oracle 19c RAC on the Linux platform. Table of Contents 1. Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation Server Hardware Checklist. 2. Configuring Ser ..read more
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Install Oracle 19c Grid Infrastructure on AIX Step by Step Tutorial
Database Administrator
2y ago
In this article, we are going to briefly describe the step to installing oracle 19c grid infrastructure on the AIX  server.  Step 1: Checking Server Hardware and Memory Configuration 1. To determine physical RAM size on the server: # /usr/sbin/lsattr -E -l sys0 -a realmem 2. To determine the available RAM and swap space # /usr/sbin/lsps -s 3. To determine the size of the configured swap space: # /usr/sbin/lsps -a 4. Determine the amount of space available in the /tmp directory # df -m /tmp If the free space available in the /tmp directory is less than what is required, then complet ..read more
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How to Enable Flashback in Oracle 19c Database?
Database Administrator
3y ago
@ What is Flashback Database? Use the FLASHBACK DATABASE command to rewind the database to a target time, SCN or log sequence number. FLASHBACK DATABASE is usually much faster than a RESTORE operation followed by point-in-time recovery, because the time needed to perform FLASHBACK DATABASE depends on the number of changes made to the database since the desired flashback time. On the other hand, the time needed to do a traditional point-in-time recovery from restored backups depends on the size of the database. You cannot use FLASHBACK DATABASE to return to a point in time before the restore o ..read more
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How to Create MySQL Full and Incremental Backup Step by Step Tutorial
Database Administrator
3y ago
How to Create MySQL Full and Incremental Backup Step by Step Tutorial | dbatutorial In this article we are going to discuss how to take mysql full bakup using mysqldump as well as we will learn how to create mysql incremental backup using binary logs. How to run mysql incremental backup using binary log steps are given below. Step 1: Check whether binary log is enabled or disabled using below command.  mysql> show variables like '%log_bin%'; If the value of log_bin is ON, it means binary log already enable so go to the step 2. If log_bin value is OFF it means binary log is d ..read more
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How to Create MySQL Full and Incremental Backup Step by Step Tutorial
Database Administrator
3y ago
In this article we are going to learn how to take mysql full bakup using mysqldump as well as we learn how to create mysql incremental backup using binary logs.  Step 1: Check whether binary log is enabled or disabled using below command.  mysql> show variables like '%log_bin%'; If the value of log_bin is ON, it means binary log already enable so go to the step 2. If log_bin value is OFF it means binary log is disabled so enable binary log that steps are as follow. i. Find the mysql configuration (my.cnf) file. It location in linux server is /etc/my.cnf. ii. Edit the file an ..read more
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MySQL Installation on Linux 7 step by step tutorial
Database Administrator
3y ago
In this article will help one to learn how to Install MySQL on Linux Using the MySQL Yum Repository. The MySQL Yum repository for Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, and Fedora provides RPM packages for installing the MySQL server. Steps for a Fresh Installation of MySQL as below. Step 1: Adding the MySQL Yum Repository i. Go to the Download MySQL Yum Repository page (https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/repo/yum/) in the MySQL Developer Zone. ii. select and download the release package for your platform. iii. Install the downloaded release package with the following command, replacing ..read more
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Apply patch on oracle 19c database Release Update
Database Administrator
3y ago
In this article, we will discuss how to apply the latest release update patch on oracle 19c database. We are going to show July 2021 release update patch apply steps for single instance database. Patch installation steps divide into three sections 1. Pre-installation  2. Installation 3. Post Installation Step 1: Pre-installation  Before apply patch highly recommended to take backup oracle home binaries and central inventory . Take oracle home backup as following  # cd /u01/oracle/product/19.0.0 (oracle home location) # tar -pcvf /backup/oracle_home_bkup_07092021 ..read more
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