The Douglets
We are both full-blood Alaskans, born and raised here, and currently reside in Anchorage. We were blessed with triplets. Now at age three, we've made it through a worldwide pandemic while trying to handle busy life with three toddlers.
The Douglets
1w ago
Today was a Harper day! After battling croup, ear infections and colds over the past few months, we finally scheduled her ear tube procedure, to stop the constant ear infections causing hearing issues. Harper was very excited for it all, unusually so since it’s a medical procedure, and likely because she finally gets her “day ..read more
The Douglets
1M ago
The past six weeks have been full of holiday activities, play dates with friends, and school activities. Staying busy pushes us through the dark, winter season, and helps burn the never ending amount of energy three six-year-olds brings to our household. As the sun sets before four in the afternoon, it seems like that darkness ..read more
The Douglets
1M ago
This past week, only a week before Christmas, Craig trekked across the country for a three night stay at a conference in Texas and we had a four day “girls day.” For the record, this is a terrible time to host a conference for anyone with kids, getting all the things ready before not only ..read more
The Douglets
2M ago
Day two at Disney kicked off with another surprise thanks to Craig, taking his role as a girl dad very seriously and booking a makeover by a local business to transform regular six-year-olds into real princesses! The girls were slow to wake up after such a magical first day, but we managed to convince them ..read more
The Douglets
3M ago
First day of the second half of our trip was spent in the car, driving from Cincinnati down to Atlanta, with three six year olds in tow. For NINE hours in the car, they did so well and better than we expected. The drive was seamless through Lexington with no traffic, speeding south with that ..read more
The Douglets
3M ago
After months of planning- err..who are we kidding that entirely didn’t happen- we headed down south for our first out of state trip with the girls. It happens to also be my first trip out of Alaska since learning triplets were cooking, and I can’t believe that was over six years ago! The household was ..read more
The Douglets
4M ago
The past month and ending to summer flew by. As we enter my favorite season of the year, where the leaves turn to vibrant yellows, oranges, and reds, the air turns crispy- like the perfect bite of an apple- and the blue skies are crystal clear, we plan to spend as much time outside as ..read more
The Douglets
5M ago
It’s been a while since a randomly chaotic, yet hysterical event occurred in the Douglets household. I’m here to inform you that we had a brief stint of that very thing tonight, and of course while Craig is running an errand. Did it involve any kind of mortar? Thankfully no. Was it poop related? Well ..read more
The Douglets
6M ago
Somehow summer is beginning to wrap up and school has started once again. This was our first summer without the kids in some kind of daycare (for the most part) and our first one with grade school aged kids, with all that entails. Everyone says it goes by in a blink -something that I believe ..read more