How to build trust
Slow Selling
by Guy Arnold
2w ago
Trust is one of the most valuable currencies among humans. Without it you can’t build better relationships with anyone. Trust is a bilateral relationship. Trust is why people get married. Trust is the reason you pay for expensive services knowing that you will get good value for your money. “There are two dimensions to how people make trust decisions. There is a preconscious, automatic decision to trust. And then there is a conscious, slow decision to trust,” says Robert Hurley, a professor of management at Fordham University and the author of The Decision to Trust. No matter what you want to more
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7 small and easy morning tips for a successful day
Slow Selling
by Guy Arnold
1M ago
There’s a significant difference between just getting through your morning and truly beginning your day with purpose. That difference? It boils down to habits. Successful people realize that effective morning habits set the tone for the rest of their day, even when they’re battling fatigue. These rituals aren’t just about getting up early or chugging coffee. It’s about starting the day with intention and carving out time for things that matter most. In this article, I’ll share 7 tiny morning habits that you can do every morning, even when you’re tired because they’re so small and easy to do. 1 more
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How to say ‘no’ when you don’t feel confident
Slow Selling
by Guy Arnold
2M ago
One of the most common issues I hear from people when I’m coaching them is: ‘I’d like to say ‘no’ more, but I don’t feel confident to do it’. So here’s a brief set of guidelines to help you say ‘no’… At the right time For the right reasons In the right way Why do people say ‘yes’ when they really want to say ‘no’? For many people, saying no is packed with guilt. Maybe you’re afraid of disappointing someone. Maybe you’re anxious to turn down your boss.  Or maybe you’re a people pleaser. For most of us, the inability to say no stems from childhood. ‘Children should be seen more
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The 8th habit
Slow Selling
by Guy Arnold
4M ago
As some of you may know, I’m a huge fan of ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’. I try to live it every day. And I teach and coach it to others. A few years after ‘The 7 Habits’ was published (and became the best selling self-development book of all time), Dr Covey published a follow-up book called ‘The 8th Habit’. The eighth habit is “Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs.”  Voice is Covey’s code for “unique personal significance.” Those who inspire others to find theirs are the leaders needed now and for the future, according to Covey. And, while this is very noble, I s more
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The 4 most important questions any business owner can and must ask … continually
Slow Selling
by Guy Arnold
5M ago
It’s a scandal. Over 60% of small businesses fail within 3 years. And that rises to 80% in 10 years. I can’t begin to imagine the pain and loss to all these people, their employees and their families. Indeed, it’s happened to me. And the real tragedy is that most of this is avoidable. There are just 4 things every business owner needs to continually ask (and find questions to) that will almost certainly guarantee success. Yet so few people know them. And even less apply them. It’s even more tragic, in that these 4 questions are timeless, universal, common sense. I won’t waste your time with lo more
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Most business owners ask the wrong questions
Slow Selling
by Guy Arnold
7M ago
In our blog last month, we talked about ‘Success’ measures (outcomes) vs ‘Activity’ measures (Causes of outcomes). And we agreed that, in order to be consistently successful, small business owners needed to make sure they had some good ‘Activity’ measures in place that they used rigorously. This month, all I am going to do is suggest that most business owners ask the wrong questions … and therefore put the wrong solutions into place … and suggest some better questions for them to consider. This is just a simple set of ideas, but, if you follow the thinking and then apply it to everything you d more
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Success comes after activity
Slow Selling
by Guy Arnold
8M ago
Most business owners ask the wrong questions We all want success – in our business and in our other lives. And success is easy to measure: how many customers, how many sales, what level of profits etc But, interesting and helpful though these figures are, they don’t help us do the right things to create success! And small businesses need to focus on these things rigorously, as this is the only way they can outperform bigger and better funded competitors. For example: Focusing on the number of customers doesn’t help us focus on investing in customer loyalty. Focusing on sales usually hinders u more
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How to overcome adversity
Slow Selling
by Guy Arnold
10M ago
As we know, our beliefs dictate our actions, through our emotions. One of the key problems with ‘speedy selling’ is that ‘It’s tough out there’ and ‘You have to fight to win’. This kind of adversity belief will produce panic, and you’ll end up back into the old, ineffective ‘speedy selling’ actions of the past. So, in order to ease yourself out of the old scarcity belief, it’s a good idea to learn simple step by step actions to take, to make the journey slowly. Here are some pointers: Know your offer REALLY well: who’s it GENUINELY most suitable for, and who’s it not (the 2nd half of this bei more
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How to get a ‘win/win’ with your customers, inch-by-inch
Slow Selling
by Guy Arnold
11M ago
Both you and your customer want the same thing: but it’s super hard to make this happen. The key question is: How can we not only blow the customers’ socks off with our consistent and continually improving customer focus, but also make good profits and grow our business? After all, it’s relatively easy to wow the customer by charging peanuts for a VIP experience … but it’s not sustainable: you need to ensure as well as the customers raving about you and continually coming back for more, you’re also making good profits, growing and innovating. The answer, of course, lies in understanding your c more
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How to say ‘no’ nicely
Slow Selling
by Guy Arnold
1y ago
Specific, graceful words to keep you focused on what matters Do you often feel overwhelmed? Do interruptions steal your time and stop you getting what you want done? Do you wish you could perhaps say ‘no’ more often without causing a problem or falling out with someone. Well, this short blog will be some help to you! The key thing to remember is: To say yes to our top priorities, we must say no to other things. A tiny bit of effort in all directions goes nowhere. Only concentrated effort can create the larger change we seek. Yet we all struggle to say ‘no’, because either we get excited about more
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