A place for BIM Programming enthusiastic
2y ago
This is a new edition of DockableWindow post, the previous post is here. In the previous post, we have to register our DockableWindow during zero document stage and after the document loaded, display the window by executing a command button. In this edition, we will register our DockableWindow while Revit® Application is starting/launching and display the window by executing a command button. We will create a Dockable WPF Control hosting a Web Browser and showing twentytwo.space website.
Dockable Window Demo (20s)
The IExternalApplication interface has two abstract methods, OnStartu ..read more
2y ago
Welcome to the thirteenth tutorial of Navisworks® API series, this post is to cover how to automate the Timeliner Tasks from External Data Source, a csv scheduling data file, with primary properties such as .. Start/End Date, TaskType and Attached (SelectionSet) for the Timeliner Simulation.
Timeliner Part-2 Demo
Let’s cook! since we won’t be executing any command in this tutorial, AddInPlugin location is set to None. Interface attribute uses for grouping a collection of plugins which makes the plugin easier to be searched and found by the framework. (figure 1.0)
figure 1.0 –&n ..read more
3y ago
Welcome to the eleventh tutorial of Navisworks® API series, this post is to cover a different type of plugin called “DockPanePlugin“, which can be used to add custom Dockable Panes into the Navisworks GUI system. In this tutorial, we will create a Dockable Pane with a WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) Control to host a Web Browser.
WPF DockablePane Demo
Setting up Navisworks® Add-Ins project in the visual studio, you can follow Creating Navisworks Add-Ins tutorial to set up the project. After setting up the the project add two attributes: Plugin & DockPanePlugin an ..read more
4y ago
Welcome to the ninth tutorial of Navisworks® API series, this post is to cover how to get and set Viewpoint’s camera via JSON AutodeskCommonCamera object and, to zoom the Viewpoint’s camera to the selected ModelItem(s). As usual, we’re going to write an add-ins for this.
Set Camera via AutodeskCommonCamera object
Zoom Selection
Setting up Navisworks® Add-Ins project in the visual studio, you can follow Creating Navisworks Add-Ins tutorial to set up the project. When you are ready, in the Execute method creates two variables, doc and vpoint to store Document a ..read more
4y ago
Welcome to the third tutorial of Revit API series, this post is to cover how to create a Revit Schedule including filter and sorting/grouping. For this, we gonna need to write an ExternalCommand Revit Add-Ins to create a Wall Schedule.
Schedule Creation Demo
You can follow the first part of this tutorial to setup the project. After setting up your project, as shown in figure 1.0, we have to make a BuiltInParameter list for BuiltInParameters; Family and Type, Base Constraint, Area and Length, to add in our Wall schedule as schedule’s fields. (see here how to get BuiltInParameter objec ..read more
4y ago
Welcome to the second tutorial of Revit API series, this post is to cover a new interesting topic called Extensible Storage which allows you to create Schema data structures and attach to any Element in a Revit model. In this tutorial, we will write two ExternalCommand Revit Add-Ins, for creating and getting Schema.
Extensible Storage Demo
You can follow the first part of this tutorial to setup the project. After setting up your project, as shown in figure 1.0, we’ll create two class for our two ExternalCommand add-ins, the first one is for creating a Schema and attach its ..read more
4y ago
Welcome to the first tutorial of Revit API series, this post is to cover creating FilledRegion object and the related objects such as FillPattern, FillPatternElement, FilledRegionType … etc., for this we gonna need to create a Revit’s ExternalCommand Add-Ins.
FillRegionSample – Demo
You can follow the first part of this tutorial to setup the project. After setting up your project, fetch the current Document from ActiveUIDocument. Creating FillPattern in the current document is actually a two-steps, the first step is create the FillPattern object. And then, create as FillPatternElement object i ..read more
4y ago
Welcome to the seventh tutorial of Navisworks® API series, this post will be covered how to transform the selected ModelItems, we will create an add-ins which includes a WPF window for user to interact with transform’s Axis and Value.
As usual, let’s start our project by setting up Navisworks® Add-Ins project in the visual studio, you can follow Creating Navisworks Add-Ins tutorial to set up the project. Whenever you are ready, in the Execute method, create two variables : doc to store the current document and items for the selected ModelItems ..read more
4y ago
Welcome to the seventh tutorial of Navisworks® API series, this post will be covered how to add custom property to the existing category via Navisworks® COM (Component Object Model) API. This tutorial is a continuation of the third tutorial of our Navisworks API series, Navisworks API : COM Interface and Adding Custom Property.
Adding New Property to Existing Category
So, first things first, setting up Navisworks® Add-Ins project in the visual studio, you can follow Creating Navisworks Add-Ins tutorial to set up the project. In the previous tutorial we’ve al ..read more
4y ago
Welcome to the sixth tutorial of Navisworks® API series, this post will be covered how to manipulate Viewpoint’s Camera, we’ll create an add-ins that move and rotate the position of the camera and finally going to save the current Viewpoint.
And this task is Lab-10 exercise from Navisworks® SDK.(figure 1.0)
figure 1.0 – Navisworks® SDK Lab-10 Exercise
So, first things first, setting up Navisworks® Add-Ins project in the visual studio, you can follow Creating Navisworks Add-Ins tutorial to set up the project. When you are ready, in the Execute method creat ..read more