Episode 124 - Lining
Hold the Line
by Jo Laurens
22h ago
In this episode, I talk about the skill and concept which is 'lining'. I introduce my new course (creatively called 'Lining') - which you can get a discount on using code Lining30  ..read more
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Episode 123 - force-free gundog training isn't about training 'gundog skills'
Hold the Line
by Jo Laurens
2w ago
Why we need to ensure a split doesn't develop (hopefully this intrigues you enough to listen to more ..read more
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Episode 122 - What to train puppies to do - and when
Hold the Line
by Jo Laurens
1M ago
This episode is not necessarily going to provide the structure some of you really want - because I don't think that's helpful, for puppies. But it will give you some broad pointers...  ..read more
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Episode 121 - canine brucellosis, recalls, steadiness to flush and more
Hold the Line
by Jo Laurens
2M ago
This is a slightly jam-packed episode which leaps around various different subjects ..read more
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Episode 120 - my dog has developed a phobia around competing and around birds
Hold the Line
by Jo Laurens
2M ago
In this episode, I respond to an email from a listener about a dog which became worried about specific (unknown) elements of competition ..read more
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Episode 117 - what is going on with the cost of vet care and insurance?
Hold the Line
by Jo Laurens
2M ago
Roche just cut her foreleg on (we think) barbed wire. The quote for sedation and stitching was astronomical. I ramble about what is going on, systemically, and about various societal factors from poverty to capitalism in a failed attempt to make sense of any of this...  ..read more
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Episode 116 - help, my dog won't pick game!
Hold the Line
by Jo Laurens
2M ago
In this episode, I talk about how to help dogs make the transition to picking up game ..read more
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Episode 96 - in 15mins 'my dog won't deliver to hand'
Hold the Line
by Jo Laurens
2M ago
For more help on this subject, see podcast episodes: 10, 11, 13, 14, 19, 23, 26 For an online course, see the Clicker Retrieve course ..read more
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Episode 95 - in 15mins 'my dog chases game'
Hold the Line
by Jo Laurens
2M ago
For more help on this subject, see podcast episodes: 5, 23, 49, 51, 57, 58, 62, 76, 87, 89 And check out my online courses: Remote Stop Steady In brief: Build an alternative reinforcer Teach the dog to recall off game before stopping/sitting Teach the dog to stop/sit to flush Teach the dog that access to the game is contingent on their response to you (if they respond, they may get it) Implement prevention (by itself this won't work without also teaching the dog what to do ..read more
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Episode 90 - behind the scenes of training and water deliveries
Hold the Line
by Jo Laurens
2M ago
I cover a few bits and pieces related not to training itself (how to train a specific behaviour) but how to conceive of various training-related issues in a broader way. Does that sound vague? Well, you'll just have to give it a go. PS I also cover water deliveries ..read more
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